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Author Topic: Sean126's real name is Scott.  (Read 11170 times)

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Offline sean126

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Sean126's real name is Scott.
« on: January 18, 2009, 10:58:31 PM »
Dan, staff and other readers.....

It wouldn't surprise me to have this thread deleted also.

Simply real name is Scott.  I wanted to keep this private.  During Jamie and I's debate Jamie used my real name...which is private information.  I privately pm'd Jamie and asked him to stop and told him that it had nothing to do with our debate and that I'd asked any other poster to stop revealing personal information about another poster if they had a problem with it. 

I believe PDaddy was banned for simply insinuating to reveal personal information.  I also informed Jamie that if he did it again that he would be in officially warned status and after that moved to moderated status.  Again....this had nothing to do with our debate, but everything to do with how we handled past instances of this kind of behavior.  Jamie did it again and I moved him to warned status and also issued a less polite private pm.  I even took the "sword" out of Jamie's hand by posting a brief comment on our debate thread.   

Dan removed the warning and deleted my thread because he felt the readers here weren't smart enough to see that Jamie's blatant disregard of the rules had nothing to do with our debate and he didn't want to give the appearance that I was abusing my moderator position because I was involved in a direct and seemingly heated debate with Jamie.

Dan also sent Jamie a private pm him telling him to stop and Jamie has since posted his latest 1,00000 word essay still using my real name.  So....Jamie choose to ignore my pm and Dan's pm also.  Dan tied my hands to allow Jamie to have a free pass at the rules because a moderator had engaged him in a debate.  Dan has also allow Jamie to continue to break the rule...a rule that has gotten PDaddy banned (if I remember correctly) for simply insinuating that he would break....not to mention allowing Jamie to continue to break the rules and disregard a moderator's fair and impartial request and also ignoring the sites owner's request. 

Jamie should have been in "warned" status the second time he did this, just as anyone else would have been after they were asked to stop.  Now...Jamie has done it again and ignored pm's by 2 of the staff. I would like to take the sword out of Dan's and Jamie's hands.  Not only is my real name Scott....I am also refusing to return here because my personal information can no longer be trusted with Dan's ownership.  I had no hard feelings about it the first time...I didn't like it, thought it was totally unfair and resigned because of it. is simply too much.  I can no longer trust Dan or Jeff S to do the right thing.  Jeff could have stepped in, but choose not to.  Catz had not been checking in so I cannot fault him for anything. 

I trusted that the readers would be smart enough to see that having Jamie obey the rules, whether I engaged him or not, would not appear as an abuse of my status as a moderator.  Dan thinks otherwise.

So now I have no choice but to totally withdraw my membership and wash my hands of this website that does not do an effective job of protecting someone's privacy, even if it seems's still my decision to disclose my real name or not...not Dan's.  If I cannot trust Dan to protect my real name, then I cannot trust him to protect anything else.

This has absolutely nothing at all to do with Jamie and my debate....any reasonably intelligent person can see that this is a separate issue entirely.

I've done my best to be a fair an impartial moderator...I've given people many chances in private emails and I've tried to stay involved.  I've held no grudges for people speaking their mind to me and I've tried to take it as well as I've given it out to people.  But this is too much.  This is not right. 

There is nothing Dan or Jeff can do to make anything "right" between us now.  What's done is done.  I'm not having marital troubles, I'm over my episode of depression and  I'm not ranting.  Am I mad?  Hell yes, anyone would be if you was in my shoes.  But I'm not linking my debate with Jamie to my anger over this.  This, a separate issue entirely.

I am formally asking Dan to withdraw my profile immediately...entirely because I will not be back. That I can promise you.

As for my debate with Jamie....i would hope that other people who see through his BS will continue to warn new people asking about Barranquilla and his agency.       

As for people being glad I'm gone, especially resigning as a's not as easy as it looks.  Especially if you like to post a lot.  No matter what you do, your the bad guy many times.  The next moderator will see what I am talking about. 

I wanted to give my side of the situation....I'm sure and I expect Dan to give his side.  I would if I was in his position.  I trust the readers enough to be smart enough to determine that the debate and this issue were two entirely separate issues.  I fully understood that I could not moderate any insults Jamie may have given me in our debate....but blatantly breaking the rules and revealing personal information when told not once, not twice...but 3 times!  That's ridiculous and must and should have been handled. 

To all of my friends I've made....Take care.  If you have my email, keep in touch.

(Wish you could have been here sooner Catz.  Take care.)         
« Last Edit: January 18, 2009, 11:13:08 PM by sean126 »

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Re: Sean126's real name is Scott.
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2009, 11:16:21 PM »
on damn people are dropping like flies. Guess we all wait for Dan's response... but Sean126 is a pretty awesome poster and it would suck if you guys didn't kiss and make up  :-*.

If I got into an argument with Sean126 and then broke the rule by doling out his personal info would I have been treated the same as Jamie or would there be a warned or moderated text by my screen name? Just curious and will wait for the full story.
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Re: Sean126's real name is Scott.
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2009, 11:44:44 PM »
Sean , Scott,

Take some time to relax man.. Looking at this from outside viewpoint I think you will regret the things you have said about Dan , Jeff S and Jaime over time..

Look you got into a scrap with Jaime over something small that built up and then are attacking Dan and Jeff S because they don't support you.

I am only mentioning this because you mentioned it in your thread. Get help because Depression is not a episode. You should see a Doctor and get assessed by a Medical Professional.

You were the biggest boosters of Jaime and Dan and now they are all scum and bad ? C'mon now give your head a shake , look inward and think very hard..

A sign of Depression is anger and attacking Jaime , Dan and Jeff S the way you have been this weekend shows you might need help.

Since you have withdrawn your membership I am posting here in hopes you will read it and not PMing you..

Get Better , relax , enjoy and love your wife and future children..

All the best,

Jeff aka singlefather

« Last Edit: January 19, 2009, 01:05:25 AM by singlefather »

Re: Sean126's real name is Scott.
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2009, 11:44:44 PM »

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Re: Sean126's real name is Scott.
« Reply #3 on: January 19, 2009, 06:46:43 AM »
O.K. Scott, but is 126 your real family name? I'm confused...

Don't tell anyone, but Ray's real name is Ray...  Shhhhhh!


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Re: Sean126's real name is Scott.
« Reply #4 on: January 19, 2009, 07:20:09 AM »
Where do I submit my resume for moderator position?  But I have to warn you, I'm not cheap (somewhere in the 6 figures) and I require 51 weeks vacation a year, paid of course.

I do have experience though.  I once saw a schoolyard fight and went and told the teacher.

Please PM all offers, as I will make all offers confidential.

Yours truly,
Mr. Mont Realer
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Offline rpcv

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Re: Sean126's real name is Scott.
« Reply #5 on: January 19, 2009, 08:16:00 AM »
I've done my best to be a fair an impartial moderator...I've given people many chances in private emails and I've tried to stay involved.  I've held no grudges for people speaking their mind to me and I've tried to take it as well as I've given it out to people.  But this is too much.  This is not right. 

As someone who hasn't posted 1000's times (I think I've only reached 250 or so) but has been a member here for quite awhile, I'll say that you have been a good moderator Sean126. This board has greatly benefited from your input and I wish you much success.

As for my debate with Jamie....i would hope that other people who see through his BS will continue to warn new people asking about Barranquilla and his agency.
I think Jaime has said more than enough on here so that most folks will be cautious about using his agency now. 

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Re: Sean126's real name is Scott.
« Reply #6 on: January 19, 2009, 08:19:18 AM »
Dan, staff and other readers.....

It wouldn't surprise me to have this thread deleted also.

Simply real name is Scott.  I wanted to keep this private.  During Jamie and I's debate Jamie used my real name...which is private information.  I privately pm'd Jamie and asked him to stop and told him that it had nothing to do with our debate and that I'd asked any other poster to stop revealing personal information about another poster if they had a problem with it. 

I believe PDaddy was banned for simply insinuating to reveal personal information.  I also informed Jamie that if he did it again that he would be in officially warned status and after that moved to moderated status.  Again....this had nothing to do with our debate, but everything to do with how we handled past instances of this kind of behavior.  Jamie did it again and I moved him to warned status and also issued a less polite private pm.  I even took the "sword" out of Jamie's hand by posting a brief comment on our debate thread.   

Dan removed the warning and deleted my thread because he felt the readers here weren't smart enough to see that Jamie's blatant disregard of the rules had nothing to do with our debate and he didn't want to give the appearance that I was abusing my moderator position because I was involved in a direct and seemingly heated debate with Jamie.

Dan also sent Jamie a private pm him telling him to stop and Jamie has since posted his latest 1,00000 word essay still using my real name.  So....Jamie choose to ignore my pm and Dan's pm also.  Dan tied my hands to allow Jamie to have a free pass at the rules because a moderator had engaged him in a debate.  Dan has also allow Jamie to continue to break the rule...a rule that has gotten PDaddy banned (if I remember correctly) for simply insinuating that he would break....not to mention allowing Jamie to continue to break the rules and disregard a moderator's fair and impartial request and also ignoring the sites owner's request. 

Jamie should have been in "warned" status the second time he did this, just as anyone else would have been after they were asked to stop.  Now...Jamie has done it again and ignored pm's by 2 of the staff. I would like to take the sword out of Dan's and Jamie's hands.  Not only is my real name Scott....I am also refusing to return here because my personal information can no longer be trusted with Dan's ownership.  I had no hard feelings about it the first time...I didn't like it, thought it was totally unfair and resigned because of it. is simply too much.  I can no longer trust Dan or Jeff S to do the right thing.  Jeff could have stepped in, but choose not to.  Catz had not been checking in so I cannot fault him for anything. 

I trusted that the readers would be smart enough to see that having Jamie obey the rules, whether I engaged him or not, would not appear as an abuse of my status as a moderator.  Dan thinks otherwise.

So now I have no choice but to totally withdraw my membership and wash my hands of this website that does not do an effective job of protecting someone's privacy, even if it seems's still my decision to disclose my real name or not...not Dan's.  If I cannot trust Dan to protect my real name, then I cannot trust him to protect anything else.

This has absolutely nothing at all to do with Jamie and my debate....any reasonably intelligent person can see that this is a separate issue entirely.

I've done my best to be a fair an impartial moderator...I've given people many chances in private emails and I've tried to stay involved.  I've held no grudges for people speaking their mind to me and I've tried to take it as well as I've given it out to people.  But this is too much.  This is not right. 

There is nothing Dan or Jeff can do to make anything "right" between us now.  What's done is done.  I'm not having marital troubles, I'm over my episode of depression and  I'm not ranting.  Am I mad?  Hell yes, anyone would be if you was in my shoes.  But I'm not linking my debate with Jamie to my anger over this.  This, a separate issue entirely.

I am formally asking Dan to withdraw my profile immediately...entirely because I will not be back. That I can promise you.

As for my debate with Jamie....i would hope that other people who see through his BS will continue to warn new people asking about Barranquilla and his agency.       

As for people being glad I'm gone, especially resigning as a's not as easy as it looks.  Especially if you like to post a lot.  No matter what you do, your the bad guy many times.  The next moderator will see what I am talking about. 

I wanted to give my side of the situation....I'm sure and I expect Dan to give his side.  I would if I was in his position.  I trust the readers enough to be smart enough to determine that the debate and this issue were two entirely separate issues.  I fully understood that I could not moderate any insults Jamie may have given me in our debate....but blatantly breaking the rules and revealing personal information when told not once, not twice...but 3 times!  That's ridiculous and must and should have been handled. 

To all of my friends I've made....Take care.  If you have my email, keep in touch.

(Wish you could have been here sooner Catz.  Take care.)         

My side...... where to begin.....

First off, there are guys here who will take any opportunity to take advantage of another. If they feel that using a real name will provide advantage, they will use it. If they feel like threatening to divulge personal information they dug up somewhere, they will use it.

As for Jamie's use of Sean's first name, it looks to me like he was trying to gain advantage, knew it was an issue with Sean, and he kept on digging.

[sarcasm on] Real mature stuff. [sarcasm off]

Edited. I jumped to a quick conclusion and now believe Jamie did NOT mean to antagonize sean126 with use of real first name.

In terms of Sean making the claim that he can no longer trust me with his private information - I think this is an example of misplaced hostility. You see, I did not post his first name. I offered to remove all references to it, and he declined.

I have, in the past, slipped up with at least two members and used their real first names in a post - thinking it was not a big deal and I thought I had seen others do it. In both instances, the member reminded me, and I went back and edited the posts - BUT - that was not the case with Sean. I did not post his real name - I removed many instances of its posting, and offered to remove others if I missed any.

Sean makes a point about how difficult the role of moderator is. He is correct. In this instance, before things really heated up with Jamie, I reminded him of the fact that a moderator CANNOT exercise moderator buttons while engaged in an active argument with another member. There is just too much opportunity for emotion to overtake good sense.

When Sean later decided to moderate in the same topic, I had no choice but to reverse those actions, which meant to delete one post, and to remove the Warned status. At the same time, I sent a PM to both Jamie and Sean.

When I awoke this AM, I found a slew of PM's in my InBox and it seems the sh!t hit the fan again. When I went to bed last night, there were no instances I knew of where Sean's name was on the board - and this AM, all hell broke loose.

So you see, the job of being a Moderator means you:

* get to deal with childish nonsense
* have the opportunity to have others threaten to divulge your personal information
* must be a mindreader
* cannot sleep

OK - that is "my side" I guess. I wish Sean well, and am sorry to see him go - as I wrote him throughout this fiasco.

Too much drama - AND - I need to go do my real job (the one that pays the mortgage payment).

- Dan
« Last Edit: January 22, 2009, 04:03:32 PM by Dan »

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Re: Sean126's real name is Scott.
« Reply #7 on: January 19, 2009, 09:00:55 AM »
WOW it has been a very agitated weekend for PL .

Sean, I am sorry for your decision. I hope you keep your eyes on the site.

If a person doesn't know what he/she wants, he/she generally doesn't want what they got.

Sometimes we substitute the physical connection, or even the occasional emotional connection, for the real relationship we want to be in.

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Re: Sean126's real name is Scott.
« Reply #8 on: January 19, 2009, 09:52:41 AM »

I have always enjoyed reading your posts as you have a wealth of information to share with the PL community which is both informative and valuable. I also think that you have done a good job as Moderater. I can definitely see why you became upset over Jamie's continued use of your real name on the forum especially after you asked him not to as privacy is something which should not be taken lightly. However at the same time I can definitely see Dan's point of view as well and feel like he handled the situation well considering that he can not stay logged into PL 24/7. I certainly wish you well and hope that you might reconsider your decision to leave the board because the absence of your valuable insight only hurts the other members of this board who are not involved in the current situation between yourself, Jamie and Dan - especially the new guys.

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Re: Sean126's real name is Scott.
« Reply #9 on: January 19, 2009, 10:24:42 AM »

I wish you the best of luck and i hope you and your wife have a wonderful life together. Please think through all of your action's and i wish you the best thank you for all your help in the past

Ray from OHIO

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Re: Sean126's real name is Scott.
« Reply #10 on: January 19, 2009, 11:42:00 AM »

               I hope you take some time and reconsider.I know being a babysitter, I mean moderator is not easy but as I have said before, it's just an internet forum.I usually don't let what some people here say about me bother me, after all, I have had decent folks say worse. :) :) :)

 Good Luck,
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Re: Sean126's real name is Scott.
« Reply #11 on: January 19, 2009, 02:42:35 PM »

I know how you are feeling.  I was there myself on some heated stuff.  You always gave me chances.  In all actuality I should have been banned.  Remember the big shing dig I went through with William and Ray?  Not to mention the never ending war with that douche bag that has an agency.  Everyone has his good parts and their bad.  Jaime no exception.  As you no doubt now know a bad temper.  I would really hate to see you go because you bring a lot of good things to the board.  Your humor being the best thing.  Don't let some guy that everyone praises so much get to you.  He wins if you let it happen.  He is not perfect.  I found that out the second time I went to Barranquilla.  I dated a lovely girl that worked in his office.  She told me that he treated his employees like crap.  He yelled at them all of the time.  So he has a bad temper and to needled you he used your name. and did it knowing you didn't like it. 

I love you man


Roger  (ooops  can I edit that?) ;)

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Re: Sean126's real name is Scott.
« Reply #12 on: January 19, 2009, 05:12:37 PM »

Don't tell anyone, but Ray's real name is Ray...  Shhhhhh!


My real name is Ray too!'s just Dave. ;D

Just Dave
The developmentally disabled madman!

Re: Sean126's real name is Scott.
« Reply #12 on: January 19, 2009, 05:12:37 PM »

Offline jay5688

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Re: Sean126's real name is Scott.
« Reply #13 on: January 19, 2009, 05:47:12 PM »
Hey Man , you really need to read the post's , from the other guys , this board needs more guys like you,,

listen to Bigstew ,researcher , and all the other guys

maybe tomorrow after you have  time to relieve some stress or something ......

have fun ,, take care,, thanks Jay
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Re: Sean126's real name is Scott.
« Reply #14 on: January 19, 2009, 06:11:45 PM »
He is not perfect.  I found that out the second time I went to Barranquilla.  I dated a lovely girl that worked in his office.  She told me that he treated his employees like crap.  He yelled at them all of the time.  So he has a bad temper and to needled you he used your name. and did it knowing you didn't like it. 

Hey BigStew watch out! Jaime's gonna target you! Good to see you posting. 8)

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Re: Sean126's real name is Scott.
« Reply #15 on: January 19, 2009, 09:20:46 PM »
I'm sorry to see you go, you did a great job as a moderator. 

Good luck


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Re: Sean126's real name is Scott.
« Reply #16 on: January 20, 2009, 09:30:29 AM »
  I truly am sorry to see all this happen and you bailing out. I have been on this site for many moons but never posted until I witnessed the fray between you and Jamie happen. We really need people like yourself that have been in the trenches to remain here and help out the next guys that come around. I used Jamie's services back in November and came away with a lovely girlfriend and soon to be, fiancee. :) So my limited opinion is as follows:

  Even though I felt Jamie has sort of a dry, neutral personality (which isn't necessarily a bad thing) I didn't use his agency to date him. I wanted results and whoever brings that to me gets the blue ribbon. The agency is very nice and professionally run, I was impressed. No B.S. going on. No yelling or rudeness I saw, only great professionalism from everyone there. I went with his agency because he really could not have bribed all of the people who give his agency great reviews. Most of the agencies down there are pretty hokey and ultimately I felt would leave me without a woman and dissapointed. So for me, I really did not care about Jamie's "personality". When I showed up, he greeted me with a handshake, asked me if I had any questions for him. Spoke with me for a while about what ladies were interested in meeting me and my schedule. I really had no questions for him because he answered so many questions and gave me so much advice, I didn't need to ask him anything. And I was a little scared about being in a foreign country, never traveling out of the states before. But that melted away about 5 minutes after being there at the agency. Every question was answered. Anything I can think of now looking back could not have been done any better.
  You pay a lot more for him than most other agencies as you know, but what is the love of your life worth? I paid a lot, expected a lot and I can tell you here without any nudging or bribes from Jamie, I received a lot more than I paid for. I might mention that there were a few services that he could have charged me for, but did not. Very fair with me, but I can only speak for myself. I know everyone wants to pile on Jamie, and I don't work for him or am a shill or whatever. But I just wanted to give my opinion about my experience with him to everyone here on the board.

I hope you reconsider and return back to the fold!
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Re: Sean126's real name is Scott.
« Reply #17 on: January 20, 2009, 11:02:39 AM »
  I truly am sorry to see all this happen and you bailing out. I have been on this site for many moons but never posted until I witnessed the fray between you and Jamie happen. We really need people like yourself that have been in the trenches to remain here and help out the next guys that come around. I used Jamie's services back in November and came away with a lovely girlfriend and soon to be, fiancee. :) So my limited opinion is as follows:

  Even though I felt Jamie has sort of a dry, neutral personality (which isn't necessarily a bad thing) I didn't use his agency to date him. I wanted results and whoever brings that to me gets the blue ribbon. The agency is very nice and professionally run, I was impressed. No B.S. going on. No yelling or rudeness I saw, only great professionalism from everyone there. I went with his agency because he really could not have bribed all of the people who give his agency great reviews. Most of the agencies down there are pretty hokey and ultimately I felt would leave me without a woman and dissapointed. So for me, I really did not care about Jamie's "personality". When I showed up, he greeted me with a handshake, asked me if I had any questions for him. Spoke with me for a while about what ladies were interested in meeting me and my schedule. I really had no questions for him because he answered so many questions and gave me so much advice, I didn't need to ask him anything. And I was a little scared about being in a foreign country, never traveling out of the states before. But that melted away about 5 minutes after being there at the agency. Every question was answered. Anything I can think of now looking back could not have been done any better.
  You pay a lot more for him than most other agencies as you know, but what is the love of your life worth? I paid a lot, expected a lot and I can tell you here without any nudging or bribes from Jamie, I received a lot more than I paid for. I might mention that there were a few services that he could have charged me for, but did not. Very fair with me, but I can only speak for myself. I know everyone wants to pile on Jamie, and I don't work for him or am a shill or whatever. But I just wanted to give my opinion about my experience with him to everyone here on the board.

I hope you reconsider and return back to the fold!


             Since you have met your girlfriend through an IMB that is not IMBRA compliant have you checked on what it might take to get her here if you file your paperwork.Just something you might want to look into.

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Re: Sean126's real name is Scott.
« Reply #18 on: January 20, 2009, 11:59:49 AM »
I do not pay much attention to the Latin side and rarely post here so this almost got by me. 

I have to agree that being a moderator is work unappreciated by the posters and difficult to say the least.  I also agree that personal information is just that "personal".  Although many here know my real name I still post Bear, Honey and Cubs most of the time. 

Sorry to see you go and hope you still lurk and post on occasion - look at it as a sabbatical (I took several).

The Bear Family

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Re: Sean126's real name is Scott.
« Reply #19 on: January 20, 2009, 01:47:54 PM »

Wow, I am suprised to hear this. You did a very good job as moderator.  I especially liked the videos that you created from scratch- which alone is testament to the amount of time that you devoted to this forum which makes this even more shocking.I hope that you will reconsider. I agree that revealing one's identity is a big no-no and should result in immediate deletion of the revealed name and a warning to the perpetrator. The second time should result in a temporary ban, if not the the first time (in my opinion). I understand your frustration, but I understand Dan's side too. Maybe your debate should have been at the PL court from the beginning (?) I don't know if that would have made a difference in the end but at least there would have been one extra set of eyes watching you and Jamie closely.

Regarding Jamie- I have never met him so I cannot comment from personal experience but I must say that it was strange watching you attack him like a pitbull. That doesn't seem like your nature. Even if your accusations about Jamie are true, remember that he did help you find the love of your life, did he not? As much as you dislike him, he did change your life for the better.

I know several gringos who are happily married to a beautiful Latina because of Jamie. No, I'm not saying that he runs a prefect business but from what I hear he does seem to deliver in the end.

I hope you reconsider but if not, take care of yourself and best of luck with your beautiful wife.


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Re: Sean126's real name is Scott.
« Reply #20 on: January 20, 2009, 03:49:34 PM »
can somebody PM me a brief version of what happened.  I didn't come on this past weekend so I missed the soap opera.

If somebody could PM me and explain in 103 words or less would be greatly appreciated.  (I will give you 10% of my salary earned from my PL moderator position should I be accepted)
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Re: Sean126's real name is Scott.
« Reply #21 on: January 20, 2009, 04:07:10 PM »
I am also catching up on this whole weird episode. I like 'Sean', but this all rather bizarre! It seems to go much deeper than what was written.

Dan, staff and other readers.....

It wouldn't surprise me to have this thread deleted also.

Simply real name is Scott.  I wanted to keep this private. 

I have no problem with that...but pictures of 'Sean' and his wife abound on this website. A picture is worth a 1000 words. I know posters here who have been recognized in public from their P-L pictures. It is OK if you don't mind the attention.

I can no longer trust Dan or Jeff S to do the right thing.  Jeff could have stepped in, but choose not to.  Catz had not been checking in so I cannot fault him for anything. 

Isn't a moderator supposed to moderate his own board? Jeff certainly has other things to do. He does have a life and 'few' other jobs. He may be busy working late or in Mexico, China, or Japan at the moment.

I think being a P-L Latin Board Moderator is very stressful and burns people out!

Good luck 'Sean'!


« Last Edit: January 20, 2009, 09:42:27 PM by Dave H »
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Re: Sean126's real name is Scott.
« Reply #22 on: January 20, 2009, 06:32:51 PM »
  Hi Researcher,

No, I really am not all that concerned about the IMBRA Gestapo kicking my door in. They don't seem too gung-ho about enforcing the rules and I have nothing to hide from my lady anyways. (well, not really) I will show her my criminal record and my record of my first marriage going down in flames and have her sign something saying she's seen whatever past drama I've been through.
  But I think I'm more concerned about will I actually be able to AFFORD to get her back to the states. The mess the U.S. is in right now financially, they might jack up the cost of the marriage visa even more now to bail out some more banks or ? - Yikes!! >:(

Peace -

"Take care of your lady or somebody else will."

Re: Sean126's real name is Scott.
« Reply #22 on: January 20, 2009, 06:32:51 PM »

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Re: Sean126's real name is Scott.
« Reply #23 on: January 20, 2009, 06:58:26 PM »
The bare facts;
....ya can't moderate your own thread Scott/Sean126, ya lose credibility reeel fast...
...nothing is Dan's fault....

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Re: Sean126's real name is Scott.
« Reply #24 on: January 20, 2009, 09:02:53 PM »
I think Sean126 is a valuable assett to this site, however if he goes by sean or scott who cares. I think the valuable info on this site is what keeps coming back, but why is it that we must act like children from time to time. Sean I respect your privacy but I dont think I can find you by your first name. I dont have any ill feelings towards people named scott so why does it matter so much. There must be something more than he is telling us. Anyway this is just my opinion. Long story short who f' n cares.


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