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Author Topic: Japanese males about to get hammered  (Read 1268 times)

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Japanese males about to get hammered
« on: September 08, 2007, 07:42:31 PM »
Just caught this on Dr. Dean Edell's radio program.
Seems women are about to hit the lottery in Japan.

"Many women in their middle or older years are believed to be waiting for the system to begin before divorcing their husbands, according to analysts."

"For the first time in their lives the women at the Flamenco class face the prospect of spending all day every day with men who have done nothing but go out to work all their adult life.

"'I am so used to not having my husband around the house I'm very worried about his retirement, to be honest,' said 59-year-old Yoshiko Yamauchi.

"'When the day comes, I want to continue with my hobbies and what I enjoy doing. I hope my husband will take up hobbies on his own when he retires.'"


"'People are waiting. In Japan, 75% of all divorces are initiated by women. They're waiting because if they plan to get divorced anyway they want to wait so they get part of the pension.'

"'They've been waiting for three or four years, ever since the government announced it was changing the law.'

"It seems some husbands could be in for a shock."

Western women. "What's in it for me?"

[Emphasis added.]

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