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Author Topic: Life in S. CA as we approach 5 months  (Read 4045 times)

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Offline robert angel

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Re: Life in S. CA as we approach 5 months
« Reply #25 on: January 25, 2010, 06:28:39 AM »

She can call home anytime she wants. Sometimes, it's just to catch up on what some might see as 'frivolous not the gossipy type, but she does want to hear about what's going on in the barangay--even little details--who's dating who, etc. and other stuff you might see as 'frivolous', but I don't.

I have never once said 'why are you calling home, honey?". It's just not her nature to call home to pass idle time. She has a couple girl friends for that, with whom she can gab, gab, gab with, laughing like crazy for endless periods of time. The decibel level really picks up and I might roll my eyes and cringe a bit--my buddies--some who have foreign wives as well and understand do also, but I 'roll with it'. It's a good time for her, and harmless.

About the only time I get a little bent is when we're out somewhere and she has an extended  conversation when we're for example--trying to do the grocery thing. It can make you feel like you're doing it solo, and I just ask her to wind it up.  I'm definitely not a control freak, but when a call is pushing $20 bucks plus (maybe you'd see it differently if you didn't have unlimited calling) and it's mostly laughs and giggles, I will as said, give her a not mean look, just raise my eye brows a bit and tap my watch and usually in a few minutes she wraps it up. Keeps the phone bill for overseas calls under the $200 a month mark. Going on five years and we've never had an argument about phone calls or phone bills--actually not over any bills--outside of me getting a little upset when we're doing the Walmart or mall thing and she's on the phone for 20 plus minutes, it's not remotely serious and I tell her this is 'our time' and to please wrap it up.

Homesickness? I didn't even use that word -you did, and it's not a real issue. She wants us to hurry up and buy a house there, but she's not even sure if she wants to head back home this year or wait another yet. A big part of wanting a house there is that she has three siblings in college and it's 3 hours from home--she'd like for them to be able to stay there instead of in dorms or boarding houses.
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