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Author Topic: Cali Agency Scene Then And Now  (Read 3646 times)

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Offline RonnieReagan

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Cali Agency Scene Then And Now
« on: February 23, 2006, 07:30:01 PM »
I first came upon the agency scene in Cali after mistakenly paying huge bucks to a huge rip off called Latinlifemates in order to have access to Nelson's agency in Bogotá and two in Cali: Latin Best and Latin-Internet. I never went to Nelson's but visited the two in Cali many times. My favorite was L-I with it's mansion, beautiful grounds, luxurious quarters and big swimming pool in Ciudad Jardin. There were various office managers beginning with infamous Rubi Rios and ending with Maritza Bueno who was and is the best of the best. The other treasured employees were Elizabeth in the kitchen and Samuel the grounds keeper. At that time there were three other agencies all within walking distance of L-I. One was Crystal Palace (Mi Media Naranja) on Av. Escopeta, the baptismal agency of posters Hoda and Pete E. I believe and two others whose names I don’t remember. The chicas would come down La Quinta on the Blanco y Negro to Ciudad Jardin on the weekends and troop around to all four making the rounds of the agency “fiestas”. If there were no fiestas they’d just hang out poolside in their bikinis. There was often so much incoming chica traffic at L-I  that guys would dispense with the books and just wait for the walk-ins. If the action slowed down in the south end you could take a cab up to Latin Best in La Flora where there was more walk in traffic but from north end barrios like Floralia. If you exhausted those options there was still the new comer in mid town near the Rancho de Jonas restaurant at the Autopista con 44 called Latin Encounters. I don’t know. Seems like those were halcyon years. To be sure there are still agencies, even one or two new ones but gone it seems (except for Cali VIP?) are the mansions with the big time chica traffic. Having experienced the Cali agency scene at the top of it’s game I feel kind of sorry for the newbies who have to shuttle around from one office space (sans luxury accommodations) to another.

Offline SocialDreg

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Fond Memories
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2006, 04:40:39 PM »
Your account brings up fond and not so fond memories..  You forgot to mention Latin Connections in Jardin.  As you mentioned about the other agencys you could just stay there by the pool and meet all the women you wanted.  I can't remember how many rooms they had but they were full every time I stayed there.  I think I stayed there 3 times. Year 2000. Now you can go to an agency and shoot a shotgun inside and not hit anyone.

I think I paid $2000 lifetime  membership fee, too.  As did several other guys. You didn't hear complaints of women not available.  I agree, I liked Latin Internet's place except for the steep climb.  Their pool was great.  Two or three other big agencys real close by.

Things sure have changed in a short 5 years.  Now you have Cali VIP, are they still in business?   They wouldn't let prospective clients see their house before they forfeited it.  I think right now All Colombian Girls is the top agency.  I wouldn't deal with Latin Encounters.  Too many girls are permanently unavailable.

I think one of the best options is Latin Social Network.  They sell addresses, email and phone numbers.  It is very , very reasonable.  I think for about $60 you can purchase about 25 names.  The owner has a tie-in with ACG.  Many of their fotos and profiles are listed.  You have to make your own dates.  Only order girls that list a phone number.  If you can't speak Spanish get a friend to help you.   I used this service a few times with good results.  A few of my friends have had success also.

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Current agencies
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2006, 05:16:20 PM »
Don’t know about the distant past but right now I like ACG the most.  BTW Cali Vip no longer operates the mansion.  LE is the agency with a “House” but they also have rules in that house which are difficult for me to cope with.  
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« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2006, 05:16:20 PM »

Offline RonnieReagan

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Cali Agency Scene Then And Now
« Reply #3 on: February 24, 2006, 06:31:59 PM »
Yes Latin Connections was the original agency in the south end. In fact wasn't it the first agency in Cali? Anyway there was one more that you reached if you continued along Avenida Cascajal for a few more blocks past L-I. Dream something?

Offline Pete E

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Cali Agencies,then and now
« Reply #4 on: February 25, 2006, 11:51:01 AM »
Yeah it sure seems like those were the good old days.I think its quite different now but alot of the magic was the newness to me.It was very exciting.
I think guys can still get a little bit of that experience.I think staying at an agency is good for starters,its just easier to meet girls that way.I haven't seen latin encounters new place but the choices of agencies you can stay at is not that great after Cali Vip closed the house.
However,maybe the next best thing and better when you get into a relationship with a girl is staying someplace like my place and bringing the girls over.Then you are in a pretty private situation with her right away but its not a hotel room which most girls would not go to for a cita.One of my amigos,when he FINALLY got serious,you know who you are,had 4 a day coming over.
And you get 5 points when they walk in the door.Thay are not thinking like its a hotel but that you live here.
And,this no girls in your room is nonsense in my opinion.If you get lucky you have to leave???Come on,what kind of a deal is that???Thats like taking her momma on your honeymoon.
One guy who just left seemed to just leave the room with his chica to eat or go out to a restaurant.
I guess I sort of built in a plug for myself,but its true.


Offline RonnieReagan

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Cali Agency Scene Then And Now
« Reply #5 on: February 25, 2006, 12:40:10 PM »
A hotel or private residence is the place to take a chica who's ready to hit the sack with you but lets be realistic here. One of the things that the better agencies in Cali did right was not allow male clients to have sex with their citas in the guest bedrooms. You know why don't you? It would take five minutes for word to get around the barrios and that agency could kiss off any new chica sign ups who weren't whores. They're hard enough to keep out as it is.

Offline Pete E

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Girls in your room at an agency
« Reply #6 on: February 26, 2006, 12:48:52 PM »
You might have a point if it was blatantly obvious where the other chicas would know it was happening.And you say sex with his cita.I sure wasn't picturing a "do you want to screw?" and heading for the bedroom at the city.
BUT,say the guy now has a relationship where they are ready for sex.He returns to the house about 10PM with the chica.He takes her in his room,maybe she spends the night.I say no harm done if its not blatently obvious.The other option   is he has to say adios to the agency and move out.One of my friends was living at an agency and he couldn't have his novia stay over,so he had to move.
Margareth told me the story of hearing these sounds coming out of a bedroom,she opens the door,there is a guy doing it with a hooker.She kicks him out.
And,if you can have women over it raises the question of the guy bringing a hooker over.I my case I don't worry about it unless the hooker is the type you can spot from a block away,where he neighbors figure out what is going on.But its only 27 units here,you rsarely even see anybody coming and going except the guards.
One guy recently had some real model looking putas over,actually better than your average model,more shapely.I guess the give away to the guards might be when one shows up about 4 hours after the other leaves and asks for the same guy.Its amazing what guys are capable of with a string of hot looking honeys.
But it will be a long dry spell back in the states.



Offline zapata

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Cali Agency Scene Then And Now
« Reply #7 on: February 26, 2006, 03:07:56 PM »
Margareth opened the door and noticed it was a hooker???  Please Pete, did she have a logo or trademark on her ass??  How did she know that it was a hooker the guy was with??  Unless, she was a member of her agency....think about it...

Offline Pete E

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Hooker ID?
« Reply #8 on: February 26, 2006, 04:15:59 PM »
I don't know how she made that determination.One hint might be if the guy just hit town and he is getting laid already.It usually takes a little time in a relationship,no luck or length of time required with a hooker.
Maybe she just presumed if it was not one of her girls.The offense was sex with a girl in the room,not who it was with.
Women agency owners are always tougher on this.Men seem to understand it a little more.Plus the man owner probably takes them to his room himself so its hard to tell you you cannot,but that does happen.


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LE and its silly policy
« Reply #9 on: February 26, 2006, 06:18:24 PM »
Margareth must have mellowed a bit since in my case she waited until my agency date left the room to scream at her. It was still a bad scene.  After a little time and thought I am not too annoyed but at the time I let my annoyance be known.
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