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Author Topic: Digi-scraps and Blog Advertisers  (Read 1755 times)

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Offline Bear

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Digi-scraps and Blog Advertisers
« on: March 17, 2007, 07:54:21 AM »
Hey all!

I've been posting mostly on other boards but the liberals just make me want to puk.  So sick and tired of the name-calling and unwillingness to discuss.  Seems to me the way to learn something is at the foot of someone who has experienced it, knowing that 10 people might experience something and because of their life-experiences see the event in totally differing terms/results.  Not to the liberals - theres only one and its theirs, anybody else is just some "(derogatory name)".

Like Humados politics just blows me away, no one in office seems to care or even know why they're there.  I like to listen to a politically leaning talk-radio here and the liberals insist that they are right and the people who want totally different things are just ignorant s that will be lead to where the liberals want them anyway.  They take actions against RINOs as mandates they are right?  I responded to one local liberal, "I voted him out of office for not voting "conservative" not for not voting "liberal". You just managed to win because of the total lack of support your opponent got - you did not a mandate to change our countires path.  I just can't understand how 86% of the people can poll to be wanting action on the boarders and having illegals controlled and the politicians insist that the way the war is run in IRAQ is everything and we are just ill-informed on the immigration issue.  The DMC chairman the other day actually told me that "illegals" are not breaking the law.  I responded what part of "illegals" do you not understand?  Of course i guess now they'll start changing what they call them so they can push the "not breaking the law" route.

Arrrgggg. Drive ya crazy.  So I guess I'll discuss the topic I posted on.

Does anyone else's wife do this digi-scrapping stuff?  Seems its quite a Filipina trend.  Honey has been getting all sorts of on-line awards and acclimation's.  I had been pretty much ignoring her hobbies trying to push upward at work until recently when I realized that was pretty stupid and started reading her blogs.  She really has some artistically unique concepts.

The while looking at the thousands of digi-crap posted by her and her friends I noticed the "ads" each are posting.  To my amazement I found out my wife is earning about $600/mo commenting of differring topics that advertisers "pay" for.  Wow! I then noticed this is a big deal and I do mean BIG.  She has Filipinas calling her from all over the country/world on how she is making so much (as well as doing the digi-scraps) posting these on-line comments.  I even found one Filipina in the R.P. who makes twice what Honey is.  (Honey was mad she is making more and not paying taxes like Americans have too). 

This is remarkable to me.  Talk about a financial advantage and boon for Filipinas who sit all day in a cyber-cafe making posts on ads and watching a pay-pal account grow.  (My wife posts an ad and they pay her 30 days later, to a pay-pal account.  She then transfers the money to her checking account.)  This could change life in places like the R.P.   Honey is literally furious that her sister, who she set up to do the same, refuses?

Any comments out there?

The Bear Family

Offline william3rd

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Re: Digi-scraps and Blog Advertisers
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2007, 08:09:21 AM »
Uhhhh- what is a "liberal" exactly? ???

People can be anti Iraq war-the majority view, and anti-immigration-also the majority view. But the liberal "handle" would apply to the first case but not the second.

Most of us in this country would probably be moderates with views in the middle.
Wild Bill Livingston, Esq.

Offline Bear

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Re: Digi-scraps and Blog Advertisers
« Reply #2 on: March 17, 2007, 08:28:56 AM »
I agree the war is a big deal but it is like all the other wars from Korea to now.  Liberals want to tie the hands of the soldiers while insulting their actions and bad-mouthing and denying the there efforts.
Bush (the worst liberal I've ever seen) made too many mistakes and compounds them almost daily.  But neither he, the liberals or anyone else is talking about doing it right.  The purpose of "war" is to destroy an enemy.  When you don't we see the results hence "Korea, Viet Nam, Israel and Iraq".  It emboldens the enemy and draws support to his efforts - he looks like a winner even though he lost.  Eventually he will win.  Look what happens when you win (Japan, Germany).  Liberals just want to decry the evils.  Who doesn't?! But to leave it unresolved is like take a re-peat criminal who has just molested your daughter and turning him loose just to watch him rape and kill her later.  War as evil as it is, serves its purpose.  I recently heard and totally agree with "Freedom demands the highest price - you pay for it with blood".  The current efforts of our congress will ensure my sons will have to fight in a war in their future, and from the support we get around the world currently, all alone.  Who wants to help a quitter.

The Bear Family

Re: Digi-scraps and Blog Advertisers
« Reply #2 on: March 17, 2007, 08:28:56 AM »

Offline william3rd

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Re: Digi-scraps and Blog Advertisers
« Reply #3 on: March 17, 2007, 08:59:59 AM »
Fortunately, my son is a dual national based on his birth to a mother from another country even though he was born here. My hope is that any war that is not for "home and hearth," he will decline to participate in. But that will be his decision to make. I served over 30 years ago and that was my choice.

I think the problem is the definition of war in this day and age. I also believe that we should look at the costs-not just financial- versus the definition of "winning" a war.

I remember my ROTC officers- most of them wounded in Vietnam and marking time to retirement with their various disabilities- and the stories that they had to tell of 6 or 7 year old "combatants" throwing grenades and peasants resurrecting our abandoned equipment in just a few hours so they could use the stuff against us.

Clearly the folks in DC have no clue. Of that there is no doubt. . .
But, is there an answer?

The immigration side is easy- lock down the borders, kick out (jail)the "illegals" and accelerate the family preference categories to replace them.

Wild Bill Livingston, Esq.

Offline Bear

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Re: Digi-scraps and Blog Advertisers
« Reply #4 on: March 17, 2007, 09:15:07 AM »
Bush was just in Mexico where the president of Mexico had the nerve to say that he won't do anything about the illegal drugs or immigrants and that the U.S. had to take action to stop drug use and to create jobs "IN MEXICO".  Bush agreed?!  And he practically demanded that the U.S. congress give Mexican truck drivers complete and full, unrestricted access to our roads.  I guess once this occurs all the port jobs will move to Mexico also?

Why not do as you suggest and when we are not having to pay to educate their illegal children take lower paying jobs because of the illegals competition or pay their medical bills and higher taxes because no one will make them pay maybe we could start spending that money on imported items "Made in Mexico" if  made with good quality and necessary which would give them the security they want.  Instead its politicians trying to force the issue and inadvertently hurting me and mine along the way.

Tell me isn't this issue more important than IRAQ?  There will always be an IRAQ.   Leave war to the Military - its their job.

The Bear Family

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Re: Digi-scraps and Blog Advertisers
« Reply #5 on: March 19, 2007, 09:07:36 PM »
Hey Bear, can you point me to some of these sites? I would like to show them to my peruvian wife as something she could do from home.

Offline william3rd

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Re: Digi-scraps and Blog Advertisers
« Reply #6 on: March 19, 2007, 09:21:26 PM »
The immigration issue is much more important in promoting the genreal welfare for OUR people. . . .
Wild Bill Livingston, Esq.

Offline Bear

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Re: Digi-scraps and Blog Advertisers
« Reply #7 on: March 20, 2007, 09:06:28 PM »
one my wife uses is ""


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