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Author Topic: help in Colombia  (Read 2555 times)

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help in Colombia
« on: March 12, 2008, 07:40:18 PM »
Hello, I am a Colombian who helps out people while they are in my country. I have met a lot of guys from the US in search for Colombian women in order to establish a serious relationship and I know lots of things of the culture and the women here that you might be interested in knowing so I can help you point you in the right direction while you are here and make the best of your time. I lived in the Us for several years and my best friends have been from the states. Most guys I have met are very nice guys and deserve a good wife in their lives, others I hate to say are just here to play with the girls feelings and I can't say I approve of that, they lie and promess things and all they want to do is have sex and are not in the least interested in having a relationship, these people should be honest with others and themselves because they make the honest and sincere goodhearted Americans look bad when they have nothing to do it. On the other side there are women here too who are not looking for anything serious but perhaps a ticket to America and someone who just supports them in one way or another. There are many things of the culture and their people and many other little things and details Americans should take into account when they come to Colombia and they are in the field of searching for someone who they can spend their lives with. If there is anything you are curious about or that you might want to know in depth email me at or call me on my cell at 310 395 27 03. Take care guys.  


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