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Author Topic: Novias mom got robbed today in Cali  (Read 984 times)

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Novias mom got robbed today in Cali
« on: December 06, 2007, 02:09:44 AM »
My Novias mom got robbed today in Cali, Mom goes to wester union to pick up some cash that her other daughter sent her for christmas.  She walks out of WU and two guys on a motorcycle show up and with a knife encourage her to give up all her cash.  Being the stubborn colombian she is, Mom starts to fight.  One guy starts to carve moms arm up and the other stick a gun in her face and asks her if she wants to die today.  Mom re considers and give up her cash.  The two guys jump on they motorcycle and dash.  No one steps in to help (typical Cali) they just watch like its on TV.  Needless to say Novias Dad is on the warpath and is searching for the thieves. (yea Right).   

I had a cab driver that i called for, took me for a little ride (wrong direction) when we were going to Palmetto.  I started yelling at him in spanish and he re consider his intentions, what ever they were.  I told him to get on the correct road going to Palmetto or i was going to shoot him thru the seat (I didnt have a gun).  Very promtly we were on the main street heading for Palmetto. 

Be careful out there, Cali is getting worse.


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