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Author Topic: Why Russian women are so much more popular than Colombian women?  (Read 20898 times)

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Re: Why Russian women are so much more popular than Colombian women?
« Reply #50 on: September 05, 2010, 04:57:58 PM »

    Anyone that uses the term "shopping for a wife" when it comes to the agency thing is just taking the process too seriously,IMHO.While I didn't start  out hell bent on finding me one of dem dar mail order brides I didn't take the approach that the right woman would somehow fall into my lap either(although that would have been nice)It took some time and effort on my part for my wife and I to find each other.I did the agency thing with one thing in mind:meeting women.Agencies are great for that purpose.I took it a step at a time and didn't rush but I didn't take the Zen(or Zon) approach and wait for the universe to deliver me what I wanted.The guys that did this seemed to be living out a fantasy brought on by a mid life crisis or they were sex tourists.

        Getting to know the language and culture is definitely a must IMHO.But one can do that whilst getting to know the women as well.

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Re: Why Russian women are so much more popular than Colombian women?
« Reply #51 on: September 05, 2010, 05:24:10 PM »
I am fascinated by the idea of a "mid-life crisis" - it must be a feminist invention:)   The formal definition is a  period of "self doubt."   My friends American wives love to say that I am having a mid-life crisis.   Nothing I have done in the last three years has been based out of self doubt; everything has been self-affirming.  If that was a "crisis", I wish everyone could be so lucky.

But, the big point here is the use of the term "sexual tourist."  I have spend a good amount of time in the DR and Colombia.  I HAVE SEEN AND MET sexual tourists.  These are guys that want it 5 times a day for 3 - 5 days and then they leave for the next port of call.   Then, there are just normal men - like the men already living in South America - where pu$$y is not put on an alter and worshiped.  Sex is normal like breathing and eating; for women and for men.   So, providing a person is NOT somehow manipulating others with money, or the promise of a better life for sexual consent, a sex tourist he is not.

Just trying to keep the definitions straight
« Last Edit: September 05, 2010, 05:47:26 PM by Zon »

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Re: Why Russian women are so much more popular than Colombian women?
« Reply #52 on: September 05, 2010, 06:19:38 PM »
  Well, Zon if you want to talk definitions.Sex tourism is defined as:

sex tourism. Travel undertaken primarily or exclusively by men from developed countries, usually to third world countries, for the purpose of engaging in sexual activity, often of an extreme, forbidden, or illegal nature.
Most definitions mention the word prostitution.

As far as mid-life crisis, it is a psychological term:

 It was first identified by the psychologist Carl Jung and is a normal part of the maturing process. Unhappiness with life and the lifestyle that may have provided them with happiness for many years.

Every man has his own courage, and is betrayed because he seeks in himself the courage of other persons. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Re: Why Russian women are so much more popular than Colombian women?
« Reply #52 on: September 05, 2010, 06:19:38 PM »

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Re: Why Russian women are so much more popular than Colombian women?
« Reply #53 on: September 05, 2010, 07:19:51 PM »
Definitions are strange things - especially in the hands of itty bitty committee.  Remember the cook outs they used to have in Salem?

I hear the term sex tourist, and that does not USUALLY describe the AM that travel to Colombia - most guys do not travel exclusively for intimacy, especially of the extreme / forbidden nature.  But, I many people are not shy of casting dispersions upon anybody who gets their passport stamped.  So, I like to aggressively push the point.  As I told my former wife  ... the reason is because I am not dead yet.

Mid-life Crisis is more new, and less well understood ...
"Midlife crisis is a term coined in 1965 by Elliott Jaques and used in Western societies to describe a period of dramatic self-doubt that is felt by some individuals in the "middle years" or middle age  of life, as a result of sensing the passing of their own youth and the imminence of their old age. Sometimes, a crisis can be triggered by transitions experienced in these years, such as extramarital affairs, andropause or menopause, the death of parents or other causes of grief, unemployment or underemployment, realizing that a job or career is hated but not knowing how else to earn an equivalent living, or children leaving home. The result may be a desire to make significant changes in core aspects of day-to-day life or situation, such as in career, work-life balance, marriage, romantic relationships, big-ticket expenditures, or physical appearance.

Academic research since the 1980s rejects the notion of midlife crisis as a phase that most adults go through. In one study, fewer than 10% of people in the United States had psychological crises due to their age or aging.[1] Personality type and a history of psychological crisis are believed to predispose some people to this "traditional" midlife crisis.[2] People going through this suffer a variety of symptoms and exhibit a disparate range of behaviors.

Many middle aged adults experience major life events that can cause a period of psychological stress or depression, such as the death of a loved one, or a career setback. However, those events could have happened earlier or later in life, making them a "crisis," but not necessarily a midlife one. In the same study, 15% of middle-aged adults experienced this type of midlife turmoil."

I disagree with the above definition.  I will have more to say about this in upcoming years.

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Re: Why Russian women are so much more popular than Colombian women?
« Reply #54 on: September 05, 2010, 08:01:10 PM »

  Yes, Carl Jung first identified mid-life crisis and Elliot Jaques coined the term.The 80s changed things because pop psychology became a money maker and coming up with new terms and problems became profitable.

  Not every guy that goes out of the country is a sex tourist but they do exist.

  Guys don't have to spend an eternity looking to meet and marry a foreign woman.I took a long time myself but because I wanted to not because I felt it was necessary.There is nothing wrong with wanting to get married and have someone special in one's life.There is certainly nothing wrong with putting forth the effort to find someone.Agencies can help, IMHO. I used them and never felt like I was "shopping for a wife".That term is more ridiculous that "mail order bride".At least with things you "buy" you can get a money back guarantee.


Every man has his own courage, and is betrayed because he seeks in himself the courage of other persons. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Re: Why Russian women are so much more popular than Colombian women?
« Reply #55 on: September 05, 2010, 09:36:09 PM »
     Well Zon, based on all you have written (and perhaps discuss with others) it would be easy to conclude that you are some form of sex tourist, using the ‘cover’ that you need this perfect gal that doesn’t  exist.  Until you find this non-existent gal you bone every girl in sight.  I really don’t have a problem with that because all these gals are adults and they need to be responsible for their own situation.  This may not define you and you may actually need to hyper-analyze these gals for your own sanity, but if you are having problems with people in your social circles thinking you are creepy, I offer this as one possible explanation.   Just being involved in the porn biz overseas, could also be another explanation. 

Put both of those possible explanations together and I think you will find quite a % of people that are going to look at you like you are a creep, even if you are the nicest guy on the planet.


In any event, I wish you good fortune in your travels. There is much we are in agreement over.   

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Re: Why Russian women are so much more popular than Colombian women?
« Reply #56 on: September 05, 2010, 11:45:53 PM »

   While I don't care much for the term "shopping for a wife" I do think it would be a great gameshow.It would fit right in with the new shows I hear will be coming this fall.These shows are supposed to reflect the current situation here in the US."Shopping for a Wife" could come on right after the new gameshow called "Bowling for Foodstamps" scheduled for primetime this fall.
        :D :D :D

Every man has his own courage, and is betrayed because he seeks in himself the courage of other persons. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Re: Why Russian women are so much more popular than Colombian women?
« Reply #57 on: September 06, 2010, 12:52:18 AM »
My above comments centered on the difference between CULTURAL vs. SOCIETAL generalizations.  Men here, many of whom are lucky to get ANY woman's attention  ( just keeping it real guys ), talk and post like shoppers debating between shopping at SEARS versus JC PENNEYS.  In this metaphor, Colombia; Philippines; are all magic places that hold the final fantasy ... the grass always seems greener on the other side of the mountain.  ( Again, my constant message here is that this project takes a real commitment to the culture and language first.  Then, supply of eligible women are not a problem. )

Zon, you are smoking some serious drugs or are you just a jerk who likes to insult?

Your experience screwing hundreds of sluts and porn stars have given you such a magnanimous ego that you now presume you have the authority to make such grandiose and completely erroneous judgments about ALL the men on P-L.

Well, screwing women doesn't make you an expert, and dude, you don't know me!

I monitored this, among other boards, for months before I joined, posted and decided to participate.  Every point you made above is completely false, baseless and without merit.    The only merit that your comments MAY have would apply to the newbie section, but that's about it.

I would dig deeper into your crappy insulting post, but that would give you too much credibility.

Zon, I've read some of your other posts and I can't really figure out why you are here, it's not to help anyone as far as I can see.

I don't need any help in picking up and screwing HOT Latina, Asian, Russian and Black women, etc, dude I've done that, not bragging, so nothing new there.  I'm here to get advice and pointers on building interpersonal and intercultural relationships, specifically with Asian women, hopefully one pinay in particular.

At the same time, I have a wealth of experience with women, which I am willing to share and payback for the invaluable info I get from the forum.

It would be disingenuous for the more knowledgeable and experienced posters here to insult me because I was weak in my knowledge of pinays; offering their help while insulting me for my lack of experience and ignorance.  That would be a sick game of emotional bait and switch.

Zon you have done just this!  

P-L is a peer group of men helping each other.  You post under this premise and then you write:

"Men here, many of whom are lucky to get ANY woman's attention  ( just keeping it real guys )"
"talk and post like shoppers debating between shopping at SEARS versus JC PENNEYS."
"In this metaphor, Colombia; Philippines; are all magic places that hold the final fantasy ... the grass always seems greener on the other side of the mountain."

Whoa!  Zon! Why are you here again?  Your post's "just keeping it real" observations amount to insults of the highest degree;

Also Zon, what forum are you reading?  Maybe I'm missing something here because I don't get the impression the the posters on P-L are total dweebs, losers and "SEARS versus JC PENNEYS's" shoppers at ALL!!  

But, funny thing is, I really don't think YOU have read the P-L posts and think that either!!

I really think that you WANT the forum to seem that way so you can make your merit less arguments and further your agenda, whatever that is!

I try not to get into anyone's posts too deeply because, after all, these are just our opinions.  But the sh*t you posted needs to be addressed for its insults and total lack of merit.

There are guys who need help with relationships, women, etc, that's why the come to P-L.  Other guys come to share and give there assistance.  Some do both.

Once again, Zon, Why are you here?

Whatever the reason, Guys like you, based on your post, should just stay away.

Sin lies only in hurting other people unnecessarily. All other -"sins" are invented nonsense. (Hurting yourself is not sinful-just stupid.) RAH

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Re: Why Russian women are so much more popular than Colombian women?
« Reply #58 on: September 06, 2010, 07:43:42 AM »
Hmmm. This thread has gotten a little bumpy for me.

On the CHARGE of being a Sex Tourist (He is a WITCH); all I should say is BE QUIET.  You are boxing with windmills.  I try to treat all women as a gentleman.  I never manipulate a women in the USA, or anywhere with gifts, or the promises of a better life.  AND, I do not aggressively pursue every pretty woman who gives me a chance.  I am way laid back and very selective.  I am certainly not what some of you presume.

Which brings me to Zulu's point and this board being a "support group" or "booster club."  Wife Shoppers Anonymous? I DON'T THINK SO!

Let me be very clear, I met some GREAT American guys over the last three years outside the US.   They have become some of my best friends in life - They are Successful; Adventurous; Realistic; Intelligent; Life-Time-Learners.   What is the primary characteristic we have in common - "wife hunters"?   I THINK NOT.  We are all guys traveling around the world, enjoying adventure ... and along the way meeting ladies (just like life for men in the US, just with other options).  These men come from all ages, races, and all walks of life.  I know one guy who is in his mid 60's (and looks every day his age) but he has an irresistible personality and makes real friendships easily.  He gracefully met and attracted the hottest women around - HONESTLY.  Most of these guys take care of themselves, and see themselves as others see them.- an accurate self reflection.  They did not manipulate women who have few choices and facing compromised life situations with promises of gifts, wealth, status, of the mystery fill in the blank.

But men like these were in the great minority!  If you are insulted, I do not care.  (you are probably one of the gringos I avoid)

When I live an travel outside the US, I have often been embarrassed by many of my American brethren.  I would guess 7 out of 10 (yep, just keeping it real) C'mon man, there is no other place for a reasonable, level headed man to land on this subject!  William3 writes above - "The GODS from america hop off the plane, start preening their balding heads, and then suck in their guts to fit into their skin tight body shirts. And then go after the hottest girls. They do follow the age difference rule, though. Half your age minus 7. Pssst- its Half your age PLUS 7."  This is an unavoidable balanced impression based upon experience.

I can add to that countless specific examples!  A guy offers to buy a house for a perfect 10 and her family in return for engagement - this is after knowing the woman for only 5 days ...  Another guy hoping off a plane straight to an internet date, and holding out his wealth and conducting a the date like a job interview - marry me and get my rewards.  (Forget the fact that I am a social looser and physically challenged.)  It would make a comedy in how predictable this pattern repeats itself.   I know this sounds like non-sense; but I have actually witness a guy come to Colombia and within 4 days- take a knee, present a ring and propose marriage.  The woman accepts ... and the couple retire to a special room the woman has already decorated with rose pedals.  Two hours later, this guy is calling a friend to be taken to a place where sexual experiences can be bought for 50 bucks.  I met him before, and HE SEEMED SINCERE AND LEVEL HEADED - this could be the same newbie that comes here and some of you would cheer on and say, "Good Job".  IS IT REALLY?   

But, these are only the EXTREME examples! 

It is very common for other American men to follow the advise given on this board and travel to Colombia, or other places, with fantastically RAISED expectations.  "I am in love.  She is so special," they say after only hours and days.    These things are not knowable in 99% of cases until a much greater lapse in time!   I can't tell you how many times I saw a Colombiana with an Americano one weekend; with a Colombiano throughout the week; then a different Americano the following weekend.  To the American Man's mind he just found a "diamond in the ruff" The truth is he found a roughed up diamond.

These are all facts and generally report the proportion of American men travelers.  Similar stories will be told from other honest and sincere guides in other parts of the world.  I have had private meetings with the owners and managers of the world's largest agencies and this is generally the reality of which they would attest.

Now to me personally ...   I am single and available.  But, I AM NOT LONELY, OR SEEKING A WIFE.  (I do not know where this impulse comes from in modern American men! It is not manly)  To be overly motivated to marry is suspicious, and only weakens a man's attraction to women.   I believe that finding a wife is a consequence of other things, like finding a friend first.   And, do not presume to know me!  I currently spend much time traveling.  I have been lucky enough to recently date fashion models and centerfolds - lots of em.  But, for a wife I would definitely prefer a woman who is a 10 on the inside, and 8 on the outside.

I have made some good friends in real life from this board and others.  But making friends is not my purpose.  I get the most utility on traveling tips and reports on news, culture, and living.  There is not much I could learn on this board with regard to Latin women that I have not already experienced first hand more than once.

It is entirely possible for an American Man - or Englishman - to find a beautiful women who will honestly love and honor him.  Colombia is close to America with a bright future.  It is a culture that is easy to love.  Its people are warm and passionate.  Plus, there is a general positive curiosity about gringos.   The dream / fantasy IS POSSIBLE.  But, it is not a transaction, and it is not fast or easy in 99% of the cases that are enduring and true. 
« Last Edit: September 06, 2010, 01:12:44 PM by Zon »

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Re: Why Russian women are so much more popular than Colombian women?
« Reply #59 on: September 06, 2010, 09:15:24 AM »
On the CHARGE of being a Sex Tourist (He is a WITCH); all I should say is BE QUIET.  You are boxing with windmills.  I try to treat all women as a gentlemen.  I never manipulate a women in the USA, or anywhere with gifts, or the promises of a better life.  AND, I do not aggressively pursue every pretty woman who gives me a chance.  I am way laid back and very selective.  I am certainly not what some of you presume.

You mentioned that you were being thought of as creepy within your own social circles. Here is your quote:
And, my comments about the "creepy effect" was LIMITED AND FOCUSED to our contemporary American societal fact.  With the exception of New York City, I have certainly found a "creepy" factor when I am with a women 20 years younger than myself.   It does not come from public, or passers by. It comes from friends and social circles.  that is inescapable living in the USA.  We would be foolish to think this is not so.

 I offered you a couple possible explanations, including some of your ‘friends’ concluding that you are an under cover sex tourist.  You need not explain to me that you aren’t a sex tourist, it may be those ‘friends’ close to you that have made this conclusion. 

Regarding the rest of your points about those ‘dumb gringos that fall in love within days/weeks’.   I’ve run across a few that were socially challenged/unrealistic, because they were a little clueless.   Maybe one of those guys was you last year when you came here giddy about possibly knocking a young girl up and how she was so special.  I guess it turns out she wasn’t knocked up (or all that special) to you.   It seems rather hypocritical of you to broadly condemn the men who decide to put their chips in early, when you yourself have done the same thing in a backwards sort of way. You may have been burned in this situation, but it sometimes works out pretty well for others.

Here is your quote in March last year:
AND, oh yeah ... I had a girl friend since Late January ... and she might be a little "with child."  I will know for sure shortly.  But, frankly, I am 100% happy.  I found myself saying things and planning in that direction ANYWAY - which is unlike me.  She is everything we all look for - plus VERY SMART (English; French; Spanish; and Studying Japanese), comes from a GOOD FAMILY.  these are things that are important to me.  And, SHE LOVES ME.  I am a lucky guy.  I may become luckier still.
I agree that the site is functions best when it is not always a ‘support group’  Let's keep it real here, despite being middle aged you are that 'dumb gringo' with stars in your eyes, just like all those you are so quickly dismissing as being 'unmanly wife shoppers'.  So could that happen to you again?

09/08 saw morena goddess on Jamie's website
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Re: Why Russian women are so much more popular than Colombian women?
« Reply #60 on: September 06, 2010, 10:10:40 AM »
CREEPY Effect #1 - IN THE USA, when dating / married to 20 year age gaps.  Situation A - dating AW 15 - 20 years younger.  The creepiness originates from HER friends and family. Situation B - dating foreign nationals in the USA - really not a problem; PROVIDING one is not out of league and the woman's transition to USA norms will not destroy the man's attractiveness.

CREEPY Effect #2 - Reputation caused by living in Colombia/ dating centerfolds among friend's wives.  It is an issue with many Gringos who have often traveled / own an apartment in Colombia - photos circulate.  My situation was emphasized by a few flings with "stars" - again photos circulate.   Is it any wonder?  Women are protective and jealous.  I would rather have the experience and pay the costs.  I think most men would.

MY PAST Colombian Novias - I did not fall fast, or like a ton of bricks.  Pregnancy turned out to be a hoax.  Learned much ... walk softly and carry a big stick.  Honesty is rare.

AGAIN? despite being middle aged you are that 'dumb gringo' with stars in your eyes, just like all those you are so quickly dismissing as being 'unmanly wife shoppers'.  So could that happen to you again?

I certainly WAS naive
. I was the product of my society - the attention of a pretty young woman is worth your right arm.  I AM NOT ANY LONGER.  I think we can all be man enough to admit that female physical beauty plays a BIG part in the initial motivation.  People value that which comes by difficult means, or is otherwise denied to them.  But, after one is able to date sexy, young, and beautiful women, it is normal for one to be reminded of the importance of non-physical character traits. (however some guys just get lost in endlessly dating - not bad and seems to work for them)  It is normal, as a consequence of such experience, to become more balanced in one's motivation with women.  I hope that explains my recent past.   Could this happen to me again?   I am a different person now as a result of my experience.  I am sure mistakes will be a part of my future as they have been a part of my past.  Hopefully, however, they will be different mistakes. 

SO GUYS, we have covered ME sufficiently here.  I have tried to accommodate and answer to the degree necessary.  I do not require that everyone be my friend, fan, or agree with everything I say.  I am just a contributor that reads and posts from time to time. 

MY ADVISE: MY BOTTOM LINE - There is much hype.  Be Careful. It is important for a man to be sober; understand the culture; be able to have honest communication (no translator); and be unattached to the short term outcomes when meeting women for serious consideration.    It is important to honestly evaluate oneself.  That is to see oneself as others see him.  It is important to minimally predict how a possible relationship would change with a immigrant wife (what is NORMAL in Colombia, may well be "creepy" in the USA).  Lastly, lies and deception are normal - don't be surprised.  I found that it took much time to develop sincere and real relationship (90 days plus).

« Last Edit: September 06, 2010, 01:52:46 PM by Zon »

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Re: Why Russian women are so much more popular than Colombian women?
« Reply #61 on: September 06, 2010, 12:58:45 PM »
I understand what Zon is saying about creepiness. 

Nazly and I are 13 years apart, and there are some women that look down on this.  Not necesarily only for the age difference, but because I have a young and beautiful new wife ... and this can be pretty threatening to some women.

In fairness though, I have to say that some women have been very positive ... at least to my face ...  ;)

I don't really care too much about the opinions of people I don't know, but I do worry that when Nazly is here some of the hens that she may meet or work with may look down on her, or ask pointed questions about why she's with a guy so much older than herself.

It's undoubtedly something we'll have to deal with at some point ...
Hablo espanolo mucho bieno!

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Re: Why Russian women are so much more popular than Colombian women?
« Reply #62 on: September 06, 2010, 03:27:10 PM »
Which brings me to Zulu's point and this board being a "support group" or "booster club."  Wife Shoppers Anonymous? I DON'T THINK SO!

Zon, what are you talking about?  Really?

You are very condescending and your sarcasm and disdain for P-L is quite apparent in every word that you write.  

Zon, You have a complete and profound contempt for EVERYONE here (P-L) and it shows.

It is very common for other American men to follow the advise given on this board and travel to Colombia, or other places, with fantastically RAISED expectations.  "I am in love.  She is so special," they say after only hours and days.    

This statement is completely without merit, period.  

You argue that P-L is just a board that sells fantasy and hog wash to starry eyed American men!  Not true!  

Zon, what advice or information, from the P-L posts, were you referring too exactly?  

I'd like to see you back this statement up with a specific post(s) where the P-L posts are sending off unwary Americans to foreign countries with "with fantastically RAISED expectations."

I specifically joined P-L because after my review of the forum and the archives, because, I found this NOT to be the case!

As I said earlier, you have some unspoken agenda that your post(s) satisfies.

Zon, what is your agenda?

Sin lies only in hurting other people unnecessarily. All other -"sins" are invented nonsense. (Hurting yourself is not sinful-just stupid.) RAH

Re: Why Russian women are so much more popular than Colombian women?
« Reply #62 on: September 06, 2010, 03:27:10 PM »

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Re: Why Russian women are so much more popular than Colombian women?
« Reply #63 on: September 06, 2010, 04:02:24 PM »
I get what Zon is saying about heading out with the single minded purpose of finding wife nirvana in some place (other than where you are) as well. I spent a lot of time traveling in my single days, spoke three languages, and knew the kinds of cultures. I dated women in four continents, being very particular about who, if anyone, would ever become Mrs. S. I had no timetable, nor any set of specifications for a wife and had no particular angst about remaining single all my life. I never traveled to Japan to find a wife, but once I met my wife, did travel there exclusively to spend time with her.

On the other hand Zon, lots of guys do want to be married, lots do want to raise a family, and many do not have the finances, circumstances, or frankly, the desire to go globe trotting like we have been able to. They find themselves out of the age range the single dating pool here in the US is interested in. All too often the divorced pool is way too scary to even consider too. It's not that these guys are incapable of finding compatible mates, and yeah maybe their waists are getting fatter and their hair thinner. It happens to great guys as much as to jerks.

OK, so some head off to Thailand, DR, and Colombia just to prove to themselves that they still "got it." The feminists and media in the US constantly emasculate men saying that real men are irrelevant and moronic, so when a sweet young exotic thing in the third world tells them that they are still virile men, it is of some comfort. Colombia has that reputation as well, so plenty of jerks can be seen in the bars of Cali doing exactly that. The same group can be found in the bars of Angles City in the Philippines.

Many, however, do not need to prove their manhood, and want to find a real partner in life. Their option is to pick a country and head there looking for someone who'll treat them like a man, and be that life partner. Plenty here travel to the Philippines and do not go Angels City bar hopping, and travel to Colombia and aren't out trying to pick up "quality women" in bars, too.

Look at it this way, there are plenty of sweet, wonderful women out there who want to have nothing to do with men who "got game," just as much as there are plenty of guys who don't "got game" looking for sweet women. I say let the game players of both genders play their games, while the rest of us get on with life.

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Re: Why Russian women are so much more popular than Colombian women?
« Reply #64 on: September 06, 2010, 04:27:44 PM »
I have tried to be very clear in my blabbering today.  Jeff S has presented an effective balance.  I accept that there are men that want to fast track the courting process with the best of intentions.  You are right.  I have met some of these guys too.

I realize that I have written comments, albeit grounded in truth and generalizations, that I wish I WOULD HAVE READ AND BELIEVED when I started out.   My individual situation is unique as everyone's should be.

I have no contempt for this board, or any particular member (but Zulu is beginning to get on my radar screen - just messin with you.)   I have just tried to give the critical assessment of AM; CW; and the challenges that I saw and had to negotiate.  I saw many train wrecks and few fairy tales realized.  Such is life.

Certainly there is no easy Step by Step Guide.   

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Re: Why Russian women are so much more popular than Colombian women?
« Reply #65 on: September 06, 2010, 06:01:22 PM »
Well zon many of your points I happen to agree with.  Sometimes the manner in which you deliver your redundant message is a little tough to read without commenting.  I’m not reading about these ‘wife shoppers’ on the site and I’m not seeing that practice encouraged, so it is odd that you are writing about it as if it is a common.  That being said, under some circumstances I think it is just fine to ask a woman to marry relatively quickly.  A man may know that is more risky, but sometimes due to circumstances that is the only way it is going to happen, so in those conditions I’d say “Go for it”. 

BTW: Remember you were quite a middle aged greenhorn (accidental 'wife shopper') :D yourself not too long ago.

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Re: Why Russian women are so much more popular than Colombian women?
« Reply #66 on: September 06, 2010, 06:37:47 PM »

I will work on being less condescending ( I thought those that did not belong in my negative generalizations would omit themselves.  I thought those with whom my comments did not apply would be less sensitive.  And, I thought those that read my words and felt warm in the face, would do a better job at behaving correctly) I realized today that I was reliving past experiences and not giving the benefit of the doubt to others. Lo siento (But I have seen some pretty revolting behavior).

Remember you were quite a middle aged greenhorn (accidental 'wife shopper') Cheesy yourself not too long ago

YES, I remember, FatherTime.  And this gets us back on track with the original topic of the thread -

She changed my life, and I never even found out if she was real!  Her name was Nadia, and she lived in Ukraine (maybe).  I loved the IDEA of her more than any real women I have met since.  Then, there was Katrina of Omsk, Russia.  I REALLY was willing to be a green horn for her - even though I knew better.  But, I did require web cam - so I could match the lady with the voice - before I really jumped off a cliff; then, one excuse lead to another ... I fear I had romantic thoughts with fat Yuri. Both of these IDEAS of women produced a drug in me that made me a stupid puppy.  I prefer Latainas!  In these relationships: a, I make them real; b, it is THEY that are crazy, not ME.
« Last Edit: September 06, 2010, 07:21:49 PM by Zon »

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Re: Why Russian women are so much more popular than Colombian women?
« Reply #67 on: September 06, 2010, 07:48:16 PM »

I will work on being less condescending ( I thought those that did not belong in my negative generalizations would omit themselves.  I thought those with whom my comments did not apply would be less sensitive.  And, I thought those that read my words and felt warm in the face, would do a better job at behaving correctly) I realized today that I was reliving past experiences and not giving the benefit of the doubt to others. Lo siento (But I have seen some pretty revolting behavior).

Remember you were quite a middle aged greenhorn (accidental 'wife shopper') Cheesy yourself not too long ago

YES, I remember, FatherTime.  And this gets us back on track with the original topic of the thread -

She changed my life, and I never even found out if she was real!  Her name was Nadia, and she lived in Ukraine (maybe).  I loved the IDEA of her more than any real women I have met since.  Then, there was Katrina of Omsk, Russia.  I REALLY was willing to be a green horn for her - even though I knew better.  But, I did require web cam - so I could match the lady with the voice - before I really jumped off a cliff; then, one excuse lead to another ... I fear I had romantic thoughts with fat Yuri. Both of these IDEAS of women produced a drug in me that made me a stupid puppy.  I prefer Latainas!  In these relationships: a, I make them real; b, it is THEY that are crazy, not ME.
hey zon!

most of us have had experienced a little money extraction from a 'yuri' or 'sergio' pretending to be a woman.  I would think that most people would learn pretty quickly that you gotta at least see them via webcam before getting too wrapped up in what they say and letting your feelings run away from you.
  I think what you wrote will probably apply to most of the married men as well as the many of the men married went through quite a few women/situations, before finding their treasure.  something about the way your comments came across to me, compelled me to challenge the posts a bit, but now that you have humanized yourself in this last post I think it will make all your posts on this thread a little more powerful, which i think is good for others still working through the process.
anywhoo, what country are you trying next?  I think you should go to Angola Africa and start an agency there.
09/08 saw morena goddess on Jamie's website
09/08Began writing/webcamming future wife
10/08Visited BAQ to meet future wife
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Re: Why Russian women are so much more popular than Colombian women?
« Reply #68 on: September 06, 2010, 10:22:41 PM »

       I travelled quite a bit myself and spent alot of time in agencies. I met many guys that were looking to get married along with the occasional "sport daters".These sport daters came across as sex tourists but I never knew for sure.One thing that was sure that these guys had no clue about what they really wanted.Instead they were dating for the sake of being with women that they had no chance with in the US as if to fill in that void left of not being popular in high school.Among the serious guys the "sport daters" were considered a joke.If they were just there to date then why go outside the US if they were such chick magnets? Maybe they were suffering a midlife crisis?

     Myself? I started relatively young so time was on my side, no need to hurry.I knew I was quite "green" and wanted to see what it was all about.When my wife and I found each other(she must have been husband shopping) I did take the time to get to know her but I didn't drag it out either.I went with my gut.When I was comfortable with the decision I asked her to marry me.

    Yes, there are guys out there that rush into marriage. I would advise against it but every guy decides how much risk he wants to take.

Every man has his own courage, and is betrayed because he seeks in himself the courage of other persons. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Re: Why Russian women are so much more popular than Colombian women?
« Reply #69 on: September 06, 2010, 10:34:15 PM »

    As far as "creepiness" nothing is more creepy to me than being with a woman my age or older.For the most part I have always been with younger women.It seems that everyone here in the US expects everyone to be with someone their own age.Why would I want to be with some old broad? Age difference doesn't seem to be a problem in other countries.I like that.

Every man has his own courage, and is betrayed because he seeks in himself the courage of other persons. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Re: Why Russian women are so much more popular than Colombian women?
« Reply #70 on: September 06, 2010, 11:43:50 PM »

    As far as "creepiness" nothing is more creepy to me than being with a woman my age or older.


CREEPY! I just saw some of my former female classmates and friends on face book. If that was my only choice I would rather be single! Man am I that old and fat? No age like Single Malt Scotch and vintage cars.  ;D


« Last Edit: September 06, 2010, 11:46:38 PM by Dave H »
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Re: Why Russian women are so much more popular than Colombian women?
« Reply #71 on: September 06, 2010, 11:51:38 PM »

   LOL! Dave, and most women age like milk! :D :D

Every man has his own courage, and is betrayed because he seeks in himself the courage of other persons. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Re: Why Russian women are so much more popular than Colombian women?
« Reply #72 on: September 07, 2010, 12:36:20 AM »

I will work on being less condescending ( I thought those that did not belong in my negative generalizations would omit themselves.  I thought those with whom my comments did not apply would be less sensitive.  And, I thought those that read my words and felt warm in the face, would do a better job at behaving correctly) I realized today that I was reliving past experiences and not giving the benefit of the doubt to others. Lo siento (But I have seen some pretty revolting behavior).

Zon, Fair Enough!

Well written and balanced post!!

Sin lies only in hurting other people unnecessarily. All other -"sins" are invented nonsense. (Hurting yourself is not sinful-just stupid.) RAH

Re: Why Russian women are so much more popular than Colombian women?
« Reply #72 on: September 07, 2010, 12:36:20 AM »

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Re: Why Russian women are so much more popular than Colombian women?
« Reply #73 on: September 07, 2010, 02:17:39 AM »

Many, however, do not need to prove their manhood, and want to find a real partner in life.

Hey Jeff,

It reminds me of my many years attending Hispanic parties in Miami. The men were always grouped together bragging about all of the "shicks" they were shagging and other "macho" things. The Latinas were on the opposite side or in another room. Some were talking with "the Gringo" who was sitting with them or asking him to dance.  ::) Except when they had to go serve their husbands food. Many ladies told me that they would never marry another Latino if they ever got remarried! But, most never left their husbands...even when confronted with the knowledge that he had mistresses and often children outside of wedlock.

"Gringo" Dave
« Last Edit: September 07, 2010, 02:28:16 AM by Dave H »
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Re: Why Russian women are so much more popular than Colombian women?
« Reply #74 on: September 07, 2010, 05:14:13 AM »
CREEPY! I just saw some of my former female classmates and friends on face book. If that was my only choice I would rather be single! 


Amen Dave. Wow some of the really cute girls I went to HS with are downright scary now.


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