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Author Topic: Responsibility is on the Agency Owner, Woman or You  (Read 17998 times)

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Offline Jamie

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Responsibility is on the Agency Owner, Woman or You
« on: February 08, 2007, 04:51:46 PM »
I am going to start a new thread from RPCV’s post on another topic. His post is below and I disagree with his summary of my view regarding our debate. So include is our complete exchange hopefully organized in a readable manner.

Jamie's comments are not shocking to me at all. I had quite a lengthy discussion on another board ( with him regarding what he believes to be the responsibilities of an agency owner towards his clients.

Basically, the discussion was that as a client, I (and others on that board) felt that we could try to choose a reputable agency but if the agency owner was not honest about the services offered etc, than how is that the client's fault? He said the agency owner is never responsible for anything. If things go well for the client, it is because he made a good choice. If the client pays money and doesn't receive the services advertised on the agency's website, that is the client's responsibility too. 
Yet earlier on this thread he said, "People here will not admit to mistakes or take responsibility for anything."

It's great some folks have had success with his agency but his belief that agency owners are not responsible for anything was enough for me to refrain from visiting it.

It has also been suggested that there is also a theory that agencies try to sabotage relationships as they are forming… 
My thoughts are such a theory is born out of paranoia and a failure to accept responsibility for outcomes. If you go to Colombia and don’t find what you are looking for there is only one to blame and it’s not outside forces, it’s you. I have not met a man who is not 100% to blame for things not working out with a woman. If the agency literally ties you up during your stay, guess what, you’re still to blame. It’s you and only you. It’s you over and over again. It’s not the women, it’s not the children and it’s not the agency it is you know who, you. When it’s not you it’s sill you. I hope I have made this very clear to all those that don’t carry theories of failure outside of you.

I disagree because this would imply that a woman’s actions or agencies do not have any effect on potential relationships.

Of course there will be many interactions but you are responsible for managing this and making the decision appropriate for your success.

So if a guy looks at an agency website, chooses a list of 12 women, pays the agency and discovers after he arrives that the agency can only provide him with introductions to (3) of the ladies on his list, is it his fault?

Yes it is all his fault. The man selected the agency the agency did not select him. It is up the man to determine the ability of the agency to deliver. The man must also understand the likelihood of other forces outside of the man and agency’s control coming in to play and factor this in. If I am walking the city streets at night and a strange man tells me someone down that dark ally wants to talk to me do I blame the strange man if I get beaten up? Now I have given you an obvious example of stupidity but just because someone is less stupid does not alter their complete responsibility in what they do and how they do it.

By that logic, all agencies are allowed to post whatever photos they want and rip off clients as they see fit.

My logic does not infer this.

It is the agency owner who is not accepting responsibility as well and is committing fraud if they do not provide accurate information and honest service to clients. End of story.

If the ladies were never available to begin with, then an agency is advertising something that is not true. He made the best decision he could based on all of the information that was provided to him.

No he didn’t, he made a bad decision and did not get or utilize all the information appropriately. Just because others commit fraud does not alleviate your responsibility in accepting what was “provided”.

Sure I take full responsibility for receiving inferior services.  And again see response above.

Plain and simple it is fraud by the agency owner, and not the client's fault the owner is only out to make a quick dollar.

With that logic any time someone does not tell you the truth or accomplishes what they say they will do you now have an out to distant yourself from any responsibility.

You have a right make the best informed decision you can with the knowledge you have obtained. Sadly there are many folks out there who think they are above the law.

To me that is misrepresentation. I am not talking about whether the ladies are interested in him after reading his profile/etc; just the basic fact that the ladies are even available as the agency owner presented on his website.

It does not mater if it’s misrepresentation you are still responsible for determining this. Some people fall for fraud others don’t. Those that don’t fall for fraud made the appropriate decisions those that were taken did not.

Long distance relationships are difficult even in the USA so one with a Colombian woman will have as many or more challenges. But in both scenarios each person has to be willing to work together and be on the same page.

If the woman is not willing to “work together” you are at fault for not determining this early enough. If you do not “work together” then you are at fault for not doing enough.

Wow! So a woman has no responsibilities in a relationship.

She has her own self responsibility as do you. I think it is pretty lame when a guy tries to blame a woman for a bad relationship as it is for a woman to blame the man.

It was never about blame. It is about responsibility of BOTH parties involved.

That is, they envision a life together and are sincere in their intentions towards each other. If the guy is sincere, does not shower a Colombian woman with expensive gifts, and it doesn’t work out, is he to blame 100%?

Yes a 101% to blame

Maybe the girl was not interested in him, met someone else or maybe she was a gold digger.

Maybe he should have seen this. Our whole society is falling apart we blame others instead of accepting full responsibility for our life, actions and outcomes.

We can only make informed decisions with the knowledge we have obtained through communication and observations. That is accepting responsibility. It is unfortunate that there are many people out there who try to deceive and fraud others (including agencies).

Life teaches those willing to learn that there are bad people but that does not negate your responsibility in the decisions you make regardless of their input and presence.

but I don’t agree it’s his fault when he encounters a bad apple.

It is if you do not catch it early enough to avoid it being a problem. It is not a case of mind reading to understand and know someone how we go about it determines how we will do.

RPCV: can’t sum up a situation where a woman or agency is being deceitful or dishonest and say what I am doing to cause this action.

I am not saying anyone would be causing this action but the person doing the action.

It’s only your fault if you continue once become aware.

Unawareness is not an out.

How is a guy who is not a seasoned traveler going to know the difference?

The more ignorant we are the more problems we will have but our ignorance is not a pardon for falling for deceptions.

RPCV: Nor is it to scam others. In any event I can see that this thread is going nowhere. There are some really great agencies owners out there that I have met. Roy who used to run Cali Charm (and Walter) are two of them. Stand up honest guys.

And if someone run across unscrupulous agency owners, well it is their responsibility to inform others so they can stay away from that agency. It would be very disconcerting to learn a person who runs a business believes they do not have any responsibility to provide accurate services to their potential clients.
Fortunately this board offers a venue to expose those types of individuals and inform others.

My folks have been married 46 years and I can tell you that my dad is not solely responsible for the longevity of the marriage.

You’re missing the point. You comments about dishonest agencies are irrelevant. If you want to stand as an innocent party for selecting a dishonest agency that’s up to you, there is a large crowd of like people who want to point the finger at others for not getting what they want. You need to be concerned with what you can control, not with what other do but what you do.

Let me apply your logic to a pro football coach. The left side of the line is not blocking and our quarterback is getting sacked and were losing games. But as the coach I am not responsible because the offensive linemen said they could do the job they either lied to me or they can’t do as they say. They need to take responsibility for the team’s loss not me. I suspect the owner would give the coach an extended contract for such thinking right?

Those that want to blame agencies, wacky theories and bad girls for their plight will be singing this song for a very long time.

Not suprised by that comment at all.

Well I am not surprised either those that make excuses will continue to make excuses.

And there are those agency owners that will never believe they are accountable for anything either. Unbelievable.

You still don’t get it, (you are right) of course they are. That is the environment we live in, which means knowing this allows one to act accordingly and consider such possibilities in their selection process. But most people don’t do such scrutiny. It is very rare for someone to ever ask me for a referral. Yet my own website tells you this is one of checks you should make to verify a good agency. I just had a guy call wanting to use our Personal Introductions I tell him I have some married clients that have used this service living in your city would you like to talk to them, no I don’t need to I read you website. Now this guy does not know me. Very few of my clients are from the forums where they can say I all ready know your history. Now you don’t think this lack of scrutiny goes on with other guys and bad agencies and when the results turn bad who is to blame. Well from your standpoint the agency is responsible and not the man. How does this allow you to take control of your life by not taking full responsibility?

No it is YOU that does not get it. If you go back and read my previous post(s), you will see that I specifically stated that I believe both parties are responsible. The client and agency owner. What is so hard to understand about that fact??
A dishonest agency owner will continue to operate until he's exposed for the fraud he is and thus eventually lose business as a result. As for me, I will continue to inform everyone I know about agencies, the good and the bad ones.

Your correlation from this to that is missing a bridge it is good for people to pass on such information no one is saying otherwise.

But, no one is all seeing and all knowing... You say that not knowing... is not an out... come on lets be reasonable here... no one is looking for outs.

The last thing most people want to do is accept reasonability. The boards are loaded with guys who can’t get what they want and blame every one but themselves. And the funny thing is they are usually the guys panning out most of the advice. You don’t have to be all seeing and all knowing to make good decisions. Does that mean every decision is going to be good, no. Does it mean I don’t have to take reasonability for that decision, no again.

But, IF you the owner know she is a predator and introduce me to her its wrong... I think you (the agency owner) have a responsibility to tell me (the customer). This way I can make an informed decision weather or not to continue with this woman what happens next is on me.

Well if the agency owner knows she is a predator he should not have her in his agency. But lets say he is committing a wrong by not telling you critical information, guess what, nothing changes you are still fully responsible for determining the make of the woman. Lets say your future wife’s neighbor knew she was a prostitute and you had met the neighbor many times and she never said anything to you and you don’t find this out till the marriage breaks up. Is this neighbor now the one primarily responsible for your bad marriage? There appears to be no end to not wanting to say it was me, it was me, it was me. I see first hand what passes for communication between many men and women and you know what I don’t think the communication can be any more superficial than what flirting 13 years olds would say to each other in a playground. So I am not surprised by the troubles that eventually pop up, but of course he is still not at fault.
I just saw an email where a woman tells her suitor that she sleeps with her mom. A 30 year old woman is sleeping with her mom. Now if this was going to be my girl I would have some questions on the matter. How long have you been sleeping with you mom? How are you going to feel being separated from your mom? What is the longest period of time you have been away from your mom? Can I sleep with you mom too? Ok I wouldn’t ask that question but surely questions should be asked. Guess what no questions. Now if this girl goes to the States, and leaves the man out of homesickness judging by my debaters he was not responsible because she was the incapable one and he didn’t know it.

Hmm... So if "an agency owner knows a girl is a predator, he should not have her in his agency". But it really doesn't matter if he does because guess what, "nothing changes you are still fully responsible for determining the make of the woman". Wow that's fair. I guess I'll go open a used car dealership and sell flooded cars without telling my customers about the car's history. And if they buy them, hey it's their fault.

Everyone still needs to be held accountable for their actions and if a man deceptively sold you a car there is appropriate legal action for you to take and that man should be punished. But you are still responsible for making a bad decision for buying one from him.

Yes the man is responsible for making a bad decision based on the fact the car dealer fraudulently represented the vehicles. Can we at least agree on something? But the same applies to fraudulent agency owners. Or are they not accountable for their actions?

But to say no matter what the circumstances the only one at fault here is the guy? If this is what you are communicating here, sorry I respectfully disagree.

I am not saying that. Responsibility applies to both parties I am only speaking from the man’s perspective.

If a man successfully connects with a good woman he is responsible for making this happen.
If a man connects with a bad woman he is responsible for not determining this before hand.
If a woman successfully connect with a good man she is responsible for making this happen.
If a bad woman connects with a good man her behavior does not diminish the man from being responsible as hard as it may have been to discover such information.

Switching the genders around does not change anything because were talking about self responsibility. What others did to hinder you does not change this.

Yet you stated above, "But let’s say he is committing a wrong by not telling you critical information, guess what, nothing changes you are still fully responsible for determining the make of the woman". According to that, you believe it is solely the client’s responsibility. So which is it; are both parties responsible or only the client?

My quote was referencing the man and the woman not the man and the agency. As much as you abhor hearing this you are responsible for all your decisions. I am done with my lesson you fit in with the advocates that it is someone else’s fault. The criminal shots a victim and the responsible party is of course the gun manufacture and if you are not there yet that is the path you are on.

Here we go again. An agency owner is always right and not accountable. As I have stated before, clients are responsible for making the best informed choices they can as are agency owners to be honest and upfront about their services. I have nothing else to add to this thread carry on.

If an agency owner is upfront and runs an honest business and I do not connect with any of the women, I take full responsibility for that. Anyone with some sense of self awareness would do the same. But to scam clients, and run a shady, dishonest business has nothing to do with a client being responsible. In the states, those individuals that do this receive fines and prisons sentences.

When you are in a relationship and your ignorant and stay that way its on you... when your in a relationship or in business with someone and its based on trust and honesty... and one person decides to breach that trust by using lies and deceit its on them..

Who determines who is ignorant you may see someone as very ignorant yet he may not see himself as such and rejects responsibility. So who dictates, “its on you”? To the smartest man in the world we are all ignorant which by you definition correctly assigns us as always being responsible.
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Offline papi

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Re: Responsibility is on the Agency Owner, Woman or You
« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2007, 06:05:40 PM »
holy smokes! cliff notes...PLEASE! At first glance, sounds like some screwball ideas here but i still recommend the agency. Yet, agencies often over promise, stock the pond with ringers and under deliver. The blame then can't be put solely on the gringo. I don't always agree with Jamie's commentary but he usually does his best to deliver and is among my top recommendations. I would also like to add that I have seen winners come home empty handed, throw in the towel on colombia and hook up later in the USA
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Re: Responsibility is on the Agency Owner, Woman or You
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2007, 06:08:04 PM »
one more thing...if a gringo is not happy with the agency covering issues over and above the intros, his total colombian experience will be diminished despite what happens on the chica front
« Last Edit: February 08, 2007, 06:11:31 PM by papi »
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Re: Responsibility is on the Agency Owner, Woman or You
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2007, 06:08:04 PM »

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Re: Responsibility is on the Agency Owner, Woman or You
« Reply #3 on: February 08, 2007, 06:26:42 PM »
so how can an agency drop the ball on the total experience? oh..easy. let me count the ways:

*fail to pickup the gringo at the airport
*put the gringo up in a flophouse
*try to charge taxes...that are only going in the agencies pocket
*advertise a B&B yet make the gringo pay for the second B or breakfast
*chica contact info in total disarray, haphazard files
*fail to provide translators as promised
*cheat the gringo on paid memberships
*tell the gringo the chicas he wanted to meet won't be available until next week. He will need to pay for another tour.

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Re: Responsibility is on the Agency Owner, Woman or You
« Reply #4 on: February 08, 2007, 08:25:33 PM »
I had to read the debate a few times to get it clear in my head what your point was.  Are you saying is a gamble and if your willing to take that chance (on whatever) then the responsiblity falls on you?  You need to investigate, question and re-think and after all that's done with...roll the dice, but since it's your's your responsiblity.   
I think that's it in a nutshell on what you was getting at wasn't it?  If not, then I don't get your point either.

by the way, I don't know if you got my pm I sent you before.   

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Re: Responsibility is on the Agency Owner, Woman or You
« Reply #5 on: February 08, 2007, 08:49:59 PM »
I don't understand what is so hard to get about what Jamie is saying. He is deadpanning it trying to get the person to realize what he is saying for himself, but the guy just isn't getting it because he isn't really understanding the point of Jamie's argument. He is trying to focus on specifics when Jamie is arguing the broader point of being a man and accepting responsibility for your situation.

All he is saying is that regardless of what happens to you, you bear responsibility for letting it happen, which is true. Regardless of whatever factors are involved, the only portion of the equation that you have any control over is yours.
« Last Edit: February 08, 2007, 08:57:24 PM by soltero »
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Re: Responsibility is on the Agency Owner, Woman or You
« Reply #6 on: February 08, 2007, 09:02:07 PM »
Soltero, i am with you on that....and get the broad strokes too yet i still think agencies can play a role in some of the project debacles. In fact, in my case it was ALWAYS the fault of the agency  ;)
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Re: Responsibility is on the Agency Owner, Woman or You
« Reply #7 on: February 09, 2007, 07:18:24 AM »
I sent Jamie a few bucks once along with a photo of myself and list of the women that I was interested in meeting at his agency. A few days later he emailed me back telling me which ones were interested in meeting me. Based on the results I decided that I'd have better luck staying in Cali. However I have to say that I prefer to at least talk to the chick for 30 min. or so before I'm rejected. I like having the women that I want to meet put infront of me and giving it my best shot in person.

The only thing that I ask from an agency is that they put all the women that I want to meet in front of me preferably in three days or less. That is why I never pay a membership but arrange a per cita fee instead. No show, no pay!!

The best agency is the one that has the most women that appeal to me and can put them infront of me as fast as possible. I'll do the rest.

I guess I ringer is a young hot chick that is in an agency but she really doesn't want to meet or go out with gringos. I have yet to meet one of those in an agency yet.

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Re: Responsibility is on the Agency Owner, Woman or You
« Reply #8 on: February 09, 2007, 08:59:07 AM »
Calipro the only guy with a suffix (pro) of expertise that’s justified.
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Re: Responsibility is on the Agency Owner, Woman or You
« Reply #9 on: February 09, 2007, 10:25:28 AM »
I've mentioned this here before. My father taught me that the difference between a boy and a man is the ability to make a decision right or wrong and to fully accept those consequences.

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Re: Responsibility is on the Agency Owner, Woman or You
« Reply #10 on: February 09, 2007, 11:14:21 AM »
so how can an agency drop the ball on the total experience? oh..easy. let me count the ways:

*fail to pickup the gringo at the airport
*put the gringo up in a flophouse
*try to charge taxes...that are only going in the agencies pocket
*advertise a B&B yet make the gringo pay for the second B or breakfast
*chica contact info in total disarray, haphazard files
*fail to provide translators as promised
*cheat the gringo on paid memberships
*tell the gringo the chicas he wanted to meet won't be available until next week. He will need to pay for another tour.

Sorry Papi but according to Jaime these are all your responsibilities.

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Re: Responsibility is on the Agency Owner, Woman or You
« Reply #11 on: February 09, 2007, 11:21:39 AM »
Are you saying is a gamble and if your willing to take that chance (on whatever) then the responsiblity falls on you?  You need to investigate, question and re-think and after all that's done with...roll the dice, but since it's your's your responsiblity.   

It might be your choice/decision Sean but there is also responsibility on the part of those who conduct business. If not there would be no need for the Better Business Bureau, etc.

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Re: Responsibility is on the Agency Owner, Woman or You
« Reply #12 on: February 09, 2007, 11:34:08 AM »
It might be your choice/decision Sean but there is also responsibility on the part of those who conduct business. If not there would be no need for the Better Business Bureau, etc.

You aren't getting it. He isn't saying that those people don't have any responsibility. Their responsibility to do what they are supposed to is up to them. Your responsibility is to look out for you. If they fall off on doing their jobs, you need to bail and seek other sources. If you see that they aren't doing their jobs and you stick around, the idiot is you, and you can't blame them.

Depending on others to look out for you is flawed logic. You are responsible for making sure you get what you are after. Hopefully, along the way, the desires of others mesh with yours and a well oiled machine is formed, if not, you have to be the one to apply the grease as the journey is yours.

« Last Edit: February 09, 2007, 10:57:23 PM by soltero »
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Re: Responsibility is on the Agency Owner, Woman or You
« Reply #12 on: February 09, 2007, 11:34:08 AM »

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Re: Responsibility is on the Agency Owner, Woman or You
« Reply #13 on: February 09, 2007, 11:41:20 AM »
You have a right make the best informed decision you can with the knowledge you have obtained. Sadly there are many folks out there who think they are above the law.

To me that is misrepresentation. I am not talking about whether the ladies are interested in him after reading his profile/etc; just the basic fact that the ladies are even available as the agency owner presented on his website. 

It does not mater if it’s misrepresentation you are still responsible for determining this. Some people fall for fraud others don’t. Those that don’t fall for fraud made the appropriate decisions those that were taken did not. 

We can only make informed decisions with the knowledge we have obtained through communication and observations. That is accepting responsibility. It is unfortunate that there are many people out there who try to deceive and fraud others (including agencies).   

Everyone still needs to be held accountable for their actions and if a man deceptively sold you a car there is appropriate legal action for you to take and that man should be punished. But you are still responsible for making a bad decision for buying one from him. 

Yes the man is responsible for making a bad decision based on the fact the car dealer fraudulently represented the vehicles. Can we at least agree on something? But the same applies to fraudulent agency owners. Or are they not accountable for their actions?

Thanks for posting this Jaime. I've chosen a few here that I thought were especially insightful for other posters.

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Re: Responsibility is on the Agency Owner, Woman or You
« Reply #14 on: February 09, 2007, 11:50:32 AM »
You aren't getting it. He isn't saying that those people don't have any responsibility. Their responsibility to do what they are suppoesed to is up to them. Your responsibility is to look out for you. If they fall off on doing their jobs, you need to bail and seek other sources. If you see that they aren't doing their jobs and you stick around, the idiot is you, and you can't blame them.

Depending on others to look out for you is flawed logic. You are responsible for making sure you get what you are after. Hopefully, along the way, the desires of others mesh with yours and a well oil machine is formed, if not, you have to be the one to apply the grease as the journey is yours.

I get it Soltero; do you?  I never said a person was not responsible for looking out for himself. My point was that that EVERYONE is accountable for their actions. 

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Re: Responsibility is on the Agency Owner, Woman or You
« Reply #15 on: February 09, 2007, 12:48:53 PM »
I get it Soltero; do you?  I never said a person was not responsible for looking out for himself. My point was that that EVERYONE is accountable for their actions. 

Yes, FOR THEIR OWN ACTIONS. That's the point. He isn't discounting accountability. He is saying that as far as the individual is concerned, it is up to that individual to hold the other elements accountable. That is the responsibility of that INDIVIDUAL.

Basically, if you get suckered, it's your fault for not making sure that you didn't get suckered. He is not saying that agencies are out to sucker you, nor the women, but if you don't have the good sense to get the bear before it gets you, it's not the bear's fault...
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Re: Responsibility is on the Agency Owner, Woman or You
« Reply #16 on: February 09, 2007, 01:23:35 PM »
Yes, FOR THEIR OWN ACTIONS. That's the point. He isn't discounting accountability. He is saying that as far as the individual is concerned, it is up to that individual to hold the other elements accountable. That is the responsibility of that INDIVIDUAL.

Basically, if you get suckered, it's your fault for not making sure that you didn't get suckered. He is not saying that agencies are out to sucker you, nor the women, but if you don't have the good sense to get the bear before it gets you, it's not the bear's fault...

That's not how I and others interpreted it. As I've said before, I've talked and conducted business with several other agency owners and EACH of them stated they were accountable for providing the services they advertised on their site. To me that's a nice fact to know considering I am paying $.

Did I have sucess with all of the agencies? No, but atleast I knew the owner was being upfront and honest and then the rest was my own responsibility. That's why I made return visits; because I knew I would be getting that kind of service from those agencies.

Again, people can interpret it as they wish and maybe some have had success with Jaime's agency but I would not venture there based on the responses he has given to other posters and my own discussions with him on this and other boards.

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Re: Responsibility is on the Agency Owner, Woman or You
« Reply #17 on: February 09, 2007, 02:26:23 PM »
Sorry Papi but according to Jaime these are all your responsibilities.

No they aren't..and I don't agree with him. Does not mean he and I can't remain friends...or that i shouldn't recommend his service. I tend to think most agencies are the bottom of the barrel but he is  not one of those.
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Re: Responsibility is on the Agency Owner, Woman or You
« Reply #18 on: February 10, 2007, 12:04:46 PM »
this is basicly a customer service issue. The customer is paying for a service, provided by a middle man/woman.

Customer: Lonly male and Lonly women.
Middle man/woman..Agency

How many times has the lonly women call the agency and say..hey, you provide me with [snip]ty, fat, old, poor and ugly men?

Jamie..has that happend to your agency?

I doubt it happens very often.

What does happen is the lonly man complaining to the agency, that the women are no shows, money hungry, etc etc. Why is this? Simple, the man is paying..a paying costomer is a demanding customer. Trust me, if the agencys would charge the girls, the few that actually would pay, would be ringing down the agency, demanding better quality males.

So, is the paying customer always right? No, he is not, many times he is way off wrong, but if the owner wants to continue in business, he has to accept the nagg and the bitching from the paying customer, and try to fix the problem.

If you got a call girl, and the chick was rude, or bad or what ever, would you call up the agency and complain, yes you would! So, therefore, there is no way Jamie or anyother agency owner will ever get away from the complaining customers, since these men ar PAYING for a service.


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Re: Responsibility is on the Agency Owner, Woman or You
« Reply #19 on: February 10, 2007, 01:53:28 PM »
actually....the agencies in bogota charge the chicas a hefty fee but that doesn't seem to make any difference regarding the no shows, flakes, and whatever else you mentioned. By and large though I agree, yes, we are the paying customer and some of us tend to be rather high maintenance  ;)
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Re: Responsibility is on the Agency Owner, Woman or You
« Reply #20 on: February 10, 2007, 05:57:48 PM »
This thread is very interesting, just thought I'd throw my .2 cents in. I can understand where jamie is coming from. Since you are the paying customer, you need to make sure you are getting what you paid for. Let's be real, there is no guarantee with all this, but i feel you should do all you can to increase your chances for success. There's a reason they are called "introduction agencies" and not "introduction and guaranteed happy marriage agencies". I feel if an agency owner is purposely lying to you, he is wrong, but think about it, what an agency owner tells you shouldn't really matter, because in the end, he's not coming to america with you, the girl is. Yes, the girl may have a pretty smile, big butt, slim waist, and long hair, but that doesn't mean she is flying back with me no time soon(like is said, im not marrying anyone, here or in colombia, I haven't been with for at least a year). It is up to me to know who this woman is, what this woman is about, what does she REALLY want, and such. Yes, decitful practices are terrible, but in the end, you need to make sure you are making the right decisions.

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Re: Responsibility is on the Agency Owner, Woman or You
« Reply #21 on: February 11, 2007, 08:06:30 AM »
it is not the fault of the gringo if the agency owner is a lying, cheating, bottom feeder yet obviously the ball is mostly in the gringo's court
Red Bull may give you wings, but if Flakes could fly - BAQ is in fact an airport

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Re: Responsibility is on the Agency Owner, Woman or You
« Reply #22 on: February 11, 2007, 08:19:05 AM »
this is basicly a customer service issue. The customer is paying for a service, provided by a middle man/woman.

Totally agree Nicks.

Trust me, if the agencys would charge the girls, the few that actually would pay, would be ringing down the agency, demanding better quality males.

I actually know of an agency that charges the ladies a fee to sign up. I guess one potential reason for doing this was to screen out those ladies that are not really serious. But you bring up a good point and I wonder if any of those women ever complain about the quality of males that approach them for introductions. Although, I've seen several agencies that do have a male database the women can browse through in the office.

Re: Responsibility is on the Agency Owner, Woman or You
« Reply #22 on: February 11, 2007, 08:19:05 AM »

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Re: Responsibility is on the Agency Owner, Woman or You
« Reply #23 on: February 11, 2007, 10:27:50 AM »
I guess one potential reason for doing this was to screen out those ladies that are not really serious.

on charging the chicas memberships - guess again friend. These guys are not running a benevolent society
Red Bull may give you wings, but if Flakes could fly - BAQ is in fact an airport

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Re: Responsibility is on the Agency Owner, Woman or You
« Reply #24 on: February 12, 2007, 08:05:49 AM »
I'd have to see a contract to get an idea of what is promised by an agency. From what I read here Jamies attitude sucks and as a business owner I would never air such a sentiment about my customers in public. You are providing a service, that means you get PAID to  SERVE.

I was a service manager for many years, you think people are picky about women you should work on their cars. When the work was done they signed a work order and that was our contract. If the customer came back with a complaint there was only one approach if you wanted to stay in business. Take the customer complaint seriously, do everything in your power to investigate the complaint and find out what happened. Do what ever it takes to satisfy the customer.

To say that customers were resonsible for bringing their car to my repairshop regardless of the outcome would have been suicide for the business and I would have been fired. Ive seen many shops go under not because they were bad mechanics but because they didnt know how to handle their clients. Works done, you signed the work order phuck you

great attitude


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