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Author Topic: Introductions seem the way to go.  (Read 13153 times)

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Re: Introductions seem the way to go.
« Reply #25 on: August 18, 2009, 05:37:13 PM »
The agency gig in Vietnam (usually run for Asian guys, not westerners) still suffers from the same thing. They actually brag about it. "Village girls from the rice paddies turn into great wives!" While not prostitutes that's still bad.

I prefer girls who are on a similar level to me who have plenty of opportunities and no desperation so I know that if they like me, they like me for me.

Offline masonb

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Re: Introductions seem the way to go.
« Reply #26 on: August 18, 2009, 05:50:58 PM »
Thank you for your post.  It seems obvious to me that this is a somewhat closed forum with very strong opinions and if anyone tries to have a dialog they're personally attacked, unless they agree with the overall sentiment of this particular forum.  That really is too bad, I was hoping for a little more discussion and a little less attacking.  I will probably not post or try to express my views here any longer because I really do not appreciate the way I am being treated just for trying to get a different view point across, and it seems to be a waste of both of our time.
However I would like to clear up a few points.
1.  It was my idea, not my bosses to post here.  They actually warned me that this site is very anti agencies, mainly because they charge money for a service.  I thought that was strange since I am sure most of you charge money for whatever services you offer.  In the time I have worked here I have seen several engagements and talked to many men who were extremely happy with the service they received, the women they met etc.  I have taken very few complaints and even those are normally just technical problems that we resolve right away.  I am proud to work here and to offer the quality services that we do and have done for the last 15 years.  I have met some of the Russian women and others and they are fantastic women and seem very happy.
2.  The tours are not sex tours, and I think everyone knows that.  Sex tours do exist but that has never taken place with A Foreign Affair.  I think you know that there is not one person out there that will come forward and say that they paid for a sex tour through AFA and was told that a woman was at his disposal for the duration of the tour, if so I would love to meet that individual.   That being said, sex can and does happen during the tour, this is about grown men and women seeking a life mate after all.  Sex also happens when people meet at singles bars and at church picnics and at the grocery store.  This is no different than dating and dating often leads to sex (I know a terrible thing!).  However, if you go on the tours and expect to use it as a sex tour you will be sadly disappointed, as the women will quickly shut you down.  Just watch a copy of the MTV show they did when they went on the tour.  The person they followed just kissed a girl in front of others at the social and he then found it difficult to get a date the next day because the women thought he was just a player, some sex tour huh? 
3.  I am sorry that you were disgusted with our effort to raise money for relief efforts from the 911 disaster.  This is something that really does not need to be justified to you or anyone.  It was felt at the time that we wanted to do something to help such a horrific cause, as did many of our clients, so we did, if you have a problem with that I guess you can talk to the families that we were able to help in some small way and see what they think about it.  I think it was cool for them to use their site in that way to help people.
4.  I know that we have an excellent and well-respected relationship with the Philippines and our organization there, which is fully licensed and complies with the existing laws.  I have met some of the people from the Philippines and they are great and really work to help the women.  Our people there do a great job and continually assist and help the women there, providing great opportunities that they otherwise would not have.   They had the Mayor of the city and other government officials at the opening and they also attend many of the other functions, the photos are on the site. 
5.  I am not aware of any porn stars profiled on our site.  Please send me a link to their profile and I assure you that I will personally look into that. 
6.  As far as Mr. Neil goes, I understand that he was on the Tyra Banks show and made the same claims against AFA on the show.  I saw a copy of the show and funny, there was no mention whatsoever of his claims. I suppose the lawyers were not comfortable airing unsubstantiated claims, otherwise I couldn't imagine why a show like Tyra Banks especially would not have aired it.....  BTW, the show came off very negative for Tyra, if you read all of the fan E-mails it was almost 10 to 1 in favor of AFA and the Russian couples and against Tyra and her preconceived ideas of what takes place.

7. How is our business unethical?  When people call in and ask me what AFA is all about I tell them this verbatim: We are an international introduction service.  We provide services that allow you to correspond with women from Russia, Ukraine, South America, and Asia.  We also hold group trips in which you can travel to meet foreign women in person.  This is all for the purpose of a long-term relationship and even marriage when and if you do meet the right person.  If you don’t believe me call the number on our website  As I have told you I am the front desk and operator so you will reach me personally.  Don’t tell me who you are just ask what AFA is all about and you will see that I am being truthful.  Not once in my explanation of our company have I or will I ever mention sex.  We are genuinely trying to connect single men with good women from different countries.  The only men who don’t succeed typically don’t listen to our advice and start dating their own way.  The men who are successful follow our system of doing things to find a foreign bride.

The bottom line is that in the small amount of time I’ve worked in this industry I’ve noticed a couple of things about AFA.  First I’ve met a large number of men who were married through our agency and are still happily married to this day.  Secondly, for a company that has been doing this for 15 years and has literally worked with thousands of people over that time, there is virtually NO credible negativity displayed about my company on the Internet.  My last and final questions to you is this:  If we offer a horrible service that doesn’t work then how can we offer thousands of testimonials of men who went on our tours and were extremely satisfied with the service they received?  The record of success over the last 15 years speaks for itself.  We have helped thousands of women from all over the world meet and marry, and I think that is pretty cool.  Different things work for different people.  Just because you don’t like the idea of an introduction agency doesn’t mean that it won’t work for anybody.  It just didn’t work for you.
You really don't need to respond to this post, I highly doubt I am going to change your mind on any of this, there are much better things I can do with my time, I just hope that somehow you finally do find what you' re looking for.
I did mention to my boss about these posts and he said that if anyone out there would like to call him personally and ask him any questions about any of this they are free to do so, or better yet come in to our office here on 16th street in Phoenix and he would love to meet with anyone who has questions.  He can be reached at (602) 553-8178 ext. 203
To those of you who are simply trolling this website I would like to advise to do research at many websites instead of just this one.  Personally I feel it to be a biased forum based on the bigotry of only 5 to 6 men who are all in agreement of one aspect of this very diverse industry. 

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Re: Introductions seem the way to go.
« Reply #27 on: August 18, 2009, 06:42:17 PM »

I know that we have an excellent and well-respected relationship with the Philippines and our organization there, which is fully licensed and complies with the existing laws.

Have you personally seen this "license"? If so, how about producing it right now?

I asked you before for proof of this claim, so once again, how about posting a copy of this so-called license that allows your company to violate Philippine law. It's time to put up or shut up!

Personally I feel it to be a biased forum based on the bigotry of only 5 to 6 men...

HUH? The people here aren't bigots, but they can spot a phony from a thousand miles away. We aren't so stupid as you think and we know that your company's operation in the Philippines violates national law no matter how hard you attempt to convince us otherwise. And yes, we are biased against obvious shills...  :D


Re: Introductions seem the way to go.
« Reply #27 on: August 18, 2009, 06:42:17 PM »

Offline jm21-2

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Re: Introductions seem the way to go.
« Reply #28 on: August 18, 2009, 07:02:14 PM »
You know a damned lot about the company for being a 22 year old front desk boy.

Offline masonb

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Re: Introductions seem the way to go.
« Reply #29 on: August 18, 2009, 07:33:50 PM »
jm21-2: I spent all day researching so that I could answer all of the objections.

Ray:  If my boss deems it necessary to prove to you the legitimacey of AFA's business in the Philippines via documentation I will be the more than happy to post it.  Or you could simply go to our website and look up the pictures of our opening day in the Philippines where it shows the mayor cutting the ribbon or the prime minister blessing the office.  You could also call John Adams personally like I recommended and ask him how we do it. 

Honestly Ray I don't feel it prudent to try and prove anything to you as it is obvious you won't change your mind regardless of what I say or do.  I bet that even if I included the documentation you would say I either made it up or altered it, so going back to what I said in the previous post it is obvious that you don't have a willingness to accept the possibility of a positive outlook on my company.  Thats fine by me, I've said my piece.

Offline Cbear

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Re: Introductions seem the way to go.
« Reply #30 on: August 18, 2009, 08:10:35 PM »
The Philippine constitution says it is illegal so it is illegal, no matter who says it isn't it still is. Deal with it. Are you that stupid?? I know when this comes crashing down and someday it will (all it takes is for just one lady to scream rape and it's all over) then your butt will be right in the middle of it.

I actually think an upscale agency would work if it were legal but it would be more of a one on one match making service, not this free for all that you have set up now.

I notice how you keep talking about how everyone seemed satisfied and had a good time. Well hell, I had a great time when I lived in Angels city, what man doesn't enjoy 50 woman going crazy over him. Get real, as a marriage agency it isn't about fun and having a good time, it is about finding a suitable mate. And with all the bad girls at your functions it just isn't gonna happen. Sure there are lots of engagements, who cares, what counts is how many are still married 20 years from now.

We are not anti agency, in some countries they work very well, but it just isnt gonna be very successful for long term marriages in Asia.

As for the Vietnam agencies, they are geared towards Asian men and for the most part the poor Vietnamese girls do make good wives for single earner Asian men. Most are uneducated (high school only) But understand, these men only want virgins, which pretty much rules out prostitutes at the agencies. Also, if an American man bought his wife, there is no way he would ever get a visa for her.

What does AFA do to screen the woman? The Vietnamese agencies send them to a doctor to ensure they are virgins. Hence no bad girls. From what little I can find, the divorce rate among these woman is very low.

Just going on what I know of AFA your divorce rate is as high as 85%. I wonder why that is? Sarcasm inserted here.

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Re: Introductions seem the way to go.
« Reply #31 on: August 18, 2009, 08:41:27 PM »

If you think a virgin is your ticket to success, you should read a bit more. I think the most successful guys on this forum are married to divorcees or widowers. A low divorce rate does not necessarily mean a happy marriage. You sound like middle-aged divorcee who's scared of his own shadow.

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Re: Introductions seem the way to go.
« Reply #32 on: August 19, 2009, 12:14:39 AM »

jm21-2: I spent all day researching so that I could answer all of the objections.

Ray:  If my boss deems it necessary to prove to you the legitimacey of AFA's business in the Philippines via documentation I will be the more than happy to post it.  Or you could simply go to our website and look up the pictures of our opening day in the Philippines where it shows the mayor cutting the ribbon or the prime minister blessing the office.  You could also call John Adams personally like I recommended and ask him how we do it. 

Honestly Ray I don't feel it prudent to try and prove anything to you as it is obvious you won't change your mind regardless of what I say or do.  I bet that even if I included the documentation you would say I either made it up or altered it, so going back to what I said in the previous post it is obvious that you don't have a willingness to accept the possibility of a positive outlook on my company.  Thats fine by me, I've said my piece.

You honestly don’t fee it prudent?? Horse Crap!

You didn’t answer the question. Have you seen this license?

I am not going to call anyone. YOU said they had the proper license to run an introduction service in the Philippines, so post the license or STFU about it! Is that simple enough for your simple mind?

We don’t want to see any pictures of mayors cutting ribbons or the “prime minister”. (Note: The Philippines doesn’t have a prime minister.) We want to see the license!

Now why don’t you just admit to these good folks that there is no license?


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Re: Introductions seem the way to go.
« Reply #33 on: August 19, 2009, 01:06:54 AM »

Ray:  If my boss deems it necessary to prove to you the legitimacey of AFA's business in the Philippines via documentation I will be the more than happy to post it.  

PLEASE post it! How can he provide documentation? IT IS ILLEGAL!  It is not a friggin' city law, but a NATIONAL LAW IN THE PHILIPPINES!

Suppose someone wants to pay a farmer lots of money to go to his farm to screw pigs in purple G-strings! It doesn't mean it's legal...The farmer just took their money and looked the other way.  ::)

Your posting about AFA's illegal activities in the Philippines can't be good for business. It might look better to just admit it's illegal, but has been tolerated by some local officials so far (whatever the compenation or reason). Some people may choose to accept the possible risks involved.  I really don't care other than you are trying to pass it off as legal for AFA to operate in the Philippines! IT IS NOT! If they can influence the Philippine National government to change the law. It would be fine with me.

« Last Edit: August 19, 2009, 01:29:59 AM by Dave H »
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Offline Cbear

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Re: Introductions seem the way to go.
« Reply #34 on: August 19, 2009, 02:41:58 AM »

If you think a virgin is your ticket to success, you should read a bit more. I think the most successful guys on this forum are married to divorcees or widowers. A low divorce rate does not necessarily mean a happy marriage. You sound like middle-aged divorcee who's scared of his own shadow.

I was only explaining how it works to num nuts there.

Statistically speaking, second and third marriages have a substantially higher failure rate.

A marriage is what both people make it. Either spouse can make it heaven or hell on their partner. I prefer to believe if I take care of my spouse and love her like I am suppose to then she will be happy. I already know she makes me happy. Sure we have our snags like every other couple but we manage to get around them without fighting of hurting each other. Which I also think is key in a marriage. Never intentionally hurt your spouse. Don't say things you will regret, don't ever call her names. When you do fight, control yourself and keep the argument about the disagreement and don't make it personal. There, now you have Cbears secret to a happy marriage. LOL

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Re: Introductions seem the way to go.
« Reply #35 on: August 19, 2009, 04:01:39 AM »

I'm not getting on you, but If you could photo copy the documentation that your boss has then that would certainly calm down a lot of people here.  I don't think here or the latin board is really anti agency because the agency charges money.  I know everyone is anti-illegal, but you could easily shut that argument down if you wanted to. I'd think with the shellacking you've been getting, you'd want to shut some of them up. 


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Re: Introductions seem the way to go.
« Reply #36 on: August 19, 2009, 02:42:16 PM »
Hey guys.  Thanks again for your posts.  I'll tell you what.  I personally do not have access to the documentation you would like to see but I do have a solution for you.  Next time you travel to the Philippines feel free to stop by our offices either in Cebu or Davao and ask to see the documentation in person.  I can assure you it does exist and then you will no longer have any further qualms with us doing business there.


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Re: Introductions seem the way to go.
« Reply #37 on: August 19, 2009, 03:09:15 PM »
Hey guys.  Thanks again for your posts.  I'll tell you what.  I personally do not have access to the documentation you would like to see but I do have a solution for you.  Next time you travel to the Philippines feel free to stop by our offices either in Cebu or Davao and ask to see the documentation in person.  I can assure you it does exist and then you will no longer have any further qualms with us doing business there.


If this post does not prove that this guy's profile should be designated as a Commercial Member instead of continuing to let him masquarade as a regular member then I don't know what does - with lines like this: "I can assure you it does exist and then you will no longer have any further qualms with us doing business there."

Obviously this guy's only indent is to push his company's product/service as evidenced by his posts.


Re: Introductions seem the way to go.
« Reply #37 on: August 19, 2009, 03:09:15 PM »

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Re: Introductions seem the way to go.
« Reply #38 on: August 19, 2009, 04:02:41 PM »
Hey Capstone,

I appreciate your post.  I can tell you truthfully that I actually post off subject topics as well.  Maybe a better way to have posted that message would have been to use the term AFA not us.  Either way we really are talking about symantics now. 

Check out the article I just posted.  If you'll notice I actually don't mention AFA at all.  I'm more interested in informing people who want more information with what I know.  Regardless of whether you agree with the way I personally would recommend doing it you should realize that it is only fair to disclose both aspects to this industry with the people who come to inquire.  Just because I work for an agency doesn't necessarily mean that I'm trying to use this forum for intentions other than information. 

I've said before that I personally don't make any money for bringing in business so I can assure you that I am simply passionate about what I do and the company I represent.  I believe that Dan actually already knows of the personal interest I have taken in posting on this forum despite what most of you believe to be true.


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Re: Introductions seem the way to go.
« Reply #39 on: August 19, 2009, 06:47:54 PM »
Obviously this guy's only indent is to push his company's product/service as evidenced by his posts.


Officeboy or not... this guy isn't just the coffee boy anymore. Commercial member... and a horrible salesman at that. One word for you Masonb.... Myspace.

Retiring in Tela, Honduras is 14,600 days (haha)

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Re: Introductions seem the way to go.
« Reply #40 on: August 19, 2009, 08:00:33 PM »
Hey guys.  Thanks again for your posts.  I'll tell you what.  I personally do not have access to the documentation you would like to see but I do have a solution for you.  Next time you travel to the Philippines feel free to stop by our offices either in Cebu or Davao and ask to see the documentation in person.  I can assure you it does exist and then you will no longer have any further qualms with us doing business there.


I have an even better idea Mason! The next time your bosses visit the Philippines, I could host a luncheon for them, the local AFA office staff, and PNP officials in Cebu. I hope you will come as well! We will let the PNP decide if any Philippine laws are being violated. Please bring plenty of documentation and brochures! I will provide doggy bags, so the AFA people will have something to eat for dinner. I hope they like to dance and look good in orange! ;D I can assure you AFA will have many qualms about doing future illegal business in the Philippines!

I am not anti MOB or introduction party, nor are most others here. If you want to talk about what you think are the merits of aquaintance parties in general, fine. Some agree and others disagree, but that is subject to debate. We are trying to do you a favor, but you refuse to get it! We are simply TRYING to tell you that AFA's operations in the Philippines are ILLEGAL! Have AFA office in Cebu or Davao fax you the documents and show us that AFA has a "special exemption" to circumvent the law of the land!

Your constant promotion and bragging about AFA's illegal operations in the Philippines here (perhaps on other message boards) will eventually get brought to the attention of Philippine government officials (Loren Legarda, liza Maza, etc.) who really take this issue seriously!!! This board is monitored by feminist groups (like "Gabriela" - Filipinas) who would love to find a way to put you and all introduction sevices out of business...not just in the Philippines (where it was made illegal), but throughout the world! They reported several small agencies that were introducing Filipinas to foreign men for marriage several years ago to Senator Loren Legarda.


« Last Edit: August 20, 2009, 03:49:50 AM by Dave H »
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Re: Introductions seem the way to go.
« Reply #41 on: August 19, 2009, 08:13:54 PM »
Look what happened to Alec Baldwin several months ago when he joked with David Letterman about getting a Filipina MOB. Russia didn't give him any problems. But the Philippines...Senator 'Bong' Revilla even threatened to kick Alec's azz, which I am sure he is quite serious about doing!

Alec Baldwin banned from RP despite apology

05/21/2009 | 02:00 PM

'SORRY' Alec Baldwin says sorry to Filipinos offended by his Filipina-mail-order bride joke last May 12. AP photoMANILA, Philippines - After receiving flak from Filipinos worldwide, 30 Rock star Alec Baldwin on Wednesday apologized for joking that he was interested in buying himself a Filipina wife.

"I apologize for the perceived insensitivity of that remark," Baldwin said in his blog posted at the Huffington Post website.

Despite his apology, Baldwin explained that his joke was just meant to "achieve the goal of having more children in [his] life."

"I believe that most people understood that this was a joke and took it as such. (A dated reference, no doubt, and another sign of my advancing age)," he said.

On May 12, the 51-year-old Hollywood actor told David Letterman on the Late Show how he thought of getting, or buying, himself a Filipina bride.

"I think about getting a Filipino mail-order bride at this point or a Russian one, I don’t care, I’m 51," he told Letterman.

Letterman, responding to the seemingly funny joke, replied: “Get one for me [also], for later." [See: Alec Baldwin's Letterman interview]

But despite his apology, the Bureau of Immigration issued an order barring Baldwin from entering the Philippines as he is deemed an "undesirable alien."

Immigration Commissioner Marcelino Libanan said Baldwin appeared to condone the mail-order bride scheme, which is a criminal act prohibited and punishable under Republic Act 6955.

"By being in the bureau’s blacklist, Baldwin is forbidden from entering the country as he is deemed an undesirable alien," Libanan said.

Last month, Libanan also barred Hong Kong-based columnist Chip Tsao from entering the Philippines, after the well-known writer called the Philippines a "nation of servants", which shouldn't lord over the Spratly islands that is still being claimed by China.

The Immigration chief later lifted the ban, days after Tsao issued an apology.

Afraid of Revilla?

In his letter, Baldwin noted the remark of Philippine Senator Ramon 'Bong' Revilla Jr., who threatened to beat up up the actor should he decide to visit the Philippines.

"The comments of some Philippine government officials come as no surprise to me, either. Even the one by a former action film star-turned-Senator who beckoned me to come to the Philippines so he could 'beat' me over my comment," he said. [See: Alec Baldwin's ‘RP mail-order bride remark’ irks senator]

The Philippine Consulate in New York had earlier given Baldwin a free lecture about Filipino mail-order-brides.

In a letter addressed to the actor on Tuesday, Consul General Cecilia Rebong noted the key legislations against human smuggling including: Republic Act 6955 or “The Anti Mail-Order Bride Law of 1990" and the RA 9208: “The Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act," which criminalizes the act of “introducing for money or other consideration any Filipino to a foreigner as a possible spouse."

"Being an actor and a comedian it is understandable that you may not be aware of these matters," Rebong added.

Baldwin replied that he "understands" why Filipinos react like that to such comments.

"Such anger and frustration about the issue of sex trafficking is understandable. The Philippines has suffered significant problems with the issue of sex trafficking," he said.

In 2007, the Philippines was placed in Tier 2 by the US Department of State’s Trafficking in Persons Report for not fully complying with the Trafficking Victims Protection Act’s minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking. -

« Last Edit: August 19, 2009, 08:26:10 PM by Dave H »
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Re: Introductions seem the way to go.
« Reply #42 on: August 19, 2009, 08:20:54 PM »

Alec Baldwin's 'RP mail-order bride remark' irks senator

05/18/2009 | 04:26 PM

MANILA, Philippines – First, it was Filipino doctors. Then, Filipino house helps. The Philippines was even called a “nation of servants." Now, Filipinos engaged in the illegal mail-order bride scheme are the latest subject of a purported racial slur.

Veteran Hollywood actor Alec Baldwin is the latest addition to a somewhat growing list of personalities blurting out comments that usually end up being perceived as a racial attack against Filipinos.

In his May 12 interview on The Late Show with David Letterman, Baldwin – a divorced father of a 13-year-old girl – expressed his desire to extend his family and have more children.

"I’d love to have more kids. I’m thinking about getting a Filipina mail-order bride at this point or a Russian," said Baldwin, who has been hailed both by the Emmy and Golden Globe Awards for his comedic role in the hit television show 30 Rock.

Seemingly delivered in jest, Baldwin’s remark caused the audience to break into laughter and prompted the show’s host, Letterman, to respond: "Get one for me [also], for later."

But while his remark elicited laughter among the audience, a Philippine lawmaker – after learning about it – was not all smiles over the 30 Rock actor.

Sen. Ramon Revilla called Baldwin - former husband of Kim Basinger - as an "arrogant" celebrity who spoke out a remark that was "insensitive and uncalled for."

"For him, it is funny but to the millions of Filipinos, it is mockery. Bad joke, not worth of laughing," said Revilla, himself a celebrity in the Philippine movie industry.

Revilla warned Baldwin against making comments about topics he has no complete knowledge of, like the global scheme of mail-order brides.

"Being a celebrity, Baldwin should be more prudent in issuing statements. And he must know what he is talking about. Apparently, he is not aware that here in the Philippines we don't tolerate mail order bride schemes," Revilla lamented.

Facilitating or arranging a marriage between a Filipina and a foreigner is prohibited under Republic Act 6955 of the Anti-Mail-Order Bride Law of 1990.

Violators face imprisonment of between six to eight years, and the payment of a fine between P8,000 and P20,000. A foreign national caught engaged in such a scheme will also be meted the same penalties then deported and barred from entering the Philippines for life.

Revilla said that in case the American actor indeed finds a new woman for a wife, she would definitely be in jeopardy. "Kahit sino pa ang magiging bride nito, malamang na mamalasin. [Whoever becomes his bride will certainly be doomed]."

The Philippine senator said he only has one message for the veteran film and television personality: "Subukan niyang pumunta dito sa Pilipinas nang maghalo ang balat sa tinalupan [Try going here and you’ll see mayhem]."

Baldwin’s “predecessors" in the racial slur department include Teri Hatcher – whose character in the ABC hit show Desperate Housewives questioned the skills of Filipino medical practitioners - and Hong Kong-based columnist Chip Tsao, who called the Philippines "a nation of servants" shortly after the controversial Philippine Baselines Bill was signed into law.

The British Broadcasting Co (BBC) also went under fire after one of its comedy sitcoms portrayed a Filipina domestic helper as someone who would gyrate to her employers to please them.

After insistent opposition from lawmakers and concerned Filipinos, Tsao, the ABC and BBC all issued their respective public apologies.
- GMANews.TV
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Re: Introductions seem the way to go.
« Reply #43 on: August 20, 2009, 01:19:27 AM »

I personally do not have access to the documentation you would like to see...

English Translation:

"There ain't no license and I never saw any license, but I'll tell any lie to promote my stupid bisiness."

Another shill bites the dust...  :D

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Re: Introductions seem the way to go.
« Reply #44 on: August 21, 2009, 05:29:07 PM »

What Alec Baldwin said was rude and uncalled for.  I'm assuming this is why PI made a big deal about it.  AFA doesn't promote purchasing women, they don't offer sex tours, they don't participate in illegal sex trafficking etc.  AFA personally contacted the Federal Government of PI before they started opperating there.  It is my understanding that the reason AFA has been allowed to do business in PI is because they provide an exceptionally good service for introducing women and men together for the purpose of love, not sex.  Because of the fact that they personally spoke with the government, formally asked permission to do business there, and proved the overall intentions of the company were legitimate, PI officials saw no reason to not allow AFA to operate there.

I appreciate your concern Dave but AFA is 100% confident in their business practices in the Phillipines with civilian women as well as government officials.

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Re: Introductions seem the way to go.
« Reply #45 on: August 21, 2009, 06:32:33 PM »

What Alec Baldwin said was rude and uncalled for.  I'm assuming this is why PI made a big deal about it.  AFA doesn't promote purchasing women, they don't offer sex tours, they don't participate in illegal sex trafficking etc.  AFA personally contacted the Federal Government of PI before they started opperating there.  It is my understanding that the reason AFA has been allowed to do business in PI is because they provide an exceptionally good service for introducing women and men together for the purpose of love, not sex.  Because of the fact that they personally spoke with the government, formally asked permission to do business there, and proved the overall intentions of the company were legitimate, PI officials saw no reason to not allow AFA to operate there.

I appreciate your concern Dave but AFA is 100% confident in their business practices in the Phillipines with civilian women as well as government officials.

Hey mason, you’re more full of shyt than a Christmas goose!

AFA contacted whom exactly?

That’s what I thought, NOBODY!

Why don’t you give up this stupid lie and admit that AFA has NO license to operate an introduction service in the Philippines?

You’re just a stupid shill for your company and it’s about time that you STFU!

How many times have you been to the Philippines?

Have you personally seen this supposed business license that you personally claim exists?

That’s what I thought bozo!


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Re: Introductions seem the way to go.
« Reply #46 on: August 21, 2009, 09:14:43 PM »

You’re just a stupid shill for your company and it’s about time that you STFU!

shill- One who poses as a satisfied customer or an enthusiastic gambler to dupe bystanders into participating in a swindle.

It is not uncommon for employees to stand up for their company and bosses who cut their checks. I'm really starting to believe this is a young guy who just wasn't informed about AFA. He's just been pounded by employer propaganda. If anything some time on message boards should illustrate that everybody can't be wrong and his employer is actually full of [snip]. But just like in other sectors you can't expect it to happen overnight. It took awhile to brainwash the guy I'd assume.

This 90 day trial period crap. Common this isn't a mattress. I would hope this is something Mason will eventually comeback to and realize how insane he sounds.

He's not a shill. He's an employee who bought the propaganda hook, line, and sinker. I'm not sure he is intentionally trying to screw people. So maybe there is hope for this guy.
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Re: Introductions seem the way to go.
« Reply #47 on: August 21, 2009, 11:54:44 PM »

What Alec Baldwin said was rude and uncalled for.  I'm assuming this is why PI made a big deal about it. 


Can you imagine, Alec Baldwin was only rude, but he was still banned from the Philippines and labeled an "undesirable." He was only talking about becoming a MOB customer. He wasn't "facilitating or arranging a marriage between a Filipina and a foreigner for money or other consideration...which is still illegal in the Philippines at this very moment! How will your clients be treated if they are captured by the Philippine National Police at one of your introduction parties?

I am starting to think that you are really a femnazi, trying to destroy AFA's business!  You are certainly doing a very good job of exposing their illegal activities in the Philippines.

Republic Act 6955 or “The Anti Mail-Order Bride Law of 1990" and the RA 9208: “The Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act," which criminalizes the act of “introducing for money or other consideration any Filipino to a foreigner as a possible spouse."

The developmentally disabled madman!

Re: Introductions seem the way to go.
« Reply #47 on: August 21, 2009, 11:54:44 PM »

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Re: Introductions seem the way to go.
« Reply #48 on: August 22, 2009, 12:49:06 AM »
shill- One who poses as a satisfied customer or an enthusiastic gambler to dupe bystanders into participating in a swindle.

He's not a shill.  

Hey bcc,

IMHO Ray is correct! masonb is a SHILL that was exposed in the act by Ray and Capstone! massonb is now scambling around attempting damage control for AFA. He/she is holding up mirrors and trying to blow smoke up our azzas!

Hey FD,

My advice would be to check out either a Romance tour or a personal introductions company.  Typically it works just like a travel agency except when you get there you are introduced to as many beautiful foreign women that you could possibly want to meet, increasing your chances of finding that special someone.  A foreign Affair is the company I've been doing it through.  They hold large socials in foreign countries as well as individual introductions and I have found they have the best reputation in the industry.  Their service is amazing.  From the time you arrive in the city of your choice they meet you at the airport and help you every step of the way.

I have only gone on group tours but they cater to people who want to have it more personalized to them only.  I went to Odessa, Ukraine once and I'm planning on going to Peru this October.  In Odessa I can honestly say I had the time of my life.  

Whatever you do I would follow the 10 commandments listed on the left hand side of this website as it is great advice.

I would also recommend being realistic with what your looking for in a woman.  I've noticed a trend of people who get scammed and it seems the majority are men who are either looking for a sex slave, or they are just too dumb to notice when a woman is obviously a gold digger.
I hope this answers your question to an extent.  AFA tours in Latin America, the Former Soviet Union, and Asia.

Another recommendation would be to only date women within at least 15 years of you.  I could be wrong and would be happy to know if anyone disagrees but I find it hard to believe some men who are in their 50's try and meet a 21 year old with good intentions.  I personally think a 21 year old is a 21 year old regardless of where they are from.

As far as correspondence goes others I'm sure will disagree but I personally think its a huge waste of time and money.  Maybe others have had better experiences with it but I just think if you focus on a handful of girls that you have written letters to your not only cutting yourself short but you are opening yourself up to a world of let down.  

If you have the finances I suggest going on a tour, meeting women in person, and then once you leave correspond with women you have made a real connection with face to face.  I think this would eliminate a lot of the issues arising from traveling all the way across the world to meet one woman just to be severely dissappointed.

Don't believe me?  Read some of the horror stories that guys have posted about traveling just to meet one woman that they were so certain things would work out.  I'm sure it works out sometimes but I'm betting just based off of what I've read already that it typically ends in failure.

Why trial and error it?


Suggesting that a guy take an organized tour to meet a wife in the Philippines is a stupid idea. Introduction services are illegal in the Philippines and anyone claiming to be knowledgeable in foreign dating should know that.

Your advice against correspondence is also dumb.

You sound like a tour salesman...


I know for a fact that group tours are not illegal in the Philipines so I don't know where your getting your facts from but your misinformed.  

If you don't mind me asking, why do you consider group tours to be dumb?  I noticed that a lot of people who post here agree with you and I'm curious to know why?  Doesn't it make more sense to meet as many women as you can or want to instead of corresponding with four or five and then going to visit?

As far as correspondence goes I personally think its a waste of time and money to try and set something up that way when you can date some women get to know them in person, and then start corresponding.  It just seems like it would be a smarter way of deciding what women you actually have a connection with.

With all do respect Ray I'm not a tour salesman, I appreciate your opinion and if you could give me some reasons why you feel that way I would like to know.


Sorry but Ray does not what he is talking about:

Then please tell us how you are affiliated with WWDL/AFA if it is not in a tour salesman capacity?? Sorry but we are not buying what your are selling.

"Then please tell us how you are affiliated with WWDL/AFA if it is not in a tour salesman capacity?? Sorry but we are not buying what your are selling"

I am the front desk for AFA.  I personally am not trying to sell anything, and actually I'm posting on here to get informed about this industry by a third party, hence my questions regarding why people are against group tours.  All I know is why they are benificial so I would like to know why so many of you feel differently.  I will be the first to admit that I don't know everything there is to know about this industry but I have done research and I have been on a group tour.  With that being said my intentions are to get more informed by a source outside of the company I work for.  

  Please don't mistake my initial post as a sales tactic.  In my experience this is what works best for people.  I've read "foreign bride 101" by Bud Patterson as well as "A Guide to international dating" by Mark Davis and both books tend to lean more towards going on group tours or personal introductions before getting too hung up on correspondence although they do say that for some people correspondence can be beneficial.  

To my understanding there are many ways to go about finding a foreign wife.  What I know is what I've posted.  If you disagree, again please tell me WHY you disagree.  

Finally, If personal introductions and group tours are illegal in the Philipines then how is it that AFA is able to hold tours in Davao and Cebu on a regular basis?

« Last Edit: August 22, 2009, 12:54:49 AM by Dave H »
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Re: Introductions seem the way to go.
« Reply #49 on: August 22, 2009, 01:14:23 AM »

IMHO Ray is correct! masonb is a SHILL that was exposed in the act by Ray and Capstone!

if I remember correctly he came clean to Dan pretty quickly. At this point he's a clueless employee selling a pile of [snip].

Shills on the Internet

In online discussion media, satisfied consumers or "innocent" parties may express specific opinions in order to further the interests of an organization in which they have an interest, such as a commercial vendor or special interest group.

He is clearly identified as a Commercial member. The definition of shill doesn't fit anything he posts after coming clean about being the AFA labrat office boy.

The example I gave where AFA set up an online message board (with bogus user names) to talk up their company and slam businesses like Spanish Eyes Costa Rica is a textbook definition of Shills in marketing.

Again I strongly disagree with Mason but as an admitted employee of AFA he doesn't meet the definition of a shill. He's either a clueless employee or a puppet for AFA.

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