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Author Topic: Narcissis Society?  (Read 1177 times)

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Narcissis Society?
« on: March 20, 2007, 12:48:08 AM »
After my divorce Post I decided to talk about some books I've been reading that give some interesting perspectives about the culture today(don't have the books yet but been reading them at borders).
the books are:"Generation Me: Why Today's Young Americans Are More Confident, Assertive, Entitled--and More Miserable Than Ever Before" and "Culture of nacissism".

Needless to say in generation me the research shown is so accurate and disterbing at the same time.on surveys that the researcher gave to different students(about 800,000 students) I kept seeing statements like:
"I don't care what people think of me as long as I'm happy"
"As long as something makes people happy it is right but wrong if something makes them unhappy"
The most disturbing story(that I had no idea this even happened) was the fact that kevin federline decided to leave his girlfriend who was 7 months pregnant for britney spears >:(.

One of the reviews for the book Goes:

"think this book explains a great deal about the attitudes of the current generation.
I can understand how the self-esteem movement got started: if children are constantly told "you're stupid, you're ugly, you can't do anything right, you'll never amount to anything", they will think poorly of themselves and grow up to be under-achievers because they lack self-confidence.
it does not follow that children who are constantly told how fabulous, wonderful and special they are will grow up to be successful adults!
Case in point: a twenty-something of my acquaintance quit her highly-paid job in outrage because her supervisor dared to criticize her! His criticism? That clients and co-workers were complaining that she was rude and patronizing towards them..."

The other book culture of narcissism is more of a fullfilled prophecy because it was written in the 70's and goes over a more sociological look at the situation.

My conclussion is that these books are right because I see people acting like this all the time.They seem to take individualism to the extreme and place the individual above the group.Also it seems that happiness seems to determine what is right and what is wrong.I would ask you guys if you have seen any of the following traits(which are detailed descriptions of a narcissist) in any people:

Overreacts to criticism, becoming angry or humiliated
Uses others to reach goals
Exaggerates own importance
Entertains unrealistic fantasies about achievements, power, beauty, intelligence or romance
Has unreasonable expectations of favorable treatment
Seeks constant attention and positive reinforcement from others
Is easily jealous [4]
Has a sense of entitlement
Is interpersonally exploitative
Lacks empathy
Displays arrogant, haughty behaviours
strong sense of entitlement

From my observations these traits seem to be expressed the most in people who watch T.V. like all the time.I'm reminded of a article I once read where a man was talk about what was wrong with Australian women:

"I like to watch"
Better: "I like to think"

When Australian woman are asked about their interests they often respond with, "I like to go out to the movies or I like to stay home in front of the TV." Never do they say, "I like to think."

There are several reasons why "thinkers" make better wives than "watchers":

TV shows and popular movies are very similar to one another, the jokes and situations don't change much, only the actors and settings do. Watchers usually end up being as boring as the shows they watch.
TV tries to keep you engaged and to buy merchandise, it doesn't try to show you how to live a good life. That means that the values TV imparts are useless, or worse.
If you don't spend time thinking, how will understand what life must be like for other people?
If you don't spend time thinking, how will you generate the fresh insights that will make you interesting to listen to?

"Husbands shouldn't tell wives what to do"
Better: "Sometimes we all need guidance"

A group of Australian women were discussing a certain TV show, which happens to be not worth watching. I said to them, "Now ladies, do your husbands really let you watch that show?"

They turned to me in amazement, and one of them said, "Why would we consult our husbands on what we watch -- do you think that we're children who need to be supervised?"

I did not answer that woman, as clearly we were from two different planets.

The proper way to think about it was explained by the famous golfer, Greg Norman, when he was asked why he appreciated his wife. He said, "My wife is the only person on Earth who is on my side, and yet who isn't me. I can ask myself for advice, but I usually get the answers I expect. When my wife gives me advice, it is something new and challenging, but still aimed at my best interest. Everyone else gives me advice that serves their own interests."

People should use those close to them as helpers in guiding them through life, which includes listening to your loved ones when they tell you what's good for you to watch.

I saw an Australian man plead with his wife to arrange things so that he and she and their little girl could all have dinner together as a family in the evenings, rather than separately in front of the TV. Of course she ignored his request.
Australian women listen carefully to TV's advice on how they should deal with their husbands, and yet ignore their husband's advice on what should be done with the TV.

So do you guys think were going towards a narcissist society?

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Re: Narcissis Society?
« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2007, 02:55:39 PM »
Hmm...isn't humanity as a whole and throughout history narcissistic to a certain extent? Those in positions of power or wealth have always thought awfully highly of themselves. Now America is the most powerful country in the world and everyone has a shot. Isn't it natural to expect egotism here? In other western countries it's gotta be similar as well, but maybe to a lesser degree.

I'd say the problem is that now we all conform to each other's egos, probably because we want our own stroked, so it's more open and obvious than before. It's easy to be overly confident when there's no competition or criticism. It was refreshing going to a low-ranked law school where the profs weren't afraid to yell at you, criticize you, and bring you to task. But when I tell people what it was like they think it's like a POW camp or something. It was very stressful though and I burned out a bit. The quality of life when everyone is being nice to each other is better as far as happiness goes. You apparently don't want that as a moral standard, but I personally think it should hold a bit of sway. I agree with Kant, Rawls, and that crowd on many things as well, but Utilitarianism does have its place imho. If everyone was unhappy, life would really suck.


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