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Author Topic: Please, some help and guidance in my search for a great Colombian bride  (Read 2711 times)

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Offline obyjuan

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OK, a little about me.  42. divorced. Good looking.  no kids.  I live in an apartment facing the ocean in Florida.  I have a good career.  I carry normal, post divorce baggage.  I speak Spanish, quite well.  I am quite funny, warm and caring. I want to start a family.  I have no problem meeting and dating nice women in the States, but I love Colombian ladies.

What are the Colombian women in Colombia like?  jealous, crazy, sexy, sweet, non-judgemental?

What is most important to them?   Looks, physique, income, personality?

Can anyone recommend a solid agency?  Should I go to Colombia directly or begin with e-mails?

Can anyone offer some "guy to guy" advice on my new venture.....I really appreciate any assistance offered.

Offline singlefather no more

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Re: Please, some help and guidance in my search for a great Colombian bride
« Reply #1 on: December 27, 2007, 10:05:15 PM »

Welcome to the board.. After you have posted here 5 times you can receive and send PM'S (private messages).

Ok sounds like a star wars name so I will say follow and feel the latina force..lmao

In all seriousness now read all the threads you can. Read all the trip reports and threads that interest you. There are a lot of guys here who have been successful and can help you with good advice...

Good luck,


Offline obyjuan

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Re: Please, some help and guidance in my search for a great Colombian bride
« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2007, 04:21:34 AM »
Will do..Thank you.

Re: Please, some help and guidance in my search for a great Colombian bride
« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2007, 04:21:34 AM »

Offline raycjs

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Re: Please, some help and guidance in my search for a great Colombian bride
« Reply #3 on: December 28, 2007, 04:42:29 PM »

i also live in south florida and i have used Jamie´s agencey and it was outstanding send me a pm and we can meet some time for starbucks or i will talk to you on the phone about my 2 trips in the last 7 weeks. i am here in cartagena writing this letter to you from my girlfreinds office at her job. i will share the many great times i am having with you. good luck and do not look back. this is the way to go.

good luck

Ray from OHIO

Offline obyjuan

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Re: Please, some help and guidance in my search for a great Colombian bride
« Reply #4 on: December 31, 2007, 08:50:47 AM »
I have begun the process...I have purchased 15 e-mail addresses and will hoepfully begin corresponding with the girls.     Wish me luck!

Offline dennislevy

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Re: Please, some help and guidance in my search for a great Colombian bride
« Reply #5 on: January 03, 2008, 05:11:43 PM »

Of course we all wish you luck.

You mentioned 15 addresses and buying addresses can be a can of worms. 

If you speak Spanish, you have an enormous asset. You also menioned that you live in Florida 0near the ocean, are there local Colombianas in your area?  But, getting on the plane and going to Colombia is a lot easier and a lot cheaper for you then for a lot of us.

You wll get all kinds of "guy to guy advice on this board and it reflects the personalities and experiences of the men.   I think (and its just my opinion) that there are three kinds of guys on the board, maybe more, but for the purposes of this discussion, lets call it three, The first are the lookers, who rarely get on the plane. The second are the guys who pursue Latinas (usually younger then the men) and sex is their most important goal.  The third are the guys who for their own reasons want to change their life and think that a marriage to a Latin woman is a good way to do that.  Notice i didn't criticize any of the groups and they do overlap.

The best guy to guy advice that I can personally give you is first figure out where you fit in and what your personal goals are.  Are you interested in marriage, or are you a jugador (player) again no judgement on my part.

And then what kind of women do you want to correspond with, meet and date-and you mentioned looking for a bride--so lets throw in marriage. 

Do you have a specific age group in mind and why is that age group important to you? is a certain level of educational level, kids from previous relationships no kids, etc. And, what are you bringing to the table?

Keep posting, you'll get responses.       


Offline drm64

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Re: Please, some help and guidance in my search for a great Colombian bride
« Reply #6 on: January 05, 2008, 01:11:27 PM »

You mentioned buying e-mail addresses. I know many posters here will disagree with me, but in my opinion, writing girls before you meet them isn't a good plan. I tried that route first time out only to find out later my girlfriend wasn't even writing the letters to me. She had her roommate write me because she was more romantic. I have also heard of people writing for months, only to find out when meeting in person, there was no chemistry. this just happened to a friend and poster here. I think a relationship based on letters gives you expectations of a person that might not be accurate and also causes you to favor your penpal over other perhaps better matches when it is time for introductions. My last introduction, I let Jamie bring on the women, and they all had equal standing and opportunity for me. I prefer to write a good profile containing all the pertinent information a girl could want to know. Then she can decide on that information if she is interested enough to meet you. Once you have met the one, or have a couple options, you can further the relationship by letter. I e-mailed often and called everyday my wife after we met. Good Luck!

Offline obyjuan

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Re: Please, some help and guidance in my search for a great Colombian bride
« Reply #7 on: January 05, 2008, 01:23:42 PM »

You mentioned buying e-mail addresses. I know many posters here will disagree with me, but in my opinion, writing girls before you meet them isn't a good plan. I tried that route first time out only to find out later my girlfriend wasn't even writing the letters to me. She had her roommate write me because she was more romantic. I have also heard of people writing for months, only to find out when meeting in person, there was no chemistry. this just happened to a friend and poster here. I think a relationship based on letters gives you expectations of a person that might not be accurate and also causes you to favor your penpal over other perhaps better matches when it is time for introductions. My last introduction, I let Jamie bring on the women, and they all had equal standing and opportunity for me. I prefer to write a good profile containing all the pertinent information a girl could want to know. Then she can decide on that information if she is interested enough to meet you. Once you have met the one, or have a couple options, you can further the relationship by letter. I e-mailed often and called everyday my wife after we met. Good Luck!

Yeah..I wont be buying the e-mail addresses, again.  I have gotten some nice e-mails, but some are just generic and then you don't hear from them, anymore.  I found another good way to interact with the Colombian ladies..SKYPE.  I have met some cool ladies on Skype. In fact, I am talking to a really interesting lady from Cali, who is a Univeristy educated, Speech Patholigist.  She's quite nice.  Within the next few months,  I think i will just book a trip to BQ and let Jamie do his thing. 

Offline utopiacowboy

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Re: Please, some help and guidance in my search for a great Colombian bride
« Reply #8 on: January 05, 2008, 01:32:22 PM »
I don't see why you are going the agency route if your Spanish is excellent. Only a very small percentage of Colombianas would even consider being listed with an agency. You're limiting yourself to a small segment of the population and many of those listed are just interested in getting out of Colombia.

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Re: Please, some help and guidance in my search for a great Colombian bride
« Reply #9 on: January 05, 2008, 01:53:13 PM »
I think buying email addresses is just fine.  Insist on a webcam meeting after a brief correspondence and see what developes.  Absolutely no harm done, except for a few bucks and a little time. 

09/08 saw morena goddess on Jamie's website
09/08Began writing/webcamming future wife
10/08Visited BAQ to meet future wife
12/08 Visited a second time and got engaged
01/09 Visa Paperwork done(williamIII)
02/09quickvisit BAQ
08/09Wife arrives
09/09Got married
11/10 son born

Offline sawyer1370

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Re: Please, some help and guidance in my search for a great Colombian bride
« Reply #10 on: January 13, 2008, 10:45:31 AM »
Let me ask this, why are you interested in a relationship with a Latin woman?  That is the first thing that you for yourself need to identify.  Living where you do, and if you speak Spanish very well, you might not even need to join an agency or travel to Colombia or anywhere else for that matter.  There is a very large Latin community litterally in your own back yard.  Why not explore that first.  It will give you some great insight into the culture, the women and what is involved in having a relationship with a woman from a Latin culture.  If you don't speak Spanish, then invest in something like the Rosetta Stone software, or take some classes.  Get involved in an area of the Latin community that interests you, and learn the language.  That is by far the most important thing you can do to help yourself!!!

Those of us who have had relationships with Latin women could write post after post about all types of details, but doing it is the best way to truly understand it.  Also, dating women in your area will enable you to get to know them much better, and faster then trying to travel to Colombia. 

I'm not against going the agency route, or even traveling and trying to find a 'guide' so to speak in the country of your choice.  Hey that's how I met my wife of 9 years now, I joined one of the larger agencies, made the trip and the rest as they say is History.

Joining an agency will enable you to meet a larger number of women who may or maynot be interested in you, and you in them.  It might give you the opportunity to possibly have a relationship with a woman who might be a level or two above you (if you are a 7 then you could possibly find a great lady who is an 8 or 9).  But you could very well get the same results never leaving home given where you live.

The bottom line is you need to really understand why you are seeking a Latin woman, and what you want out of a relationship.  Once you do that, I think we could help provide some advice and examples of our own experiences much better.

Welcome and enjoy the journey.


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