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Author Topic: Guangzhou consulate latest  (Read 1748 times)

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Offline william3rd

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Guangzhou consulate latest
« on: April 26, 2007, 12:19:48 PM »
Subject: Success
Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2007 22:25:20 +0800

Just wanted to drop you a line and let you know that Hanhan's visa interview was Tuesday in Guangzhou.
They were REAL interested in our age difference, spent most of the time on that. Also wanted to know about previous marriages.
The hardest thing to 'prove' for some reason was the fact that I have not left China since 2004. And actually, that seemed to be the deciding factor in approving the visa.
From Hanhan's description, the V.O. was not happy from the time the interview started, asked her several times what my sister's name is, where we met, and who is older me or her father. I am older of course.
But, she stayed calm (afterward she told me she thought there would be no real questions or she would have been nervous) and polite and answered everything to the point the guy was saying "Ok, that's enough" for her answers. He was looking for a reason to deny or delay in my opinion.
Anyway, from my perspective and from talking with others while waiting for Hanhan to come out, this Consulate is hard on applicants. They would not even give change when it came time to pay the fee. Wouldn't take more money either. Hanhan had to go asking people for change for 100 and ended up giving someone 100 for 40 in bills. Jerks.
But, if you are prepared (as you taught me), they have to give up the visa in the end.
Just wanted to let you know how things are going in Guangzhou these days. We picked up the visa today and flew home. A two business day wait for visas there, and many we talked to got a pink letter (approval), then were called later in the day that the approval had been rescinded for this or that reason. We kept our fingers crossed until we had  the thing in hand!


Hope all is going well for you and your sweetie! How’s the house coming?

Wild Bill Livingston, Esq.

Offline william3rd

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Re: Guangzhou consulate latest
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2007, 11:17:56 AM »
A few more things on Guangzhou. . . .

A large number of otherwise approved visas end up in administrative review and can remain there for months. . . .

It is not a normal situation for a single Chinese woman to be marrying a divorced man or man with children. It is also common for the woman not to have custody of a male child.

The consulate also looks at the ability to communicate. There must be some level of communication beyond- Hello, what you name?

This consulate has handed fiancees copies of US divorce decrees and asked for reading aloud and explanation of what is being read. They have also demanded 10 minute videotapes of petitioners speaking in Mandarin.

My recommendation for you is that, unless your fiancee is fluent in English or you are fluent in Chinese, English be a priority while in the petition process.

Keep in mind that if you are in a more "normal" relationship- common Chinese ancestry, close in age, frequent visits, etc. they go a little easier on you.

In my opinion, this is the toughest of the consulates.
Wild Bill Livingston, Esq.

Offline Tim

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Re: Guangzhou consulate latest
« Reply #2 on: April 29, 2007, 09:53:21 AM »
Generally speaking, the people in my Yahoo group report much the same about the GZ consulate.

However, many couples report smooth sailing there. Bad or missing paperwork will screw up anyone, but with the caveat that the documentation is done properly then the folks who seem to have no (or little) delays/problems seem to be those who are nearer in age to each other, and can conduct basic communicate in a common language.

My personal opinion is that they suspect a higher likelihood of immigration fraud in relationships with large age differences, or in which the couple cannot communicate in a common language. They tend to grill these folks harder on the interview, and find more reasons to deny their visas.

Just my opinion, your mileage may vary.

Regards, Tim
PM me if you need help or want more info about China-related issues.

Re: Guangzhou consulate latest
« Reply #2 on: April 29, 2007, 09:53:21 AM »

Offline Ray

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Re: Guangzhou consulate latest
« Reply #3 on: April 29, 2007, 03:30:00 PM »

My personal opinion is that they suspect a higher likelihood of immigration fraud in relationships with large age differences, or in which the couple cannot communicate in a common language. They tend to grill these folks harder on the interview, and find more reasons to deny their visas.

Tim, I think that's absolutely correct.

In fact, Gary Bala reported here some time back on a list of Visa Fraud Profile Factors that was being developed for use by CIS, consular posts, and ICE inspectors to help identify possible fraudulent visa cases.

I think this is essentially the list he posted. Gary, please correct me if this is inaccurate.

-Wide difference in age between the partners

-Lack of a common language

-Wide differences in socio-economic, cultural, or religious backgrounds

-Initial contact via Internet or E-mail

-Use of a marriage agency

-A short time span during which the partners have known each other

-Only a brief time shared together

-A previous "immigration-procured" spouse or fiancée by the petitioner

-4 or more divorces by one or both partners

-Past arrest record or criminal history involving fraud or serious offense

-Sloppy presentation and dress at interview

-Missed, inaccurate, or inconsistent answers to basic questions

« Last Edit: April 29, 2007, 03:33:48 PM by Ray »


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