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Author Topic: Interacting with and dating LA women: dos and don'ts  (Read 1395 times)

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Offline RJS

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Interacting with and dating LA women: dos and don'ts
« on: June 12, 2007, 07:44:20 PM »
I've been getting very good responses to my questions so far and the experience guys seem to enjoy posting, so I thought I'd pose the following question. Maybe we can sticky it later. Btw, lets not repeat red flags. They're covered in the articles forum.

Latin culture is obviously very different from american, canadian, or european culture. How should one adapt their behavior and what they say and don't say to suit it? I'm more interested in protocol than trying to compile a LA equivalent of those ridiculous "Players' handbooks". I suppose my question could be phrased more concisely as: how should a gentleman act in the presence of a LA woman?

I'll post some intial questions/examples, but feel free to add to it. I'll update it in to a master list when we're done.

- When I date western women, I make a big point of not overly complementing a woman on her looks if she's attractive. I instead pretend that I'm interested in what she has to say.  ;) Dishing out compliments too early-on just says "walk all-over me."

Is it different in LA? Should you compliment her appearance in a tasteful way?

- Kissing & Intimacy: what's normal down there? As in to myself as I am, I'd be hesitant about a woman that sleeps with me on the first date. This is of special concern in LA because I'd hate to think I'd get to the visa stage and then find out she has an uncurable STD. This one is a particular mystery to me because I've heard women down there can be very religious and religion frowns upon pre-marital sex. Obviously it happens, because there are lots of unmarried women with babies, judging by the sites. Does it differ by country and region in such a way as city girls or maybe more affluent girls are more promiscuous and country girls less so? I don't ask to take advantage, but so that I can form more informed opinions about how things are proceeding when I actually visit.

- other women: how do these women react to the knowledge that you're seeing other women? How do you deal with it? Up here it's expected until there's some sort of commitment, even after sex.

- i think money has been covered well-enough in my other thread, but I'll selectively edit it in to this one later.

- the mother and family: are there any major norms that should be followed here that some may not be aware of? Are there any superstitions or things you should not do or say in their presence. I don't mean basic etiquette, but specifically things that pertain to LA parents.

- engagement and marriage: the right way to do it. should you always ask the father first? I suppose you can never go wrong by that...

EDIT: my apologies if something like this has been posted before. I went back about 15 pages and then quit. Searching doesn't work for me (seems to be disabled or something)...

Offline bigstew33

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Re: Interacting with and dating LA women: dos and don'ts
« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2007, 10:56:24 PM »
You bring up a lot of interesting questions.  I am most interested in the responses you for when it's appropriate to kiss her, or sex.  I have been there 2 times and I never pushed it with either one.  I just figured if the girl was interested she would be overt in letting me know.  Not working out to well.   :-[

Offline bundy_138

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Re: Interacting with and dating LA women: dos and don'ts
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2007, 11:08:21 AM »
In my experience, women in LA countries are no different when it comes to compliments.  They all love them.  I have found that Latinas are more affectionate and love attention.....holding hands, kissing, cuddling, etc   Sex on the other hand depends on your chemistry, sometimes it comes fast, sometimes you have to work for it.

As for marriage, I asked her grandfather first before I asked my novia to marry me.  Of course I buttered him up with a nice bottle of Jameson Whiskey (jajajaja)  I think a traditional family in this day and age is a good thing.

If you have a serious relationship with a Latina, do not, I repeat, do not let her find out you are seeing other women!  I got the third degree just for looking at other women the other night at El Coral on sexta (great place to "sightsee" on a Friday night).  Latinas are very jealous, at least mine is!

Women are the pretty much the same generally.  However, women from countries other then the US are not "americanized"......enough said.


If you don't take care of your woman, someone else will.  (Bundy)

Re: Interacting with and dating LA women: dos and don'ts
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2007, 11:08:21 AM »

Offline utopiacowboy

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Re: Interacting with and dating LA women: dos and don'ts
« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2007, 08:29:49 PM »
I would be hesitant about offering up some general advice. I know what my wife likes but you could do the same thing with a different woman and she might hate it.

She loves compliments even overtly sexist ones that most gringas would not appreciate. I can tell her that her ass is one of the wonders of the world and you'd think she was just crowned Miss Colombia.

As for sex, yes they are religous but they aren't fanatics. My wife considers herself a fairly devout Catholic and we attend Mass every Sunday without fail but we had sex before we got married. OTOH, we were fairly sure of one another at that point.

If a Latina is into you, she is going to be physical with you. Even now, four years into marriage, my wife kisses me several times in an evening and that's normal. Most US couples don't do that much kissing, hand holding and hugging routinely.

They do appreciate good grooming and a nice appearance. Among typical Latinas the grunge look is never going to be met with approval. OTOH, be yourself. I was a Texas cowboy and that's exactly what my wife wanted since she's always been a lover of westerns, horses and vaqueros.


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