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Author Topic: spanish lesson, any interest?  (Read 5465 times)

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Offline papi

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Re: spanish lesson, any interest?
« Reply #25 on: March 10, 2007, 07:17:04 PM »
Sí señor asi es. Pues las caleñas le esperen.

ojala, me voy ya  ;) pero solomente las calenas? hay un grande mundo amigo, no?
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Re: spanish lesson, any interest?
« Reply #26 on: March 10, 2007, 08:41:11 PM »
Hey CV/Mal/Sol/Catz/Sean???

can we cut and paste? The expressions are good but i feel it would be better to have a thread with just the lessons i get monthly so i and others can study those. Then a second thread with just expressions. CV/Mal/ would be great if we could have a thread of dichos de colombia y otra piases, si?. I was listening to Mexican radio yesterday and they call their station la casa de chulo...Sol and i once got in a big private debate on that one. it would be good for starters. for example, papichulo can be used with affection in colombia but is vulgar in peru

Here is a list of phrases from all over the Latin World by country, but be warned, it is not PG, and not for the faint of heart or morally clinched.

I would advise using most of these phrase when inebriated so that you will have a plausible excuse for issuing such utterances...
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Offline papi

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Re: spanish lesson, any interest?
« Reply #27 on: April 09, 2007, 09:37:54 PM »
here's this month's spanish:

el adorno    the ornament, decorations
el antifaz    the mask
el árbol de Navidad    the Christmas tree
el baile    the dancing, dance
la bandera    the flag
las banderitas    the flags
la banda de música    the music band
la cabalgata
in Mexico, Argentina: el desfile    the cavalcade
la carroza    the carriage
la ceremonia    the ceremony
el cohete    the rocket
la corona de flores    the crown, wreath
el desfile    the parade, procession
el disfraz    the costume
la feria    the fair
los fuegos artificiales    the fireworks
la invitación    the invitation
la madrina    the godmother
el padrino    the godfather
los petardos    the firecrackers, bangers
el pregón    the opening speech
la procesión    the procession
el regalo    the present
la saeta    the dart, arrow, BUT also: Flamenco verse sung at processions in Holy Week
la tómbola
in Argentina: la lotería    the tombola
el turrón    type of candy traditionally eaten at Christmas
la verbena    the festival, open-air dance
el villancico    the Christmas carol
el aniversario de boda    the wedding anniversary
el bautizo    the christening, baptism
la boda    the wedding
las bodas de plata/oro/diamante    the silver, golden, diamond wedding anniversary
el cumpleaños    the birthday
la despedida de soltero    the stag night/party
el entierro    the burial, funeral
la jubilación    the retirement
la luna de miel    the honeymoon
el nacimiento    the birth
aburrirse    to get bored
adornar    to decorate
brindar    to drink a toast
celebrar    to celebrate
dar la enhorabuena    to congratulate
disfrazarse    to dress up
enterrar    to bury
hacer una fiesta    to have a party
decorar    to decorate
divertirse    to have fun
felicitar    to congratulate
festejar    to celebrate
invitar    to invite
ir de luto/llevar luto    to wear mourning clothes
preparar    to prepare
regalar    to give a present, gift
ser un aguafiestas    to be a party pooper   

¡Enhorabuena!    Congratulations!
¡Felicidades!    Congratulations!
¡Que seas muy feliz!    I wish you to be very happy!
Te deseo mucha suerte!    I wish you good luck!   
En un funeral:    At a funeral:
Lo siento mucho    I am sorry
Te acompaño en el sentimiento    My deepest sympathy
Te doy mi pésame    My condolences
La fiesta ha sido aburridísima/divertidisíma    The party was very boring/very enjoyable
Me lo he pasado fenomenal/muy bien/bomba/pipa    I had a fantastic time
Me he aburrido mucho    I was very bored
Red Bull may give you wings, but if Flakes could fly - BAQ is in fact an airport

Re: spanish lesson, any interest?
« Reply #27 on: April 09, 2007, 09:37:54 PM »

Offline Santanger

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Re: spanish lesson, any interest?
« Reply #28 on: April 09, 2007, 09:54:42 PM »
if you get on the craigslist website for your city and under the lessons section  there are plenty of people that advertise cheap Spanish tutoring. 

I posted an add "free english lessons in exchange for spanish lessons and ended up with two professionals one from Cuba and the other from Mexico who are just in this country 6 months who are tutoring me for free.   


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