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Author Topic: Experienced advice needed for an indecisive newcomer?  (Read 1192 times)

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Offline confusio

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Experienced advice needed for an indecisive newcomer?
« on: December 15, 2009, 08:06:20 PM »

 So I've been looking through many old threads and have come to a conclusion that I'm at a lost, everyone has good points with their pros and cons of each culture to visit, instead I am trying to figure out which one best suits my personality.

 I'm in my early 20's, work as a writer for a few national newspaper columns and a model (a job I only accepted because I thought it would help my big shyness), I come from a really traditional family who around my age expect me to be in a serious relationship which I guess their right, but the personality of women here in Australia is rather cold, lack morality or self interested (as a proof theres the 60% divorce rate and being in the top 5 divorce countries in the world), so I thought it would be a good idea to look abroad.Europe is slowly becoming more and more like here from my experience living there for 8 years, my first option was the Middle East but thats till a bit hard, theres something about Russian women that make them seem a bit cold though I think its just their language, leaving me with Asia and S.A, I know you can't generalize women or people but usually environmental cultures plays a big role in a persons personality formation so in general,

I know Asia is much closer to here than S.A, they are also traditional, shy and introverted which suits my reserved personality but I'm also quite adventurous (nature outgoing hiking ect...) and quirky (crazy ideas, experiments and odd behavior) the times when I'm not lingering around the house which I fear many Asian women aren't as they seem a bit weak mentally but persistent (I've noticed they scare very easily...), Latin women on the other hand would also be great cause my first language is Spanish and I share some of their culture though they seem more superficial in regards to their life ambitions like take a lot of importance in your job position and title or car size/house (at least the big city hot ones), they are also on the socially outgoing, party and dance loving side (I've observed many introvert male and extrovert female couples be really unhappy due to this simple fact), are quite strong mentally as well as feisty which makes them great as strong mums or partners for someone like me with little character albeit a bit devious sometimes in other areas. I was raised religiously and although I'm agnostic now...I still carry some of the values like no 'action' till marriage and from what I heard latin women aren't that serious about that anymore and more influenced by the American standards since their so geographically close to them, also I love the creamy skinned dark haired elegantly petite physical appearance but I'm sure there must be a few like that in S.A.

From the guys who have had experiences with both culture women, which make for better wives/partners? which make for better mums (interested in having kids someday)? which countries would you recommend I visit? Which do you think would suit better my personal situation?  :)

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Re: Experienced advice needed for an indecisive newcomer?
« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2009, 09:50:14 PM »
Don't be so hard on yourself. I was actually happier when I was younger and confused with life! Everything was mysterious, more interesting and often surprising. While being poor is never ideal, I was happiest when I could put everything I own in two cases and catch a bus to anywhere. Today I have a lot of 'things' and sort of feel sometimes that they own me, instead of vice versa.

Women will always be a source of 'confusement' to men, I think. Relatively speaking, there are good and bad women in every nation--region. I just have noticed--and again--note the "I"--from personal experience, that it seemed to me anyway that the Russian and former USSR countries have more women that like many from South East Asia, have know poverty, but even more so, hostile weather conditions, crime, domestic abuse, as well as drug and especially alcohol abuse. A lot of cheap vodka gets guzzled in Russia and it's former USSR regions and organized crime is a very real and mean presence.

I think all of us---men and women alike--want to marry someone who'll help to improve our station in life. That could mean by working and contributing to material well being, keeping up the house, bearing children or just being eye candy and great in bed--it varies.

 I have just found that most of the Filipinas I have met do want a better life also, but are more romantic and less financially calculating of their prospective spouses, than say, most Russian (former USSR states), Thai's and Chinese. I have just had more experience with women from these last three groups with whom I would correspond rather intensely with and then for no clear reason, it would stop cold. They had found someone else, and I came to realize that 'someone else' usually had a lot more money, perhaps enough where the girl wouldn't even need to work any more. The fact that I have two sons already was likely a factor sometimes, but again, for a while, before they disappeared into cyber space, it was never an issue.

The worst story I've heard was the guy who married a stunning Ukrainian babe. There are some real lookers there and this gal was a real knockout, with legs so long you had to stop at the knees and ask for directions.

Anyways, this guy brought her over to the USA and adopted her son from a previous relationship. Then he signed for $100,000's in student loans to put her through med school. When she graduated and got a relatively meager paying med school residency job, she divorced him, leaving him with the student loan bills and child support payments for a kid that he hadn't even sired. Some of those women from those cold weather nations have blood as cold as the weather...

My father's three brothers all married Spanish women. I think a lot of Spanish women are extremely attractive and have seen many cases where when they treated their guys good--they really treated them great. I had a few Spanish GFs and they were hot. But I noticed a LOT of drama in my uncle's households and experienced some myself firsthand. We used to call these relationships 'kisses and hand grenades'. When it was good, it was very good, when it was bad--it was awful. I've been around Mexico a few times and it wasn't for me.

We have to be careful about stereotyping and again, I am basing my 'observations' on a relatively small segment of the population of each country I refer to.

I have found that many of the Filipinas I know who have come to the USA have adopted some of the likes--hobbies and eccentricities of their husbands, whether it's golf, fishing or preferences in the bedroom. They may have come from a different and perhaps more conservative, religious background, but their adaptability may surprise you.

My wife never caught a fish using a rod and reel and I hate to admit it, but she usually catches more than me now! I am not devoutly religious, although my wife and I are both Catholic. She's more likely than me to attend mass and she always prays the Novena at home on Wednesdays. Our difference there isn't an issue. She honestly feels that our differences make our marriage stronger.

I wouldn't let personal characteristics you might have make you think that any group of people might certainly not be right for you. If there's an initial attraction, that's what's important. You don't want someone whose likes and dislikes are identical to yours, I don't think. Find some starting ground and take it from there. Get out and visit some areas after you've conversed with people from there. Good luck!
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Re: Experienced advice needed for an indecisive newcomer?
« Reply #2 on: December 16, 2009, 12:23:32 AM »
I'm in my early 20's, work as a writer for a few national newspaper columns and a model (a job I only accepted because I thought it would help my big shyness),

It is a simple formula really.

Young Model + Good Job= Go do whatever the hell you want

I'd focus on reading up on safety and health issues of a particular country/culture and you should be good to go.

I can relate. I'm sure you've dated hot Aussies. I've dated attractive local girls. But we are talking marriage material here. With Asia or LA I don't think there is a wrong answer.

Just read wikipedia, wikitravel, and other guides and go with your gut.
Retiring in Tela, Honduras is 14,600 days (haha)

Re: Experienced advice needed for an indecisive newcomer?
« Reply #2 on: December 16, 2009, 12:23:32 AM »

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Re: Experienced advice needed for an indecisive newcomer?
« Reply #3 on: December 16, 2009, 07:45:26 AM »
Asia is an incredibly diverse region. I would not classify the Asian women I have met as introverted...quite the opposite. As a generality Asians tend to be very social. However, again as a generality, they do not seem very interested in things like hiking (in the western sense of the word) or camping.

My experience is mostly with Chinese girls. I live in an area with a lot of Filipinas but they do not seem like my cup of tea. Chinese girls can be very feisty, strong willed and stubborn. I'd say many tend to spend more time at home but that doesn't mean they are introverted. The girls I've talked with are also quite modern for the most part. In some ways more modern than western women. The Taiwanese girl I am going to meet in February makes the typical American girl look like she's stuck in the '60s. 

My assistant is from Ukraine and I thought she was very cold when I first met her, but after getting to know her a bit she's really great. I think it's just part of the culture. She is also much more 'businesslike' when it comes to marriage but that's not necessarily a bad thing. She seems to have a hard time understanding why people here in the US divorce or cheat due to lack of passion in a relationship.

I am very attracted to middle eastern women but the whole Islam thing really throws a wrench in the works for me. If I was interested in that region I would go Turkish. It is pretty easy to meet Turkish women, English is more common there, and they are more secular. I'd also think about Persian women as they were basically forced into Islam and the ones I've spoken to feel quite culturally oppressed by Muslim laws. No belly dancing in Iran.

Offline robert angel

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Re: Experienced advice needed for an indecisive newcomer?
« Reply #4 on: December 16, 2009, 08:58:50 PM »
Those last two posts were great--Bcc--now if you could just bottle that 'formula' and get Jm to review his patent law studies from law school and copy right it, that'd be sweet! :D
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