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Author Topic: Comparing cities in Colombia  (Read 3874 times)

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Offline capt_jim

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Comparing cities in Colombia
« on: July 11, 2008, 01:39:22 PM »
I would like to know what people think about various cities in Colombia, and what pluses or minuses they have in looking for women.

I have spent most of my time in Medellin, and a little bit in Bogota. The women I met in Bogota seemed to be more professional, educated, and motivated. I talked to a guy who had spent a lot of time in Barranquilla and he said the women there were pretty flaky. I don't think I've read much about Cali as a city.

I think I have squeezed as much out of Medellin as I can and if I go looking for new prospects I'm going to try Bogota.

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Re: Comparing cities in Colombia
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2008, 06:30:56 PM »
Each has there own opinion. Might be  better to be more precise of what you are looking for as each city has it's own distinct sub-culture within the Colombian culture.I have been to :

Cali--7 Times
Barranquilla--5 times
Cartagena--5 Times
Medellin--1 Time
Bogota--4 times
Valledupar--1 Time
Ibague--1 Time
Tulua--1 Time
Buga--1 Time
Villavencencio--1 Time
Nieve--1 Time

All are different and imular, so what is the criteria that you are really looking for and I can give my experiences  as they were had and then others can give theres and maybe you will get a picture of the different vibes of the city .

She Loves What's Under The Kilt !

Viva Ecuador !

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Re: Comparing cities in Colombia
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2008, 06:44:14 PM »
major cities,
Bogota, like you said, more professional, the biggest city, and if you cant find a girl in this city, then your pretty much a loser, or not that serious and are there just  to date, and not really looking for something serious, or your not spending enough time there.
Medellin, girls care about $$$$ more than your personality.  very nice city, my favorite, but not for the girls. probably the worst girls i have met.

Cali, the party city where girls love to dance and party. met some real gold diggers, but also met some really good girls too, takes  a little time in this city to find a keeper, but possible. can be dangerous at times, more so if you act like a stupid tourist.

Barranquilla, smaller city, little hot and humid, but nice at night, more run down and dirty, sort of like northern Mexico. girls are OK, some flakes, some really lazy girls, but some good ones also, same as Cali, takes some time to find a good one, but is possible.

Manizales, small city, very nice, and nice girls also. more reserved and cautious.

Re: Comparing cities in Colombia
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2008, 06:44:14 PM »

Offline utopiacowboy

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Re: Comparing cities in Colombia
« Reply #3 on: July 11, 2008, 07:11:17 PM »
You need to try Monteria where you'll sweat like the burro you rode in on. The weather is hot and the chicks are hotter. The place is a total dump with nothing to recommend it except it's like that unfished trout stream in Alaska. You, Gringo. Them, Babes!

Offline papajeff

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Re: Comparing cities in Colombia
« Reply #4 on: July 11, 2008, 10:17:27 PM » girl is from manizales I must have got the acception to the rule cauz she far from reserved devoted yes reserved def not....once ya get past the road to the airport in Baranquilla i found it to be a nice place....

jeff :o

Offline UKCaliumbo

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Re: Comparing cities in Colombia
« Reply #5 on: July 12, 2008, 12:31:55 PM »
Captain James T. Kirk

I have only been to Cali so I cannot compare to all these cities.  I can only find their difference in culture when talking via the Internet.

If you care about their skin colours:

Bogota & Medellin girls - more 'white'
Cali - Light 'Indian' / swallow colour
Barranquilla - Darker 'swallow'

Body Type:

Barranquilla girls - lots of 'big' body types girls
Cali girls - lots of 'fake' melons!! LOL

Bogota & Medellin girls are more interesting at making conversations than girls from Cali, Barranquilla, etc

I do not know what type of girls are you seeking, but everyone has different opinions.


Offline dennislevy

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Re: Comparing cities in Colombia
« Reply #6 on: July 12, 2008, 12:35:33 PM »
Capn'Jim et. al.

I've been in Bogota, Cartagena, Ibague and Armenia.

When you think about cities to look for women in Colombia, I think you need to ask yourself some questions. Are you looking for a wife? Do you want to bring her back to the States?  What do you expect in terms of a worke thic and education? Where do you live in the States, what's your lifestyle (house in the country, apartment in a big city, etc.

So, for example, to bring back a life long Bogotana to a small town in the South is probably a huge stretch. I've seen guys try to do it, more then a couple of times

The answers to those questions should give you some ideas to where to look. And then if you are in a city in Colombia, do you use an agency or web sites, or do you just try to meet women. And finally, how is your Spanish?

I agree with your assessment of Bogotanas. But there are a lot of women in Bogota who come from different places in Colombia.

I've never been to Medellin, but I can't imagine why a paisa would want to leave! The weather is gorgeous and its probably the cleanest, most well run city in Colombia.

I've never been to Cali, but know a lot of guys who have.  My impression is a multitude of young girls, with 1 or 2 kids, no profession or career and not much education. In Cali, so much cultural emphasis is placed on youth and beauty, that girls are "over the hill when they are 26 or 27!

Cartagena: I was there twice for a week each tme-- a few years ago, because I thought I was in love with a Cartagenera. Dark skinned women, more relaxed attitudes then Bogota, less education, less conservative. I noticed that becasue of the tropics, women lose their starch after about 35, their faces show lines, they "sag", etc.      

Ibague: A slow moving, languid city, triguenas with dark hair, very dark almost black eyes, I saw some real heartstoppers in the streets in just a few days in Ibague. Maybe I'm prejudiced, my current novia is an Ibaguenera! A town where you need to speak Spanish and know people to meet women.

Armenia. More life and vitality then Ibague, beautiful weather in the middle of coffee country, a variety of women, again, I think you need to speak Spanish and know people to meet women.


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Re: Comparing cities in Colombia
« Reply #7 on: July 16, 2008, 02:52:18 PM »
Cali.....lots of sharp, sexy, passionate women...but some gold diggers. Weather is pretty good all the time...but can get hot if you are used to Canadian weather I guess.

Barranquilla.....more sweet, homey, but love to party.....dancing....but not anything bad like many of the "barflies" here. Music everywhere.  More residential and commercial in nature.  Not too many gringos. Hot and sweaty! No good beaches.

Cartagena....seem like lots of people have a lot of drama there.....many of the girls asking for money...with family members with mysterious illnesses.  Love to party too...great dancers.  Very expensive compared with other cities. Lots of beggars and vendors on the beach.  The girls seem to want a home second. Lots of Europeans and Gringos. Hot and sweaty!

Bucaramanga.....the girls seem very educated...professional minded.  But very nice....a little more conservative than the coast.  Beautiful city that nobody seems to talk about much.

Santa Marta...better beaches than Cartagena....the girls are nice.  There are much fewer vendors than Cartagena.  The beachfront hotels are very cheap compared to Cartagena.  Nice. 

Offline EbonyPrince

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Re: Comparing cities in Colombia
« Reply #8 on: July 20, 2008, 11:46:32 AM »
I have been to the following:

Barranquilla: The first Colombian city that I visited.  It is a huge spread out city of about 2 million people.  It is more like an industrial city.  I met a lot of nice women with some nice bodies.  Most of the women are either brown or light skinned.  There isn't much to do there but go to the mall.  They did have some nice restaurants and it was not bad at night.  There are always a lot of people everywhere.  I met some nice women, but I also met a lot of flakes that didn't seem to have a lot upstairs.  The women seemed to love the people of the city.  Most women didn't seem to have a lot of conversation, but I think that you could find a good woman there. The best agency by far is  Hot and humid. 

Cartagena: My favorite city.  Very romantic at night.  More of a touristy city.  It has women from all over the country, but I would be cautious of women that are not originally from there.  I think that the black women are sexy and they have very nice bodies.  Lot of flavor there.  Vendors are a pain.  Pretty hot. Possible to find a wife, but I get the impression that you have to look real hard here.

Bogota: I didn't spend a lot of time in Bogota outside of one night.  It is a much larger city similiar to other larger cities in the states.  I thought that the women were attractive and probably more educated.  There are a mixture of people here but most of the women were lighter skinned with dark or light brown hair.  They looked more cosmopolitan to me.  I would believe that you could find a good woman in Bogota that was more professional.

Pereira: Just passing through, but I wasn't impressed with anything that I saw.  The women were mostly white and uneventful.  If you have been to Colombia, they have their myths about the women from Pereira.  I saw some tight pants and big booties there, but the women were made up too much for me.

Manizales:  There are a lot of light skinned and caucasian looking women here.  Nice city that felt just like any other small city in the US.  It seemed to rain a lot but the climate was nice, although a little cool at night.  It is right in the mountains and is very hilly especially the streets.  The women are cautious and more reserved.  I feel that you can find a nice and serious wife here.  The women all seemed to really dress nice, although they don't have the bodies like along the coast.  They are still hot.  Probably the best women for climates similiar to Ohio.

Santa Marta:  I recently visited this city and I really liked it.  It has a beach town feel like cities in Florida or North Carolina.  The people were really cool.  The beaches are excellent.  The women seemed to be many shades of brown.  It is a small city, so you would have to look to find someone long term I would assume.

I have never been to Bucaramanga, but I have met a couple of women in Barranquilla from there.  They were some of the best women that I met as far as wife quality.



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