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Author Topic: Preparation for Fiancee Visa Interview.  (Read 1629 times)

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Offline Alabamaboy!

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Preparation for Fiancee Visa Interview.
« on: April 15, 2010, 01:53:36 PM »
My fiancee has submitted the DS 2100 form indicating she is ready to have the interview scheduled at Bogota.

I will be mailing out the Affadavit of support paperwork, some more photos of us together, phone call logs of all the calls made between us, and some more travel information such as receipts, ticket stubs, recent copies of my passport pages to show recent travel which was not included in the original application packet, etc.

What are some other things that any of you guys can think of I can put in with the package I will be sending out tomorrow that might help us in the interview?  How many photos did you guys take? I think I included like 22 photos in the original application packet. And have like 20 more now. Is that sufficient?

Any "trick" questions that we should prepare for?

I am not going to the interview because I want to go there when she actually has her visa so we can pack her things and travel here to the States together.


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Re: Preparation for Fiancee Visa Interview.
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2010, 02:22:10 PM »
They like to see letters and cards in original envelopes with readable postmarks. She should screen letters for any incriminating stuff. Mushy love letters are good!

I would have her bring tons of photos if she has them. She can put them in a photo album. If she has photos of your family, pets, home, hometown, etc., then that would help.

Correspondence with future in-laws/family members is good evidence.

All evidence of valid relationship should ideally cover the entire time of your relationship up to the present.

She can’t prepare for trick questions, but she should answer all questions truthfully and if she doesn’t understand the question, she should say so. If she doesn’t know the answer, she should say so.

She should have knowledge of everything in your original petition package. Send her a photocopy for her info.

She should also have some knowledge of your ex (location, name, etc…), and details of your divorce papers.


Offline Alabamaboy!

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Re: Preparation for Fiancee Visa Interview.
« Reply #2 on: April 15, 2010, 02:56:55 PM »
Great info Ray. I was wondering if it would be worthwhile to put pictures of my mom, brothers, sister in the packet because it would show that even though she has not met them, that she knows who they are. And also I was wondering how much she should know about the ex wife/divorce. So I will go over all that as well. I had already sent her copies of the original application, so she has a lot of info already.

As to the letters with postmarks, I don't have any like that, because everything is email and chat sessions. But I do use for my long distance calling and have all the logs for probably 75 phone calls per month, which show that we both call each other frequently and for long periods of time.

Re: Preparation for Fiancee Visa Interview.
« Reply #2 on: April 15, 2010, 02:56:55 PM »

Offline robert angel

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Re: Preparation for Fiancee Visa Interview.
« Reply #3 on: April 15, 2010, 06:13:10 PM »
Ray's spot on here, as usual. Photos are golden and if you can copy yahoo chat's, provided you've set yahoo to archive, that looks good too. Telephone bills are nice to show. Any receipts, mail, air plane tix copies, hotels, gifts, etc. Your B day date of course and maybe even your Moms and how many siblings you have. If she gets the chance to go through the pics in the interview and can name the people in them, cool. The whole thing will probably be over so quick,  she'll be amazed. And relieved...

We must have had 7 pounds of 'stuff' for the Embassy interview (probably too much) and even with a pretty big age difference between us, the Embassy guy hardly blinked an eye--he was very nice--he even sent her an E mail congratulating her afterwards, which I'd never heard of before.  The 'stuff' she brought to the interview was very well organized--neatly put into an enormous, accordion style brief case folder thingy--all alphabetized. I think that impressed them.

The only thing that briefly threw my wife for a loop was when the Embassy guy asked her who "Luther" was--she had to think for a minute and then remembered he was a guy we followed through Planet-Love, a guy who was going through and creating a lot of dramas --a fellow we'd discussed in yahoo chat. So P-L almost derailed us!--ha ha....

Trick questions--nah---unlikely, me thinks.If there were/are there'd be too many trick questions to begin to cover here, but --and I'm far from an expert here, I haven't heard of them asking a lot of 'out there' trick type questions.

I'd think they'd save those for cases that are pretty 'iffy' to start with--that if they're pulling that on you, there's some other red flags they caught first.

Her knowing a bit about your work, where you live and even a little of the local history and weather can't hurt. I prepped my wife pretty good, although she had it together pretty good already--she was more help on the paperwork than I was.

The good news is that while I don't know my parents and siblings birth day dates, she still does and reminds me to call them!

Don't overwhelm her by trying to give her too much information to learn at the last minute. She'll be nervous enough at the interview already and they pretty much expect a level of 'nervousness', but don't totally fritz her out right before.

This is an excellent place to reference and as more questions come up--bring em on--a lot of peeps have been helped here!

They'd never ask this, but I made sure she knew who's buried in Grant's tomb....
Whether you think you can or think you can't--you're right!

Offline Ray

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Re: Preparation for Fiancee Visa Interview.
« Reply #4 on: April 15, 2010, 10:27:01 PM »

They'd never ask this, but I made sure she knew who's buried in Grant's tomb....

That would be Jimmy Hoffa, right?



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