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Author Topic: Does Medicare or Medicaid pay for healthcare of inlaws in they come live with us  (Read 1720 times)

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Does Medicare or Medicaid pay for healthcare of the foreign in-laws in they come live with us?  I would hate to have my life savings drained if one of them needs open-heart surgery or something like that.  If they don't qualify for any government program I wonder how much private insurance would cost?  I assume I wouldn't be able to add them to my employers insurance.. I haven't looked into it, but it seems quite unlikely.


Offline william3rd

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Generally, the answer is no. The actual answer depends on their status in this country when they are staying with you. Are you thinking along terms of means-tested benefits or emergency care?

If you have promised to take care of their needs for them to receive a visas or filed an I864 for them as LPRs, you are ultimately responsible for their care.

If they are US Citizens, then they are entitled to whatever care is provided for US citizens.

Employers can offer coverage for immediate relatives-spouse and children- but I never saw coverage for parents, much less in-laws.

You would probably have to buy a policy for them. . . .

Wild Bill Livingston, Esq.

Offline doombug

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That's a relief.

The goose does have an off valve.

"I can get a great look at a t-bone steak by shoving my head up a bull's ass, but I'd rather take the butcher's word for it."--Chris Farley

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Does anybody know how much a policy might cost?  I have no idea at all.  Even a ballpark figure would be helpful.


Offline flipflop

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From the heresay ive encountered over the net most insurance companies wont insure them at all. If they did the premium would be prohibative for most of us

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How many beneficiaries?

What ages?

Health status?

Pre-existing conditions?

What type of coverage? HMO? PPO?

What area of the country?

Don't forget dental insurance!

I wouldn't even want to guess either. There are just too many variables. But medical insurance isn’t cheap. For an elderly couple, maybe $500/ month or much more. In 99.9% of cases, I would forget about your employer covering them.

When you sponsor an immigrant, the government wants a legally binding contract assuring that you will cover most all expenses for medical care and day-to-day support so that the immigrant does not become a burden on the taxpayers, which seems fair to me.

Now if they were to sneak in from Mexico for example, the bleeding heart liberals would be anxious to offer them every benefit of our society (at the taxpayers' expense of course).  :(

What relationship and ages are these in-laws that you are speaking about? Keep in mind that you can only petition a spouse and her unmarried children. Her parents would take another 5 years or so and siblings could take up to 30 years to get them here depending on the country. Your immigrant wife would have to first earn citizenship through naturalization (4-5 years?) before she could sponsor any of her other family members.

It's best to concentrate on getting the wife here and making the marriage work before you even consider any other in-laws for immigration. I wouldn't even mention the possibility to them at this stage of the game.



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