So Its time to meet the family. Yeah let the fun begn. I fly into bogota, and arrive very late i do the same thing everytime I tell myself no problem i will wait out the lay over and be fine....yeah i get there around 10pm and i need some rest so i decide to get a room...strike one ...get there its an hot water, no blinds on the fault Ill deal with morning i am flying to manizales, to meet my girl. You just cant put into words the feeling of having a hot young chica waiting at the gate for you. So we are heading to Peria cauz they aint nothing in manizles worth staying for. So i get a taxi driver who doubles as a stunt driver on the weekend and anyone whos been to the outer cities knows that the road suck...bad......we blow a tire going down a mountain side and the only thing that comes to mind is the Russel Crow movie...yeah it sorta freaked me out. lesson one stay away from peira plaza hotel overated and over priced 135.oo american no way no the next day after some sweaty bonding to the wee hours of the morning, its time oh boy is it time.
So dad {her dad} has rented a farm in manizales so this is where it is goin must have got he son of the stunt driver cauz i had the same feeling in my stomach the whole way and its not a short trip. We get there around 1pm and dad has already been hammering the rum....oh yeah game on bitches.......seems dad is the touchy feely drunk {god i hate those kind} so we all do the meet and greet and he slurs the only english word he knows which is my name> So by 4pm dad is in need of something and I cant figure it out, turns it out its more booze. So dad decides that I need to take his new suv to the store OH BOY.....I did not want to do it but he inssisted .....2 miles later and one 3 foot ditch I wreck his car be continued