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Author Topic: Papi’s Newbie MOB How To 2007  (Read 1109 times)

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Papi’s Newbie MOB How To 2007
« on: February 24, 2007, 01:16:36 PM »
1. Learn Spanish. Take a night class…tapes are ok but class is better

2. Budget $5000-$10,000 for project MOB

3. Target market 2 cities, for example Cali and Barranquilla

4. Get skype or similar service to call colombia

5. Get a profile on the better latin dating websites. Get a webcam, install messenger, both hotmail and yahoo. Make sure your profile includes a good pic and states the following: Estoy buscando a una chica Latina atractiva, inteligente, madura con la que pueda tener química. Debes estar abierta a la posibilidad de venir a Estados Unidos. Write to a bunch of women and get the hang of chatting and improving your Spanish. Have an online translator handy or a dictionary but keep in mind that some local expressions are not in the dictionary.  Later focus on a few women in each of your target cities* and get to know them via the internet and phone calls.

6. Plan a trip to go see them and have a backup agency plan coordinating your visit with a TLC tour or a stay at a papi approved agency.

Bon voyage

*some women from smaller towns will take the bus to meet you if they have family or friends in your target city
Red Bull may give you wings, but if Flakes could fly - BAQ is in fact an airport


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