Well, they have two arms, two legs, one head.... Seriously, women are women everywhere. Unless they've been brainwashed by the feminazi viewpoint, they like to be with alpha males. Men that are decisive, confident, protective of their women and families.
Like anywhere, there are city girls and country girls. The city girls expect a different kind of lifestyle than the country girls. Brazilian and Argentine city girls are generally cosmopolitan, have a broader awareness of world events and politics than most of their local counterparts. There are all sorts from the simple party girls to sophisticated highly educated women. I've never been to the countryside so can't comment, but I suspect the country girls aren't much different than anywhere else in LA, less educated, more naive, etc.
I've seen some web sites featuring Brazilian women but can't comment on any, other than that I've read Latineuro seems to have a less than stellar reputation.
- Jeff