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Author Topic: sweetsingles info  (Read 6185 times)

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Offline Santanger

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sweetsingles info
« on: June 18, 2007, 07:31:14 PM »
Hi folks
did a search here but didnt come up with much. Anyone familiar with  They have lots of beautiful women on the site looking for a husband.  Has anyone here had any experience with them.  Also are the women really legit or just paid models?  Thanks!

Offline william3rd

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Re: sweetsingles info
« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2007, 07:52:46 PM »
I have had contact with sweet singles for the last 7 years. Actually tried to have a working relationship at one point. Bea is definitely Chinese-Thai.

I have always thought that they were a little pricey for what they offer. READ their contract carefully. I dated some women from there in 2000 and 2001 and 2005

Most of the girls have actually been photographed at their offices in Don Muang. A lot of the girls are high end. Models and beauty queens and the like. Very high maintenance.

The US clients that I represented who married girls from SS have had mediocre results. Out of four-one annulment based on fraud, one divorce, one VAWA claim, and one with a happy family. Your results may vary. The annulment is still posted as a "success" story on their site.

Some of the girls are "low-end." Bar girls and massage girls looking for a way out.

If you hear from a girl, it will be the real thing. Too many times, I didnt hear from the girl at all. In addition, SweetSingles censors the communications to make sure that you cant get in touch with them outside the agency.

Your competition is high-end men from all over Europe, Asia, and Australia.

I usually recommend ThaiLoveLinks since that is where I found my fiancee. In addition, many of the Sweetsingles girls are on other sites including TLL. TLL is much cheaper.

AVOID any company offering a group tour. The vast majority of decent Thai women will not agree to meet a man that way. Great way to lower your odds.

Hope this helps.
Wild Bill Livingston, Esq.

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Re: sweetsingles info
« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2007, 09:03:20 PM »
Any opinion on ? They seem quite a bit different than any of the other agencies I've seen, and I'm curious.

From reading their site:

1. They filter out poor guys
2. They somewhat filter out guys looking for much younger girls
3. They interview all male clients
4. The price, although high, would keep any guys who arne't serious out
5. They try and make sure clients do at least 2-3 2-week trips
6. [the filtering should make girls feel more secure, and increase the quality of the girls]
7. They don't run tours
8. They don't advertise in Thailand for girls. They claim most of their girls are from referrals.
9. They check to make sure each girl has a legitimate job
10. They also provide travel agent services for free.
11. They follow-up for 2 years after the the marriage, provide advice while the girl adapts, keep in touch with the girl while you're gone.
13. In a 2005 interview, they claim only 5 divorces in the 9 years they'd been in operation.
14. 12 months of introductions

1. They're very expensive. $2100 USD, more in the UK (they provide more services to UK clients)
2. They mention clients getting engaged very quickly. They make it seem like it's not a real engagement though...more like saying you like the girl and they take her off the books. Not sure on this one.
3. You can't write the girls before meeting them, and they have EXTREMELY short bios, sometimes 2 words. Keeps out the e-mail romeos though
4. I get the impression most of the girls are very poor [looking for money]. But they check to make sure their parents aren't demanding excessive dowries. They say about 60-70,000 baht is normal for them.
5. The younger girls don't seem all that pretty. Might just be bad photos.
6. They say a lot of the girls aren't on their website.
7. Seems like excessive hand-holding.

Re: sweetsingles info
« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2007, 09:03:20 PM »

Offline william3rd

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Re: sweetsingles info
« Reply #3 on: June 19, 2007, 07:00:50 AM »
#13 smells like agency BS unless their total number of clients has been 10. #8 and #9 are definitely BS. Limiting the dowry is BS. up to the parents and divorcees or widows dont get dowries.

Look at theri girl of the month., They say she is highly educated but then say that she finished junior high school.

Up to you. I feel that there are a lot of less than sincere girls in the agencies.

What I did for the last "hunt" was use TLL, started with 20 and winnowed it down with communications. Went to meet two and didnt like either one. Then another one came here and spent a week sexually abusing me. Had regular communications with three which dropped to 2 when one decided on another match and went to one when I decided to go meet my now fiancee in her home village.

Wild Bill Livingston, Esq.

Offline jm21-2

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Re: sweetsingles info
« Reply #4 on: June 19, 2007, 09:56:35 AM »
Yes I saw the girl of the month and was scratching my head, haha...

I think they have about 100 clients per year. They cross-reference with some friends/family about the girl's job, but it could all be a sham. I could see them not advertising at this point in the game (they're 11 years old or so). If a poor girl snags a rich guy, she'll probably tell her friends and quite a few would probably try it. I read a translated Thai article about one village where 1/3 of the girls in the village were married to farangs.

I had the impression that they were getting a lot of really poor girls. The kind who are struggling to get by and still sending a big chunk of their paycheck back home. Of course they'd be interested in meeting a foreign guy, and they'd probably stick with him for 2 years, but it doesn't seem like much of a relationship would be possible.

It was just different and seemed like it might be a step above the average agency, which isn't saying much.

TLL is probably the best idea. You do get some odd girls on those dating sites though.

Personally, I'm thinking my original choice, China, was probably the right one. From all the failed marriage stories I've seen, the biggest problem seems to be (aside from a huge age gap, marrying a bargirl, the ugly fat guy going for the runway model, etc) not meeting the girl halfway culturally. If I'm going to go for a foreign girl, I should probably be going for one from a culture I am really, truly interested in learning the minute details of. China's the only country that really does that for me. Japan maybe, but I'm more interested in their pop culture than their actual culture I think.

Offline william3rd

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Re: sweetsingles info
« Reply #5 on: June 19, 2007, 10:26:10 AM »
Major danger signal-
Woman from far outside of Bangkok who is working in Bangkok. A poor woman in her home village working is a better bet than one following the dollars.

Another worse warning sign- women with low education from outside of Bangkok working in Bangkok who speak English pretty well.

Finally, worst of all, a woman with the above traits who agrees to go to a party to meet foreigners. The only question then is usually- what bar you work?

I prefer a woman with a little lower mileage.

There are some strange ones on TLL but a lot of good ones.

One girl used to sit in front of her cam and show me things. I had been interested in going to see her until that aspect came along. Another girl started talking about being in love within a week of contact.
Wild Bill Livingston, Esq.

Offline william3rd

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Re: sweetsingles info
« Reply #6 on: June 19, 2007, 10:35:08 AM »
characteristics of a good thai prospect-

1- wont sleep with you the first trip
2- wont come to bangkok to meet you if she lives in a province
3- doesnt talk about love for awhile
4- if not college educated, has weak english
5- lives with the family
6- wont go to singles parties
7- doesnt dress in revealing outfits on dates
8- has no friends or relatives working in bars/nightclubs
9- has verifiable employment
10- will introduce you to friends routinely but not to her family until she has made her decision about you.
11- works in her home town or can show you where in Bangkok she works as a secretary.

There are other characteristics-

For the most part, unless the woman is a widow or divorcee, she is looking at you as her "Suphan" to America or elsewhere. Suphan means bridge
Wild Bill Livingston, Esq.

Offline jm21-2

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Re: sweetsingles info
« Reply #7 on: June 19, 2007, 10:39:45 AM »
Good points.

If TLL is anything like American personals, my guess is the girls probably get better as the age goes up too. That seems to be the trend here. I'm always thinking in the age range I'm concerned with (early-mid 20s), but I'm sure once you get into the late-20s and beyond the quality gets much better.

Offline Beentheredonethat

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Re: sweetsingles info
« Reply #8 on: June 19, 2007, 08:41:38 PM »
I have a quick question and this may not be the correct place but I was wondering you talked about women not sleeping with you the first time you visit but what if you end up really liking and getting engaged the first trip over does that change the sleeping with you statement?



Offline william3rd

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Re: sweetsingles info
« Reply #9 on: June 19, 2007, 09:54:43 PM »
culturally- no. Doesnt change it in the slightest. Early sexual activities are looked on as low morals and poor character. That is what virginity is all about and the payment of a dowry.

One week relationships to engagement are a joke over there. You can sleep with lots of girls in Thailand. "Second wives" - Meuh noi- are readily available.

Sounds like you are trying to impress our "norms" on them. But then- short term engagements here are looked on as foolish.

My gf was looking at a two year relationship before we thought of marriage. She was divorced. And no- we didnt wait two years although it will be two years since we met in person to our marriage here.

Wild Bill Livingston, Esq.

Offline Santanger

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Re: sweetsingles info
« Reply #10 on: June 19, 2007, 10:15:24 PM »
thanks for the replies. You guys are a fountain of knowledge.  Alot of you have mentioned TLL whats the web address for it?  Also the comment was made that the older a Thai women gets they get better like a fine wine. Well i cant say the same about older American women.  They just get more cynical, stubborn, fat and too set in their ways.  I was under the impression if i got them younger then they would have less bad habits, bad experiences, baggage, etc and would be easier to get along with.  I cant see how that doesnt apply to older Thai women too?

Perhaps this is another thread but with everybody's experience with the variations in different cultures would Chinese be better wives than Thai vs Japanese vs Phillipina etc?

Offline william3rd

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Re: sweetsingles info
« Reply #11 on: June 19, 2007, 10:20:40 PM »

You cant compare the various countries. It all depends what you are looking for. There is good and bad to be found in each.

Personally, I went for thailand. Food, culture, looks, etc.

The age issue is one that will plague us forever. The larger the age difference, the lower the likelihood of success. My fiancee is 15 years younger and looks 25 years younger. Fortunately, I do not look my age yet, although it is coming.
Wild Bill Livingston, Esq.

Offline fourholesn1

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Re: sweetsingles info
« Reply #12 on: June 20, 2007, 07:34:43 PM »
I bought a month at for $25 and it only took me 2 weeks to find a good woman. William is right on about a good Thai woman, my girl has made it clear that there will be no sex on the first visit or meeting her family. At TLL there were so many woman that fit my requirements it was hard to decide who to email. I did email and chat with around 10 and none asked for money, all seemed like good women who just want to find a good husband.

Re: sweetsingles info
« Reply #12 on: June 20, 2007, 07:34:43 PM »


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