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Author Topic: Who wants to hear Wm3's Philippine and Thai marriage horror stories???  (Read 14165 times)

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Offline Cbear

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bcc, you are wrong, no children, never been married woman over 30 are not common in any country, you need to back up your words this time.

Of course your words "very common" is a very vague expression. Give us a percentage.

You all know as well as I do that most woman over 30 have already been married, are still married or have children already. Are there some good woman who haven't? sure, but the figure is so low I am not going to put the effort in to finding them.

Finding a young lady mature enough for marriage  would be a lot of effort also. I was not looking for a young girl when I found mine. She was below the age range I was searching for, had I known her age I would have dismissed her immediately. But again it all goes back to judging each relationship on it's own merits. 

I am not saying that you guys picked bad woman, I am saying you are the exception to the rule. You should be proud that you found the needle in the haystack.

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Just looking up data I came across figures for woman married in America.

50% of all American woman are married at least once by age 25.
84% of all American woman are married at least once by age 35.

So this data also backs up that the majority of woman are married before they are 30.

I'm still trying to find the Asian (in America) marriage data, I'll keep looking.

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Admit it guys, woman over 30 are not good catches. If they were, they would have been caught already.


The only thing we need to admit to is that you are making an idiot of yourself!

You just won’t give it up, will you? The more you run your mouth trying to back up your idiotic remarks, the stupider you look.

Well cbear, there is one point that all of your irrelevant statistics proves…the point on top of your head!

Offline stevjulietb

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Life is like a multiple choice test, If you choose the answer with "all" in it, it is probably wrong.  The way I look at a older guy, me, married to a younger lady, my wife; is it was a chance for a "do-over".  I was so busy coaching and teaching in my twenties and thirties, I missed out on a family of my own.  Yes I was diviorced, but most of the women I met didn't think I was marriage material, teachers don't make $$$$.  As I aged, women with kids didn't interest me.   I had seen the games kids play with their divorced parents, and I was'nt going to be a third party to this type of fun.  So now I am 56, married to a pina for 8 years and have a small family.  My do-over is just fine with us.


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Any truly single woman over 30, especially overseas probably isn't much of a catch. Why hasn't someone already snagged her? You know she has got problems of some sort if she is an attractive never been married, no kids woman. So why marry that kind of trouble???


Many educated, professional women are very selective and/or busy with their careers.

One of my Filipina friends is a dentist and married the first time several years ago at 35. Her reason, she wanted to marry a good man with a stable job (didn't have to be high  paying) that wasn't going to just live off of her. She also wanted to save a nest egg before marriage so they would never have serious financial problems. She now has 2 healthy children now.

I know 3 single Filipina medical doctors in their 30's and 40's who are now ready to marry. They had been busy with their education in their 20's and now careers. I also know a number of single nurses in their 30's who had also been busy working (some in foreign countries).

The developmentally disabled madman!

Offline Cbear

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The exception to the rule Dave. They are the exception to the rule. The census data shows that only 2.5% of woman over 35 are still single in the Philippines.

I can understand why doctors and other professionals would wait, and they would be a good catch. One of the ladies I talked with was a dentist, very nice but very headstrong, too much for me. But she wasn't over 30, she was 28. I might add she was a very beautiful Mestizo. I mean WOW beautiful.

I did look at latin woman for awhile also, one of the ladies I spoke with was a doctor in Columbia. I think she was 36, no kids never married, maybe she was a good catch, I don't know. I got the impression she was looking for a ticket to America so she could earn the big bucks.

« Last Edit: July 29, 2009, 07:38:42 AM by Cbear »

Offline stevjulietb

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Data can be skued (sp) or miss-read.  Life's experience and a person's own perception is more important.  When I started this process almost 10 years ago, I was looking for a PI woman in her 30's.  Didn't happen.  Fate maybe, hell I don't know.  Watch the end of Forrest Gump, life is probably a combination of fate and our choices?   But, I didn't come to the conclusion that women of later age weren't for me.  It just sort of happened.    LOL, only aw over 35.

« Last Edit: July 29, 2009, 12:13:50 PM by stevjulietb »

Offline bcc_1_2

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bcc, you are wrong, no children, never been married woman over 30 are not common in any country, you need to back up your words this time.

Here we go. Average age of first marriage for women by country.

Denmark: 30.1 years old is the average age of a woman for her FIRST MARRIAGE
Germany: 29.6 "                                                                                      "
Greece: 29.2
Ireland: 28.2
Netherlands: 28.3
Sweeden: 30.4
UK: 28.5
Australia: 28
Argentina: 29.9
Freaking Libya: 29.2
Canada: 31.7

In the Philippines the average women gets married at 19.3. It's clear the only way you would continue to push your physco babble is if you are only familiar with one country. Now that you've been educated you should apologize to the entire population of women who married after 30 and their husbands. You've got about a billion people to get to... so it might take awhile.

admit the pen is blue already!
« Last Edit: July 29, 2009, 08:39:02 AM by bcc_1_2 »
Retiring in Tela, Honduras is 14,600 days (haha)

Offline Cbear

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wrong again BCC

your figures are wrong and are not based on census values. Also, most of those progressive liberal countries have a steep declining marriage rate with co-habitation being the norm now. You can research this too. I consider co-habitation to be marriage, as do many courts of law. But this won't show up in marriage stats because no real marriage was performed.

Also, your stats don't take into account woman not having children. This was part of my equation.

Especially the one about the Philippines average age of 19. The actual census data says it is 24 in the Philippines. Who is right, wiki or the Philippine government census.

 Where did wiki get the data? I dont believe it. 31.7 for the first marriage in Canada, no way. Go find some real data. I know lots and lots of Canadians, enough to know this figure is absurd.

Now go back to work and find a real source.

Offline piglett

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« Reply #59 on: July 29, 2009, 10:21:23 AM »
I think were beating a dead horse here boys & girls
no one will admit that they are wrong so ...........shall we move on?????????
after all opinions vary, some guys think that the average American woman "oh so good"
i think they are for the most part sh*t
I know I'm rite & i am sure a member of the brain dead oh so good crowd would think he was rite 2
so i just don't debate the matter with most people.

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Offline bcc_1_2

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Now go back to work and find a real source.

Wikipedia is only as good as the sources and references that are used in that particular document. I think I'll stick to the UN and Princeton. You stick to applying your logic to the entire world based on statistics from the Philippines.

Yes the average age of a woman who gets married her first time in Canada is over 30. I've actually been to Winnipeg and Toronto and can tell you that in the nightspots you'll find groups of single women over 30. Some are quite attractive. I think the governor of South Carolina found himself a hot single woman over 30 as well. Go to Winnipeg or Buenos Aires and tell me how you do with them.

Crap even in Chicago... single women 30 plus are all over. The statistics are legit. They marry young in the Philippines and they don't in Canada.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2009, 10:23:45 AM by bcc_1_2 »
Retiring in Tela, Honduras is 14,600 days (haha)

Offline bcc_1_2

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« Reply #61 on: July 29, 2009, 10:29:29 AM »
after all opinions vary, some guys think that the average American woman "oh so good"

True opinions vary wildly. Facts don't however. You can't take a data set from one country and apply it to all. That's called ignoring facts to make your opinion fit.
Retiring in Tela, Honduras is 14,600 days (haha)

Offline sean126

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Somebody farted.

 :D ;D :D ;D :D ;D (gag, snart, ooof, gag)  :D ;D :D ;D :D

Offline piglett

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Somebody farted.

 :D ;D :D ;D :D ;D (gag, snart, ooof, gag)  :D ;D :D ;D :D

he he he
that is the 1 thing i think we may all be able 2 agree on  :D
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Offline Cbear

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one other interesting tidbit I found while searching. I'm not really sure that it fits the conversation here and I actually have a hard time believing.

Atheists and agnostics have a lower percentage of divorce as a group than do any other religious groups, however, people with no religion at all (as a group) were only mid pack.

Offline bael75

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Re: Who wants to hear Wm3's Philippine and Thai marriage horror stories???
« Reply #65 on: August 01, 2009, 08:32:27 PM »
Topic: Who wants to hear Wm3's Philippine and Thai marriage horror stories???

Okay I"m new here but I thought this was the subject not "Mad bash on who said what"  Um... hey kids...where's the funky horror stories?  Did that get moved to a different thread?  FYI  there's many different ppl here, everyone has an opinion, welcome to the human race.  Cna we get back to the original subject now? ??? ???
"We few, we happy few, we band of ruthless b@st@rds!"


Offline piglett

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Re: Who wants to hear Wm3's Philippine and Thai marriage horror stories???
« Reply #66 on: August 01, 2009, 09:47:00 PM »
Topic: Who wants to hear Wm3's Philippine and Thai marriage horror stories???

Okay I"m new here but I thought this was the subject not "Mad bash on who said what"  Um... hey kids...where's the funky horror stories?  Did that get moved to a different thread?  FYI  there's many different ppl here, everyone has an opinion, welcome to the human race.  Cna we get back to the original subject now? ??? ???

I 2nd that motion bael............let's get back on track boys & girls, what do U say??

PSA 101:7 No one who practices deceit will dwell in my house; no one who
speaks falsely will stand in my presence.


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