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Author Topic: Barranquilla Baloney.....  (Read 14888 times)

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Offline robert angel

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Re: Barranquilla Baloney.....
« Reply #100 on: April 06, 2010, 08:20:45 PM »
In comparison to the campesinos, if you go online, some of the Filipina match making websites ask Filipinas to list their annual income. Most are honest and put zero to 100,000 pesos a year.

At the current US dollar to peso exchange rate, a 100,000 pesos comes out to about $220 a month and it's very doubtful that many of them are any where near the top of the zero to 100,000 peso a year income range. Millions squeak by on the equivlent of less than a dollar a day

There are a small number of very, very rich families that own and control about everything there, and millions and millions of very poor people.

From April 2009:
The World Bank believes having a daily income of $2 to $10 is middle class. With this definition, then the entire Filipino nation is middle class.

The Filipino annual per capita income, in terms the Gross National Product (GNP), is $2,060.60. Divide this amount by 365, per capita income is $5.64 per day, more than twice the WB’s minimum $2 daily income to be considered middle class—people who are neither poor nor rich but somewhere in between.

(that figure  of $2060.60  'averages' in the few families that are fabulously rich's income with the 90 million plus poor people's income)


The average high-school graduate can make around 2000 - 4000 pesos a month (equivalent to $50 - $100 at 40:1 exchange rate)

A college graduate can make around 6000 - 8000 pesos a month (equivalent to $150 - $200 at 40:1 exchange rate)

Some companies providing services for international clients such as call centers can make around 12,000 - 16,000 pesos a month (equivalent to $300 - $400 at 40:1 exchange rate)

I have heard that over 30 million Filipinos make less than a dollar a day.

For a lot of Americans, those numbers, even on the higher end, wouldn't cover our cable TV, internet and phone bills....

Whether you think you can or think you can't--you're right!

Offline Caballero2009

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Re: Barranquilla Baloney.....
« Reply #101 on: April 06, 2010, 09:13:04 PM »
I dont know about dancing... but I was looking on American Free just to see what the american girls want in guys... here is what i am seeing:


Height: 6'0" (183cms) to 6'7" (201cms)  
Body type: Athletic and toned
Languages: English
Income: $75,001 to $100,000
$100,001 to $150,000

that says it all to me...

« Last Edit: April 06, 2010, 09:15:12 PM by Caballero2009 »

Offline Alabamaboy!

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Re: Barranquilla Baloney.....
« Reply #102 on: April 07, 2010, 08:23:32 AM »
Researcher, that is what I am talking about! Not that the woman changes who she is, but that she adjusts a bit and assimilates. I know I do that when I am there for even a month, so I would expect my wife to as well. At least to a certain degree. I do not make a decision to change either, it just happens. You get a bit lazy, your Spanish improves, you develop a taste for arepas con huevos, things like that.

Now to what degree that happens, who knows until she is actually here. That is all I am saying at this point. I need her here and we will soon see everything in detail.

Re: Barranquilla Baloney.....
« Reply #102 on: April 07, 2010, 08:23:32 AM »


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