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Author Topic: sorry old news about the jamie and sean slug fest  (Read 19345 times)

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Re: sorry old news about the jamie and sean slug fest
« Reply #100 on: March 07, 2009, 08:53:04 AM »

It is not the number of guys that are using Jamie's agency that is impressive...since I bet probably more guys are using the big agencies that have the "tours". What is impressive is the number of guys that have had success there. And normal looking guys with normal looking girls. Not like some of the "success" stories you see on other sites that show a guy about 60 years old, way past his prime, with a below average looking chica.

And again, the reason his place works is not because of his personality, it is because he runs a tighter ship than the rest, has a better than average attendance by the chicas, has good translators, and the business model he uses with the groups at the beginning. Oh, and he appears to "cull" out the bad apples from the site and updates/removes profiles very quickly if the girls are no longer available.

All those things are pretty basic, and seemingly simple to duplicate. But in Colombia....I guess it is next to impossible.  

Look at All Colombian Cali...they have tons of hotties. Their website is cool. But they suck as an agency. Can't get hold of the girls, the profiles are old, lots of dead time, etc. And I have not seen many success stories from there, have you??? All of the other agencies are similar....they have a few of the components for success, but are unable to efficiently provide the results like Jamie has. You can check the forum archives for yourself like I did to see the reality.

I, and I bet many other guys, would definitely use another agency if they had better results.

And I am not arguing with any guys out there that say that for a spanish speaking guy, an agency is not really necessary or a "matchmaker" agency with one on one service might be better if the person at the agency is from the city and knows the cultural aspects inside and out.....but that system can only work for the guys who have weeks and weeks, if not months to do things one by one.  

For all the rest of us, Jamies method is pretty good because you meet tons of chicas who already have a basic interest in you. And it happens very quickly. And you should come away from that phase with at least a handful of viable candidates if you did your part well by seaching his site thoroughly. I am very picky with what I am looking for, and after the smoke cleared I had met about 7 good wife material candidates during my last trip there. And that was during the worst possible time of the year to go there....during Carnaval.

             Thanks for your respectful response. I have no doubts that you are sincere in what you believe and I wish you the best of luck. I just disagree because I accomplished the same thing without jamie's agency.

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Re: sorry old news about the jamie and sean slug fest
« Reply #101 on: March 07, 2009, 12:28:34 PM »

  To Researcher and anyone else who thinks this might pertain to you,

I am not advocating putting a muzzle on anyone's opinion. If everyone agreed around here, well that would just be too weird. But seriously, if some dudes want to go it alone - who cares. If a guy needs things a little more laid out with the help of an agency - who cares. There is no right or wrong way of getting your lady. Some guys have a whole steamer trunk full of time to go from town to town, hitting the bars or malls or ? While some guys like me have a hard enough time taking a lunch break so a week was all I could pull off at first.

I also agree that you should check things out totally before flying anywhere unfamiliar to you. I sorta thought when I went down there that I would need one of those mosquito tents, a pithe helmet and a machete, but obviously that wasn't the case.  I just want to emphasize that we are all adults here and for some the agencies work, for some it's better to go it alone. We should, like you mentioned Researcher, be helpful to the people really coming here and trying to sponge up the advice and experiences of those of us who have done it. I just like to see us all be respectful toward each other even when we have different opinions. :)


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