I went back to the beginning...Feb.15 (when I started) and found some that probably should have been moved and moved them. The rest was solely a judgement call.
Again...moving is definitely NOT any kind of punishment or negative action on my part and I don't consider topics that are not in the general forum any less important. If it's a recent post of some interest to people...then they will respond and it will always show up under the most recent response thing-a-ma-jig...so it will get noticed just as much as the rest of the recent posts will, no matter what area its in. IMHO. Unless of course it's in the flame room...then only members can see those.
I didn't mean to make anyone feel like I was hiding a post for personal reasons. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Sometimes my judgement's like..."ehhhh, close enough to stay put, no biggie." I now realize it's more important to others than to some. I can understand that. I will try not to be so carefree and relaxed on moving things from now on.
I apologize for any misunderstanding involving this matter.