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Author Topic: GQ follows American Man looking for Colombian Wife  (Read 38954 times)

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Offline DragonballT

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GQ follows American Man looking for Colombian Wife
« Reply #100 on: March 30, 2006, 07:10:16 PM »
I have always like Latin-wife because how professional Jamie is and if all the places that I've tried to meet women If I had to put money down which one I would find my future wife at it would be Latin-wife.  Although I have had very limited success through trying to meet girls through email.  Have 20 times better reply rate with some other agencies.  I would still go there though because I trust them as a business.  

Here are some questions that I have though to Latin-wife regarding this situation.  The guy definetely didn't know what he got himself into.  What was the advice Latin-wife give him regarding looking for a wife.  Do they give that advice. This guy ask 2 women to Marry him in a few days.  Seems like he went ther with Pistol loaded.  That seem extreme but if you read there site it suggest engagement within the first week or two is normal.  Maybe he is going there thinking this is the way it is.
Not many sites talk about dating for awhile and going through a process.  If anything I've read on some sites about bringing your engagement ring on your first trip.

I feel bad for Roxanne in this thing.  Now with a kid and probably being laughed at by many in her community.  They say she gorgeous so maybe she'll find another American through an Agency.  The one picture on the article I didn't think she was drop dead gorgeous.  Couldn't tell much from the picture where they sat at the table.  I would have to see more pictures.  The guy is a photographer so I'm guessing he knows a pretty face when he sees one.  If she did get her act together I wouldn't have any problem meeting her when I was in BQ though.

Offline Fuzzyone

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Re: good wife
« Reply #101 on: March 30, 2006, 07:13:19 PM »
Quote from: Ray
Quote from: Fuzzyone
I could care less if a woman here has a different opinion or not but to play little guys by trying to make us look like fools by stating " are you all visiting the same woman in Colombia" Do you think she really has anything to write here but cause trouble and hide behind her nic BB112. She really did not admit she was a woman until she messed up stating we woman would like to know. She is just another woman coming here to write a paper on how big of idiots or losers we are with out really trying to talk to us.

Aw come on Fuzzy, what's the big deal? I didn't know there was a rule that says you have to admit you are a woman on your first post. And why do you think she "slipped up"?

This has never been an exclusive men’s forum and not ALL women are here to write papers. Why not give her a chance before jumping to conclusions. Maybe if you try to engage her in a meaningful discussion, you will find out soon enough what her real motives are. It should take long.  :lol:


   Well Ray every woman that has showed up here in the past have done so looking for problems some lasted for a short time got bored and moved on. Others go to other sites that are more on their level PBH, LWL ect. If it was some guy coming on here making comments like this..

"have all of you gone on this trips to meet the same women? just asking. you need a woman in this forum."

 You would have handed him his *ss admit it. I mean look at your recent posting you did not take crap. Now if I am wrong then Ray must be getting old or got the stuffing beat out of him.

  If you look at when she showed up here when the CG post showed up. How did she ever find this place? We can't even get new members here that are going to S.A. and not to visit the same girl by the way.

Offline zapata

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« Reply #102 on: March 30, 2006, 07:42:53 PM »
Careful DragonballT, your post could be misconstrued as one of a "troll" who is questioning Jamie's integrity, thus you will be chastized by Fuzzyone (who obviously is not a defender of freedom of speech) is obvious that the GQ article raises some very important questions regarding agencies' roles in failed relationships, and if Jamie's agency even insinuates that 1-2 weeks is the "norm" for popping the question, well he SHOULD be held accountable to a certain degree.

Ok, Fuzz, tell me how my posts are crap...(yawn)...

GQ follows American Man looking for Colombian Wife
« Reply #102 on: March 30, 2006, 07:42:53 PM »

Offline Fuzzyone

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GQ follows American Man looking for Colombian Wife
« Reply #103 on: March 30, 2006, 08:39:29 PM »
Quote from: zapata

"rookie"??  "know your role troll"?? LMFAO...

get a life 'ole Fuzzyone...

So what you're telling me is:  You think this Steve guy is a great guy (as Jamie thinks), he is only half responsible for what he did to Roxi,  he made the "typical" mistakes most guys make when choosing a Colombian bride, that YOU  would accept your girlfriend or fiance working in a marriage agency...Ok, you're right, I'm full of crap.  What have YOU posted about Colombia lately?? (sorry I don't have the time to check the archives)

  I am not stating Steve is a great guy but you have never met the guy you have no ideal what really happened except for the CG story. If my girlfriend at the time was working for Jamie I would not have made her quite. Why if she is going to cheat on you it does not matter what you do she will do it. If you don't trust then why marry her? If you rush into anything you get burned plain and simple.

  I don't call Steve a scum bag because it takes two not one. She got pregant that sucks for her and I would hope Steve would be a man to support his child. You cannot force any man or woman to listen if they don't want to!!

  In your case all you have stated is your vast knowledge of Colombia you should let us in on it and stop using the excuse you are going to monopolize the board as you can see it has been pretty dead since Patrick sold the place. If you don't have the time to check the archives which are pretty easy to do even for the brain dead I can spoon feed them to you.

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GQ follows American Man looking for Colombian Wife
« Reply #104 on: March 30, 2006, 08:51:43 PM »
Quote from: zapata
Careful DragonballT, your post could be misconstrued as one of a "troll" who is questioning Jamie's integrity, thus you will be chastized by Fuzzyone (who obviously is not a defender of freedom of speech) is obvious that the GQ article raises some very important questions regarding agencies' roles in failed relationships, and if Jamie's agency even insinuates that 1-2 weeks is the "norm" for popping the question, well he SHOULD be held accountable to a certain degree.

Ok, Fuzz, tell me how my posts are crap...(yawn)...

  As usual your post has no substance to them. I chastized you because it seems you love to post nothing and refuse to post anything about your vast knowledge of Colombia or agencies in general.
  I have said before any agency can provide only so much help if the guy does not want to listen then who's fault is it? I have never read any where that Jamie has said 1-2 weeks is normal to pop the question, if you could waste some of your valuable time how about finding it for us?

  I was wondering  Am I deleting your crap post? NO then you can get off your soap box and dry your tears I have not removed your right to say what ever makes you happy. Freedom of Speech? Let me repeat a admin once told another poster on a site I was on, " freedom of speech ? here on this site saying the wrong thing will get you a set of traveling bags YOUR BANNED"  So if you need a crying towel I will e-mail you one.

   I am still waiting for you to monopolize the board with everything you know about Colombia or I will try to make it easy how about S.A.?

Offline EbonyPrince

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« Reply #105 on: March 30, 2006, 09:27:34 PM »
Soltero wrote:

Aren't you tired of being talked about without even being asked for your opinion? How's being portrayed as an ignorant, controlling, wife-beating caveman sit with you? Even if she has an agenda, what does it matter if you have nothing to hide?

If they are here to actually learn and gain insight, there is nothing wrong.  When people make broad general statements without any facts to back it up, they are by definition the ignorant and mindless ones.  It reminds me of the episodes of Archie Bunker.  Can you say meathead?  You can't speak logic to illogical people, so why waste your time.  All you're witnessing are people(women) that are feeling threatened.  It goes back to the old adage of putting people down in order to lift themselves up.  From my personal experience with AW that I meet at work, salons, bars, etc, etc., the majority all talk about the same thing.  They are unhappy with their men and their lives.  When we don't like what we're getting at home, we have the option to go elsewhere.  Where are they going to go?  They are pretty much going to find the same type of men no matter what part of the world that they look.  What they don't realize is that if they change their attitude, maybe they will change their outcomes.  Once again though, you can't speak logic to illogical people.

it is obvious that the GQ article raises some very important questions regarding agencies' roles in failed relationships, and if Jamie's agency even insinuates that 1-2 weeks is the "norm" for popping the question, well he SHOULD be held accountable to a certain degree.

I highly doubt that Jamie had anything to do with any failed relationships.  I have spoken to Jamie on the phone for at least 1 1/2 hours over the past 5 months, 1/2 of which was prior to making a decision to go down.  Jamie has never hyped the experience at all, and you wouldn't get any desire to go by conversation with him.  He is just so matter of fact from my experiences with him.  He doesn't try to sell his agency.  He just tells you what they do for you.  

I am not paying for Jamie's personality.  I am paying him for a service.  I highly doubt that he is going to roll out the red carpet for me, but I do believe that he will deliver what has been confirmed by others.

I will report back after I have gone through the experience of using his service based upon fact and not opinion...

Offline Jamie

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« Reply #106 on: March 30, 2006, 10:04:15 PM »
From zapata
Colombia Expert,  Very interesting post

You find the most insignificant of all posters, whose only achievement has been his record for being booted out every forum he has joined interesting? His expertise isn’t even capable of masking as another poster. He is a renowned pretender with a malignant mind who has attacked every regular poster under different aliases.  Yet you follow his lead?

From zapata
ANY gringo who trusts his Colombian girlfriend to work in an agency is a COMPLETE fool.

Wrong, any man who does not trust any woman from anywhere should simply find another girl friend.  The fool is one who believes he needs to isolate his girl friend from other males in her environment or risk losing her. You need to work on why you have this fear. Now can you answer this question?
Does this mean you will prevent your Colombian wife from occupying any situation where single American men may pass by? Sure sounds like it does.

From zapata
EVERY young Colombian woman that I have known to work in an agency has NEVER been true to her boyfriend, whether he be Colombian or gringo.

Are you speaking from personal experience? I have had a few translators marry Americans and not one of them ever showed an interest in anyone except for their American fiancé even though they are hit on.  A confident man does not have such worries, which appears to weigh heavily with you.
Now can you answer these questions?
How many such women have you known like this?
How did you know of the level of commitment the couples had?
How did you know they were not true, were you there?

From zapata
I'm sure if Jhorrny's gringo boyfriend ever gained access to her e-mail account he would find out that she is corresponding with many gringos.

I am sure you are wrong and since you can not provide any facts to back your position it becomes a meaningless, unsubstantiated opinion.

From zapata
Any colombiana who accompanies a gringo to his room for a "photo shoot" shouldn't say she is in a "serious" relationship.

Any man who suspects wrong every time his girl friend is around the corner should stay away from women.

From zapata
If I owned an agency, i wouldn't hire young beautiful women to work for me, especially those who are in serious relationships or are married. It only complicates things…

I try to hire the most qualified people I can get regardless of how they look.  A question for you.
What would stop you from using the same argument 50 years ago for not hiring a black man, because it may “complicate things”?

From zapata
You think this Steve guy is a great guy (as Jamie thinks), he is only half responsible for what he did to Roxi,

Why are you misstating others opinions?  No one posting said he was only half responsible. I said,
They are both adults and share responsibilities for what has happened. I would certainly agree that he is responsible for most of what occurred.
Did you read it right this time “…he is responsible for most of what occurred.”

From zapata
Also tell me one thing I've ever posted that is not true or wasn't my sincere opinion...

Look above.

I have personally heard Steve take responsibility for his mistakes and he has told me well before this article ever came out that he was going to financially support the child and mother. Based on what the article has said regarding the support he has given his non-blood related ex girlfriend’s daughter there is no reason to think he would not be doing the right thing in this situation is there?

From zapata
Think about it...If I found out my girlfriend was participating in agency functions, I would have second thoughts about her

You have indicated many times you do not trust in women. You appear to be more jealous than Latin women I did not think that was possible.

From zapata

…and also would question Jamie as to why he was putting her in that position.

I think every girl that works for me has a boyfriend including at least a couple with American boyfriends, so to understand your suggestion I should fire every girl who gets a boyfriend and ignore their professional work while placing restrictions on their personal life.

From zapata
When an agency girl has a serious boyfriend, she should not set her feet anywhere near an agency or another gringo for that matter.

You have a phobia.  You can’t keep a woman unless there are no other men in sight? Sure seems that way.

From Zapata expressing doubt that Steve
…made the "typical" mistakes most guys make when choosing a Colombian bride,

So you do not thing exploring the depth of ones fiancé enough is not a typical mistake?

You do not think not taking advice from others is not a typical mistake?

You do not think ignoring the red flags because you are giving the one you love the benefit of the doubt is not a typical mistake?

You do not think it is typical that ones first venture to Colombia is not prone to mistakes?

Why don’t you anonymous critics tell us more about you and your qualifications to be such experts about what is typical?

From Zapata expressing outrage
that YOU would accept your girlfriend or fiance working in a marriage agency...

Tell the truth you don’t want your future wife to ever leave the house do you?

I also wanted to correct my limited knowledge on Steve’s personal visits to Colombia to be with Roxana. He made a couple of more lengthy visits using one of my ex translators. However more important than the number of visits is the depth of understanding they have of each other which clearly was not sufficient.

From DragonballT
What was the advice Latin-wife give him regarding looking for a wife. Do they give that advice.

Any advice varies per client. If the questions are asked we answer. However there are bounds to what extent I can intrude my opinions and experiences. Most men feel they are the exception and what I say happens with most does not mean they think it will happen to them. I just got off the phone with a man in his 50’s who wants to find a wife under 29. He tells me he looks much younger than his age. I tell him almost every man tells me the exact same thing and the women don’t care if you look younger than 55 they only care to know that you are 55.  What happens next is an insistence that they really do look younger and that this is what they want and they believe they can get what they want. So who am I to tell them otherwise, I can only tell him what I think we can do based on our prior experience and the demands he places on us.  

We provide many questions for the man to ask the women to check for compatibility. We have translators who are not emotionally involved in the process who give their thoughts through out the process. As I have noted many times most men do not want advice nor can our advice always be right. All the decisions are the full responsibility of the adult man and the adult woman involved in the relationship, as it should be.

This guy ask 2 women to Marry him in a few days.

This is not true he did not ask Roxana to marry him on his first visit. The journalist wants us to believe a man that has been in the company of many women and therefore is experienced with women would immediately propose in front of him to a woman he just met during a photo shoot.  I all ready pointed out that the journalist altered a quote to fit his story. This alone makes any quote he would provide suspect.

That seem extreme but if you read there site it suggest engagement within the first week or two is normal. Maybe he is going there thinking this is the way it is.

It is normal. Normal means it commonly happens. Yet this does not mean I suggest you do this. I specifically tell any client who ask about time spans not to get engaged on their first visit.

From Zapata
if Jamie's agency even insinuates that 1-2 weeks is the "norm" for popping the question, well he SHOULD be held accountable to a certain degree.

It appears self responsibility is not part of your vocabulary. Women don’t stay with you because there around other men and I am responsible for others peoples bad relationships.
Engage the Exotic - Latin Women

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Re: good wife
« Reply #107 on: March 31, 2006, 01:58:35 AM »
Quote from: Fuzzyone
every woman that has showed up here in the past have done so looking for problems

No Fuzzy, you're wrong. Not all women posting here in the past have been troublemakers. But some were jumped on just because they were women and had strong opinions. Personally, I don't feel threatened by women with strong opinions.

And no, I'm not taking crap off of anyone, just withholding final judgement until I see more from this one  :wink:

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« Reply #108 on: March 31, 2006, 04:23:10 AM »
Jamie & Fuzzy,

Unfortunately your naivety regarding Colombian women surely must be attributed to your lack of any functional Spanish skills.  Like always Jamie, you are sugar coating things in order to defend yourself and your agency.  Time to get real boys...reality and jealousy are two completely different animals.  So tell me Jamie, you'd have no problem with your wife working in a strip club, or as a cocktail waitress in a strip club??  GET REAL...

 Young, single, women who hang out at agency functions or work at agencies have one agenda, there are few exceptions.

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GQ follows American Man looking for Colombian Wife
« Reply #109 on: March 31, 2006, 04:51:05 AM »
Quote from: zapata
Jamie & Fuzzy,

Unfortunately your naivety regarding Colombian women surely must be attributed to your lack of any functional Spanish skills.  Like always Jamie, you are sugar coating things in order to defend yourself and your agency.  Time to get real boys...reality and jealousy are two completely different animals.  So tell me Jamie, you'd have no problem with your wife working in a strip club, or as a cocktail waitress in a strip club??  GET REAL...

 Young, single, women who hang out at agency functions or work at agencies have one agenda, there are few exceptions.

  So now you are comparing a strip club to a agency? Please explain what you think are functional latin skills?

  I think I understand what you are saying the girls that are working at the agencies are nothing but a under cover strip club right? So when you hook up with them they are to quite their job and stay home since they will be screwing everything in sight like a dog in heat? You know all this since you are a qualified expert in functional spanish skills what ever that means. You still have not posted anything of substance here where is the beef dude? Please Zapata you are monopolizing the board posting about all the trips you have made to Colombia.

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« Reply #110 on: March 31, 2006, 05:09:14 AM »

I hate to correct your spelling, but it's "quit" not quite...this is the third time you've committed the error, so I don't think it's just a spelling error made in haste, I'm beginning to think it's a lack of education.  Plus I wrote "functional Spanish skills" not functional latin skills...damn Fuzzy you ARE dense.  No wonder you needed Jamie to help you find a wife.

And I'd like to clarify one thing...I'm not a man prone to jealosy, I usually kick women to the curb before they would have a chance to make me jealous or insecure.  Hence, I would NEVER consider dating a girl who worked in an agency, since such a woman would not spark my interest.  But for all of you guys out there who are not like me, just keep in mind their motives for working in an agency.  Trust me on this...

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GQ follows American Man looking for Colombian Wife
« Reply #111 on: March 31, 2006, 05:14:35 AM »
Quote from: zapata

I hate to correct your spelling, but it's "quit" not quite...this is the third time you've committed the error, so I don't think it's just a spelling error made in haste, I'm beginning to think it's a lack of education.  Plus I wrote "functional Spanish skills" not functional latin skills...damn Fuzzy you ARE dense.  No wonder you needed Jamie to help you find a wife.

And I'd like to clarify one thing...I'm not a man prone to jealosy, I usually kick women to the curb before they would have a chance to make me jealous or insecure.  Hence, I would NEVER consider dating a girl who worked in an agency, since such a woman would not spark my interest.  But for all of you guys out there who are not like me, just keep in mind their motives for working in an agency.  Trust me on this...

  Ok so you are now a English Professor wow a amn with many hats.

You still have not answered my questions? SOOOOOOOO fill us in on Zapata's life? Maybe there is something to hide? Could there there be something there you want no one to know?

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« Reply #112 on: March 31, 2006, 06:47:27 AM »

Give me some specific questions and I'd be more than happy to answer them, but I'm not going to write an unsolicited book here.  What would you like to know???  Please be specific.

And regarding Jamie, first he says that Steve only saw Roxi face to face about 4 days, then he posts that he recently found out that Steve made various trips to see Roxi after they met.  I just love that kind of customer follow up, seems like after Paypal makes the transfer, Jamie forgets all about his customers.  Typical agency, nothing different; show me the money, I'll show you some girls, after that you're on your own.

GQ follows American Man looking for Colombian Wife
« Reply #112 on: March 31, 2006, 06:47:27 AM »

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« Reply #113 on: March 31, 2006, 07:12:59 AM »
Typical agency, nothing different; show me the money, I'll show you some girls, after that you're on your own.

What else would you like them to do?  What more would you need them for?  I didn't even need them to show me the girls, just give me there emails and have the girls be aware that I was writing to them with a phone call that they had emails to check and to send them my profile.  Also had them do some translation work in the beginning.

So what is an agencies job?  Do you want them to hold your hand through the process until you're married?  Do you need them after your married?  How far should an agency go to get people like you a mate?
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good wife
« Reply #114 on: March 31, 2006, 07:16:51 AM »
why don't we ask Mr. Bailie all this questions> I'm sure he has seen this site already.  he could help is all understand. the ones that will keep looking for love in colombia and the ones that already found and help this creature Jamie that owns an agency because we all need jobs.  So, Mr. Baillie?  B

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« Reply #115 on: March 31, 2006, 07:35:15 AM »

Not sure what you do for a living, but customer follow-up is very important in ANY business.  Jamie claims that his agency is different from others, but how so? I would expect at least a few follow-up calls for $1400.
I would WANT my clients to have successful relationships, I would WANT to know how the relationship was progressing.  Jamie seems to have plenty of time to re-buke my writings line by line, but he doesn't have time to e-mail his clients or call them to see how things are progressing with the women/woman that he charged $1400 to meet?  Here he thought Steve had spent only 4 days with Roxi, now he just RECENTLY found out that he made several trips to see her?  Take the money and run. Also doesn't Jamie and all agency owners owe something to the woman that they are marketing? Does he not keep in contact with them after they've met their "principe azul"??  Does he or they even care??  Roxi and her baby deserve more...
« Last Edit: March 31, 2006, 07:38:33 AM by zapata »

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« Reply #116 on: March 31, 2006, 07:35:54 AM »

You failed to answer one of my questions even though I have answered all of yours.

You failed to give us any details of who you are or why you would be in the know about any subject on this board.

You contine to misrepresent and misquote those who counter your position.

For example you say,
Jamie, first he says that Steve only saw Roxi face to face about 4 days,

When I actually said,

I am only aware of Steve spending maybe 4 days with Roxana in Colombia the whole time he knew her.

Do you see the difference? I said I was only aware not that I knew for sure. And you are freely criticizing others for their lack of education?

I stated later to another poster that I was in the circle where I could find out more and when I found out the information I posted was not correct I made appends. Yet you find such an adjustment as a means to simply attack me.

Well I am done trying to have a fair exchange with you. You clearly prefer to hide who you are or be responsible for what you say, no surprise that you find Colombian Expert (The King of All Trolls), another name he use to go by, such a guiding light.
Engage the Exotic - Latin Women

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« Reply #117 on: March 31, 2006, 07:43:36 AM »

you weren't "aware" because you just don't care about your customers or the girls after the transaction is made.  But hey, I understand, it's how the agency business is run.  Again, your time on this board is taking away time that you SHOULD be using to follow-up with your customers and your agency girls.  Or do you even care??

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« Reply #118 on: March 31, 2006, 07:56:01 AM »
From Montrealer to Zapata
So what is an agencies job?

Since Zapata does not answer questions I will answer this for him.
He believes it is the agencies job to have a bunk bed in his master bedroom to provide 24 hour surveillance of his wife to prevent visual contact from other men and to mediate any issue that may arise between them.
You know just basic customer service stuff.
Engage the Exotic - Latin Women

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« Reply #119 on: March 31, 2006, 08:08:26 AM »
From Montrealer to Zapata
How far should an agency go to get people like you a mate?

He all ready answered this question.
Keep all men away.

A more appropriate question would be, does he also feel threaten by male children and up to what age?
Engage the Exotic - Latin Women

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« Reply #120 on: March 31, 2006, 02:36:18 PM »
Quote from: zapata

Give me some specific questions and I'd be more than happy to answer them, but I'm not going to write an unsolicited book here.  What would you like to know???  Please be specific.

And regarding Jamie, first he says that Steve only saw Roxi face to face about 4 days, then he posts that he recently found out that Steve made various trips to see Roxi after they met.  I just love that kind of customer follow up, seems like after Paypal makes the transfer, Jamie forgets all about his customers.  Typical agency, nothing different; show me the money, I'll show you some girls, after that you're on your own.

  You have not answered nothing yet how specific do I have to be? Trips you have made? Any woman you have met? Have you even gone to Colombia? What Country have you gone to visit? General questions easy to answer unless you do not want to. I will understand it is easy to sit there and throw stones when no one knows anything about you.

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« Reply #121 on: March 31, 2006, 04:55:02 PM »
we need one of the girls in the agency or someone that has gone to the process of trying to meet and marry an american man to tell us and inform us what this really means. a woman.  No?

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« Reply #122 on: March 31, 2006, 05:38:12 PM »
Well Fuzzy, looks like I've been I've never "gone" to Colombia, never even set foot outside of my homestate.  You're right I'm just a rookie...anything else??

GQ follows American Man looking for Colombian Wife
« Reply #122 on: March 31, 2006, 05:38:12 PM »

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GQ follows American Man looking for Colombian Wife
« Reply #123 on: March 31, 2006, 05:52:43 PM »
Oh, please let me tell him what was told to me prior to my trip.

Shut up, sit back and learn.  You don't have the right to make coments until you know what you are talking about.  Come back in one year hopefully after you've gone south a few times, and then maybe you can start giving your opinion.

If I remember that's the way the speech goes. :lol:
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GQ follows American Man looking for Colombian Wife
« Reply #124 on: March 31, 2006, 05:53:46 PM »
Quote from: zapata
Well Fuzzy, looks like I've been I've never "gone" to Colombia, never even set foot outside of my homestate.  You're right I'm just a rookie...anything else??

  Guess so we have not had the pleasure to hear anything from you concerning your trips ect ect ect.

  I have noticed you fail to post anything here about the subject "International Dating" that is what we all here for including DD12.

  You are a big man to admit you have never went to Colombia so what does that make you a TROLL.....


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