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Author Topic: What the people in Baq. say  (Read 7333 times)

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Offline sean126

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What the people in Baq. say
« on: January 13, 2007, 02:58:58 PM »
I´ve been in Barranquilla since Dec. 28th and I´ve asked about 10 women and about 5 men the same questions, ranging in ages of 25-45.  After getting basically the same response from every person, I quit asking new people here.  The questions that I asked were:
1.  What´s the perception of the women who go to an agency(or tour like TLC)?  Good girl, bad girl, slut or what?
2.  Why did you or why don´t you join an agency or tour?  (of course Í didn´t ask the men this.)
3.  How low of an age should the gringos look for a woman and does a big age difference of 15+years really matter and does it mean she´s only out for money?
4.  As far as SINCERE, GOOD HEARTED gringos who are looking for a GOOD HEARTED AND SINCERE woman are concerned...which cities would be the best place to look and which should they tend to stay away from?

It should be noted that these are only the opinions of people who live in barranquilla.  Some of whom have lived or visited in other cities....but mainly they haven´t.  Other cities may not share the same opinion.
The responses:

1.  There used to be, perhaps about 10 years or so...give or take.., an opinion that the girls who went to the agencies are greencard sharks, gold diggers or the that the women were considered "loose".  Now the perception seems to be that they are just looking for a better life and they are tired of the way the Colombian men have treated them.

2.  The ones who DID NOT join an agency or tour say that they are afraid the American men will change when they get back to America and over a period of time become psychotic and possibly kill them.  When asked if that could happen here...with a Colombian man, the response was....They know how the Colombian men are, they know (more or less) how to deal with them and they could always run to family or friends nearby if things got to bad.  My personal opinion is they are unwilling to take a chance on unknown important variables.

The ones who are IN an agency or WAS (because now they have a boyfriend or fiance) say they joined because they would perfer to start a family and raise kids in a better country, to have a better life with more opprotunities and because of the way the Colombian men treat them....and of course they believe that an American man will treat them better.  When asked...what is so bad about how the men treat you? The response was always the same....Because there are so many beautiful women in Colombia the men treat them like dirt because they could get another just as beautiful or even prettier.  They also said the men are nortorious for being unfaithful and for having more than one girlfriend at a time.  They are overly jealous and overly dominating.

3.  The age question was with mixed opinions.  Some said 10 years should be the biggest age difference---due to better compatibility (all basically agreed on this point).  Others say a big age difference...15-20+ years...doesn´t necessarily mean she´s only out for money and not for love.  It´s not uncommon for a woman to date a much older man (in Colombia) for security and the "father figure" syndrome and later she actually falls in "real" love with him. 
****on the minimum age limit and how low they should go....every single person I talked to agreed that 24 or 25 years old is the lowest someone should go in seeking a wife, for a variety of intelligent and common sense reasons; They are still maturing, they really don´t know (or can´t know yet) what they want out of life yet, some even said..."well, can´t you remember what it´s like to be in your very early 20´s?"....ect..ect..You can fill in the rest of the answers.

4.  The different cities that I asked about where a gringo could go who is serious about finding a wife and have the best chances and possibilities at finding a woman who is a good and sincere girl were: Cali, Medellin, Cartagena, Bogota and these seem to be the biggies for gringos.  Again, some of the respondants have lived or traveled to these cities...most have not.  But like in America....where people in different parts of the U.S. have an opinion of other cities and people living on the opposite coast or the opposite my opinion, they aren´t that far off from the truth when you ask them.  I believe the same holds true for any country.  So, keep this in mind when reading the responses.  Everyone asked answered the same way. 
There were 2 cities that always came out first and I would consider it a tie and it would depend on your taste in women.  The two best cities mentioned were...Bogota and Barranquilla.

Bogota----The women are more serious and on average more or better educated as far as book learning goes.  Everyone said that many people come here to study and many professionals come here to find work or more consistant work.  They are not known for having the typical "latin butt".  Bogota is considered to be the "New York" of Colombia.  Women from here would more easily adapt to American life, especially if you lived in a big city.  They tend to be very resourceful and are able to get out and about on their own.

Barranquilla---The women are considered what most Americans would classify as "country girls".  The opinion is that they are more traditional and would make a better traditional wife.  On average they are a little darker (but I´ve seen all kinds of shades of tan here).  They are very affectionate, but not in the slutty sense.  They are friendly and they would be a little more approachable by sincere good guy.  They have the typical "latin butt" here.

To better explain the responses of Medellin, I´ll talk first about Cali and Cartagena first.  Medellin, in my opinion, is unique...based on what I heard.

Just as Bogota and Barranquilla always come up as the 1st choices for a gringo to go....If you were going with odds, chances or possibilities... Cali, without fail, was always said to be the worst place for a sincere gringo to go to start to look for a chica buena...which is always followed very closely by Cartagena and lesser known cities or regions like Manizales, Pereira and Cordoba.

Cali----They described Cali women as having a "man for the moment" mentality.  They said it´s common for a woman to date or live with a man until she gets her fill of him or until she´s gotten all she can out of him and then it´s on to the next man.  They are considered, by barranquilla women and men, very loose and they would be all over a gringo like a monkey on a cupcake.  They are very alluring and sexy...and of course very friendly to gringos, but very deceptive as to their true intentions.  They can easily decieve an over confident, arrogant and naive gringo or someone who really hasn´t dated much and knows all the relationship games.  Everyone´s opinion was that Cali was also a very dangerous place.   I personally used to have a "thing" with a girl from Cali who lives in Ft. Lauderdale for about 2 years...and this description would fit her to a "T".  She actually says the same thing about her city, so go figure?

Cartagena----They said you could always tell if someone is from Cartagena because they talk very loud and very fast.  If the women in Barranquilla are considered the "country girls", then women in Cartagena would be considered "rednecks".   For those that don´t know the difference...The country singer..George Strait would be considered country, while the comedian...Larry the Cable guy would be considered a redneck.  This is a country boy´s opinion of the difference.  Cartagena is a big tourist city and with big tourist cities you should expect the women around here to know how to "work" an unsuspecting gringo.  These women are also a little dark and of course...friendly.  They are also considered to be "loose" women, especially if your the "golden gringo".

The lesser known cities that I mentioned would also fit into the categories of "the best places to find a "chica mala".

Medellin----- is unique in my opinion because they said...take a girl from Cali and squeeze her together with a girl from Bogota and you´d have a Medellin woman, who by the way, will be on average...More Beautiful!!!!!  The women here are known for their beauty.  The most unique part in my opinion is (based on what I heard)....They can decieve the most "street wise" or "nightclub wise" stud without working up a sweat.  They are very beautiful, very smart and they know how to get what they want from a guy...IF they choose to.  They are alot slicker than the girls in Cali or Cartagena.  When looking for a woman here...You should have your brains in your head and not your pants and your head needs to be screwed on really tight, in my opinion before venturing into "potentially" (note the emphasis) dangerous territory here with a woman.  I say potentially because there seems to be an opinion that the percentage of good to bad girls is maybe 50%, 50%...with a leaning on more good girls than bad ones IF your careful.  But for someone who´s overly confident in his ability to distinguish  when he´s being played or not and spotting "red flags"...makes for an easy snack if you meet the wrong one.
If Bogota is the "New York" of Colombia...then everyone said that Medellin is the "California" of Colombia.

They (not me!!!) rated the cities (From best chances to meet a sincere girl to the worst chances):
1.  A tie between Bogota and Barranquilla...based on your type of woman and where you live.
3.  Followed closely by Medellin....(I say...only if you know what your doing and not blinded by every pretty face.)
4. Cartagena
5. Lesser known cities previously mentioned
6.  Cali....if you absolutely must, you must.

You can of course, flip the list if your just looking for a "good time" and not that serious about finding a wife...which I think about half of the gringos aren´t.

****An interesting point on the ease of getting a woman into bed at different ages, which I think is of some note and keeps with the theme of this thread and would be useful in figuring out some women in Colombia.****
They said that usually women under 24 or 25 are harder to get into bed...the logic???? Because they have a "jewel" that they need to protect and save for the right man.  25 and up....they are a little easier because they think it will help the man fall in love with them.  Over 30....the women don´t usually care any more about the "jewel theory".  I didn´t mean this in a bad way....I only thought it is of some interest to the "sincere men" because if you come across someone who isn´t sleeping with you, then it may not be because she doesn´t care about you.  A friend of mine told me that many gringos think the YOUNG women are easy here (talking about the good girls...not the sluts) but that´s not the case at all....if anything they are a little tougher, then she gave me the reasons mentioned above.

Everyone I spoke to also said that you have to get to know each person individually.  Everyone is different and theres good and bad in every city.  But in "generalities and stereotypes"....these were their opinions when I asked my questions.

I am in no way, what so ever, bashing other cities or another man´s wife, girlfriend or fiance.  I wish everyone the best of luck in the endeavers where ever they choose to look.  I personally have not visited any other city besides Barranquilla.  I have only visited here 7 times so far and will continue to visit each year with my wife.  I´m not saying their opinions are 100% accurate..but personally, I´d first at least lend an ear to someone who is actually Colombian and actually lives in Colombia before I would a gringo who has limited knowledge of Colombia, owns a business in Colombia or has limited insight into a Colombian woman´s psyche.  To me, that just makes more sense.

Saying I have "first hand knowledge" in something as broad as foreign women or a foreign country is just an arrogant and sort of a pathetic way of trying to make others think that I know more than what I actually do.  Sadly, I don´t have first hand knowledge of all the cities or all the women mentioned.  I do however have a Colombian wife from Barranquilla, A best friend who lives in Barranquilla and her sister, who is also a friend, has lived in Bogota for about 8 years, I have a "sort of" ex-girlfriend who is from Cali who lives in Ft. Lauderdale, I have a cousin who is a  police officer in Cartagena and another friend who is also living there, I have a sister in law who is from Medellin and I have many other family members and friends in Barranquilla....but that doesn´t mean I have first hand knowledge about anything nor does it give me any more credibilty than the next guy. 

For the newbies and vet´s who are still looking...I hope this info is helpful.  Take it for what it´s worth and I hope This makes for good conversation and friendly debate.

Also "reporting live", but from Barranquilla....This is sean126 for saying, "Vayan con Dios."   

« Last Edit: January 13, 2007, 03:09:57 PM by sean126 »

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Re: What the people in Baq. say
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2007, 04:05:21 PM »
That's some fine work, Sean.

Some might be tempted to nitpick with the responses or with the size of your polling sample, nevertheless, I found it very interesting.

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Re: What the people in Baq. say
« Reply #2 on: January 13, 2007, 10:30:50 PM »
Very interesting post.

Re: What the people in Baq. say
« Reply #2 on: January 13, 2007, 10:30:50 PM »

Offline valleydude

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Re: What the people in Baq. say
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2007, 02:09:38 AM »
Yeah, that was nice read.


Offline Nectar

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Re: What the people in Baq. say
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2007, 06:10:05 AM »
Because there are so many beautiful women in Colombia the men treat them like dirt because they could get another just as beautiful or even prettier.  They also said the men are nortorious for being unfaithful and for having more than one girlfriend at a time.

Very well written Sean and informative. I have a few good friends living in Colombia and they all tell me more or less the same about the Colombia men. That they have several beautiful girlfriends even while they are involved with their wife or novia. Just a matter of supply and demand. My friends all have themselves really stunning novias that they met only because they are living in country. None of them met their novias from an agency nor online. One met his novia in a popular park. Another met his novia going to a concert and my other friend was introduced by a mutual Colombiana friend.
None have any plans of ever bringing their novias over here and one will be getting married shortly.
I think living there if you can manage it, takes out of the equation a lot of concerns and red flags that are N/A to a person living there.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2007, 06:11:36 AM by Nectar »


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Re: What the people in Baq. say
« Reply #5 on: January 16, 2007, 12:06:47 AM »
Excellent post in its attempt to cover a lot of issues.

I do take some exception to the generalities expressed that there are more "bad" women or less wife material or serious women or users in one city than another. This sort of generality is almost worthless IMHO. The differences *between* women are much greater within a city than between cities. It makes a huge difference the age of the woman, what class she is from, her education, and whether she has children. Any man could go to any city and decide all the women are immature, users, players, don't know what they want, etc., etc. But when you dig deeper you find out the man only had dates with women of 19-22. The man is convinced that he has stumbled upon city demographics and that he knows all about the women of this particular city. His experiences say more about him than of the women.

In my case I have a lot of experience in most of the larger cities listed. But I still cannot generalize much about "wife material" qualities in one city vs. another. Generalities general ;-)

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Re: What the people in Baq. say
« Reply #6 on: January 16, 2007, 09:39:25 AM »
Nice post and thanks for sharing, however, please remeber these are opinions and not facts.  I somehwhat disagree with the perception of Cali, but that is just me.  I have met many sincere women from Cali and never got the impression they were after anything but love, affection, and a better future.  Sure, some are sneaky, but they are everywhere.

If you don't take care of your woman, someone else will.  (Bundy)

Offline sean126

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Re: What the people in Baq. say
« Reply #7 on: January 16, 2007, 10:36:59 PM »
Rogueagent.....I understand your point totally.  However as I stated very clearly: I have not visited these other cities, these were NOT my opinions and these were just the views of the women and men that I talked to in Barranquilla about other cities. I should also say that these people were not talking about the girls in the Agencies per say....but rather the women you'd meet in you were the outgoing type, I guess and met them like you would meet women in your own town.

As in the U.S. here and being from Louisville KY....people here would have opinions about....lets say people in New York City...or maybe San Diego Cal. or maybe even the women in Las Vegas.   I'm sure and I have also been told when I lived in Buffalo NY for several months, that their perceptions of us in KY was that of a bunch of uneducated country hicks that talked funny and could rebuild a car in 20 minutes.  LOLOLOL....while that IS true in some parts and with some people it is not true with all of us rednecks.

I also tried to be as clear as I could about being just opinions, I'm sure other people in different cities would have different opinions, they also said you would really have to get to know the individuals personally...ect...
My experiences are a little different than yours and that's ok too.  I have found that generalities tend to hold more truth than fiction when in comparison to something else.  For instance....People in Buffalo NY are very general....WHEN COMPARED to people in Louisville Ky.  I have been there, seen it and experienced it. I know not every person there is rude or everyone here is friendly....but as a comparison, I found it to hold more than a little truth.. from where I'm standing.  I think the people I spoke to in Barranquilla were doing the same thing.

I understand and half way agree with you though.  I hope you don't think I was speaking from my experiences in these different cities though, because I made it perfectly clear that I was not.

Bundy.....point well taken and yes....I stated that these were merely opinions of the people I spoke to and that about half haven't even traveled to those cities.   

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Re: What the people in Baq. say
« Reply #8 on: January 18, 2007, 08:14:12 PM »
WOW. Archive this post as it's almost spot-on. I've dated women from Bogota and Barranquilla and my experience has been almost a mirror image. Can't say much more for now as I'm busy packing to see my lovely bride in BAQ for Carnaval 2007...

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Re: What the people in Baq. say
« Reply #9 on: January 19, 2007, 04:39:58 AM »
This is a good thread, thanks for taking the time Sean for putting this info out...

My comments only reference Cali --- if a guy is reading this thread and thinking "I'm not going to go to Cali because of these opinions that Sean has received from others"....I would not suggest it.  Maybe there are better cities that offer more possibilities than Cali, I don't know; probably there are. 
           - I agree, there is definitely a stigma attached to agencies, they have a less than good reputation here in Cali; if you find a woman through an agency they will beseech you to mention we met thru a mutual friend only!
           - Cali is as safe or more safe than any other major city in Colombia, particularly if you stay in the middle class or above areas (I would define middle class as a decent percentage of households that own cars in the neighborhood).  All of Colombia is much safer than it was  5 years ago.  I'm not aware of any reputable news/government source that  supports that Cali is more dangerous than other major Colombian cities.  Sure, it was dangerous in the past, but that is a dated stereotype.  Obviously, use your head when anywhere overseas. 
            - Cali has to have the HIGHEST percentage of "couples" that one could see out in public...a man and a woman who are definitely married or committed to each other.  The anecdotal evidence is overwhelming anytime you are out in public.  Once I figured out that the wedding finger is on the right hand, a large percentage of all women in public are in a lasting, committed relationship (anecdotal over a 4 week period living in Cali).  In the month down there, I was really impressed with how all the women presented themselves in public, unlike any other city I had been in.  I'm sure there are players and bad apples but you would have to 'look' for them, if you know what I mean. 
             -  All of the American men that were near my age were in a long term dating relationship with women at least 15 years younger than they were.  My lady is 18 years younger than I and it never was an issue.  If I was willing to have kids, a professional woman and mother of 2 that was 26 years younger than I was willing to make a go of it.
             -  If a guy avoids the nightclub scene in searching for a woman, he will be pleasantly surprised at the faithfulness, beauty and loyalty of the women of Cali.  Just keep in mind you will not likely meet a bilingual woman, so espanol is required.  As much as Sean doesn't like the term "first hand knowledge", I'll use it again -- I can vouch with first hand knowledge there are some (maybe not thousands but defintely some) eligible women  in their  mid-20's up that would make a fine wife that wouldn't dream of playing you.  If you want to take her back to the USA, that's another question, but you will still have many opportunities.  It has to be a win/win situation for her and her familia, so plan on her being back down in SA a month or two per year plugging back into the wonderful latin culture here.   
             - Wrapping up, I would say the odds of finding such a woman in Cali would be tough if you did not spend regular time there and did not know the language.  I was truely blessed to find my Cali Diamond and consider myself extremely fortunate...

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Offline P Daddy

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Re: What the people in Baq. say
« Reply #10 on: January 19, 2007, 06:12:11 AM »
I think it's very ironic that there was nothing negative to be said about women from Barranquilla...DUH!!!  Of course not because all of the people Sean talked with were from Barranquilla.  Sean, go to Cali and you'll hear that Cali women are the best and women from the coast are "dangerous"...(I've heard this many times)...go to Medellin and you'll hear that Paisas are the greatest women in Colombia.

I've been traveling to Colombia since 1994 and I've spent alot of time in all of the major cities and have had girlfriends in all of them...Please guys DON'T buy into ANY of these stereotypes...Common sense will tell you that you can't generalize...
I have friends in Cali that I've known for 5-7 years and they are the sweetest, kindest, most genuine women I've ever known.  I've met women in Barranquilla who were the shrewdest, most conniving women I've ever met.

There is an expression amongst Colombians that says "If you want a mistress go to Cali, if you want a wife go to Medellín".  Pure poppy cock...Believe me, Medellín has it's fair share of mistresses amongst its female population, and it's not a coincidence that it is the number one mongering destination for foreigners who travel to Colombia.

Sean, your post looks good on paper, but I think anyone who is objective, and has made many, many trips to all of the mentioned cities, he will tell you that it is very inaccurate (see RogueAgent's reply)...

By the way Sean, your wife is very beautiful, congratulations.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2007, 06:59:21 AM by P Daddy »

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Re: What the people in Baq. say
« Reply #11 on: January 19, 2007, 09:41:08 AM »
Daytrader...and your right, my post is just a post, not the authoritive guide.  When you go back down...I hope you can talk to some of her friends and cousins and post what their opinions are to those questions.  I am interested to know what their views are from Cali.  Congrats on the continued success with your sweetie.

P daddy......On the nothing bad said about Baq.....Well, they said there are plenty of bad girls to go around in Baq also and they said in every city you'd have to get to know someone individually.  They didn't strike me as being cocky or arrogant in their remarks.  They were just making comparisions with Barranquilla.  If you compared Cali to a different city the comparison would probably be different.  Like I said before, I've lived in Buffalo NY for a while and compared to where I'm from...which is Louisville Ky, they are generally rude when compared to the people in Lou, Ky.  But if you ask someone who's lived there all their'd probably get a different opinion. 

Traveling.....yes, your absolutely correct.  not all are good and not all are bad.  You and others have met nice and sincere women from Cali, while I on the other hand have dated one that basically fit the description the people gave me. 

The accuracy would actually depend on what city your comparing it to...while at the same time your keeping in mind it's generalities and there will be many that don't fit the stereotype.  There is another website I go to and a long time and crowd favorite poster on there posted comparisions and his was along the same lines as mine....but he was comparing them to Barranquilla.  From what i understand, he is from there and visits there often.  You are also correct...if you go to Cali and ask them them same'd get a different take on things because your point of reference has changed.  Just like if you ask a gringo's perspective of a city and a Colombian's would probably get two different responses.

I have nothing against Cali.  The girl I used to have a thing with is from Cali and she was the reason for me going to Colombia in the first place.  If I had listened to her or to the rumors about Colombia, I never would have went due to being afraid of getting killed or kidnapped.   I didn't know Medellin was the top spot that guys go when they are looking for women.  I would have figured it was Cali, just because of the frequency I hear of agency and citiy discussions here.  But that makes sense though, Medellin is known for having the best looking women...but that's a generality though. ;D

Thanks P Daddy for the compliment and for your post and different point of view.  I would be very curious about other cities perceptions of other cities when the same questions were ask.   I, for one,
agree with you...if you go to another city, you'd get a different opinion.

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Re: What the people in Baq. say
« Reply #12 on: January 19, 2007, 10:45:25 AM »
For me, if I wasn't in a committed relationship, I feel I could go to any of the afore-mentioned cities and find a very fine woman who I could have a "successful" relationship with and not get played.  I don't think my odds would be greater or less in any of the cities. Like you kind of alluded to Sean, there are good and bad in any city....Speaking spanish is the key, and I mean speaking fluent's alot easier to weed out the bad ones when you can communicate fully with the woman.

Regarding Medellín, actually I was referring to the city as a "monger" destination, that is, where men travel to sleep with prostitutes.  My point was, if people state that Medellín women are such great wife material, why is Medellín so full of prostitutes??  And I'm sure more than one paisa girl has played a gringo...I still have a few female friends in Medellin and they are great girls...I've made many trips there over the years.  Many guys on this site and others have stated that Medellin women are more conservative than CAli girls, harder to get a kiss from, harder to get into the "sack"...everytime I've ever read that I had to pick myself up off the floor from laughing.  My experience couldn't be farther from these guys' accounts. 

That's why I HATE these generalizations and stereotypes regarding Colombian women from different cities.  Newbies should disregard any of these type posts.  Yes, some cities are known for "rude" people...but that has NOTHING to do with the quality of women and whether they will "play" a gringo or whether they are sincere, loose, or whatever.
Bogota people, from my experience, aren't as outgoing and friendly as Caleños, but THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE TYPE OF WOMEN WHO ARE THERE, and whether they are conniving, players, loose, or whatever.  There are great women in all cities of just has to pick one, spend alot of time there, learn the language and culture, and use common sense. 

« Last Edit: January 19, 2007, 10:47:15 AM by P Daddy »

Re: What the people in Baq. say
« Reply #12 on: January 19, 2007, 10:45:25 AM »

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Re: What the people in Baq. say
« Reply #13 on: January 19, 2007, 11:07:59 AM »
Sean, I just re-read your original post (it was kind of long so I wanted to address something else)...that is, the generalization on how easy it is to get a Colombian woman to bed based on her age.

Women under 24 are harder to get to bed??  PLLLLLLLLEASE!!  Now, I'm not one to kiss and tell, so I'll leave my personal experiences out of this.  All one has to do is notice all of the un-wed mothers in Colombia under the age of 24 to dispell this MYTH. 

Sean, I'm not sure who these people are that you've been talking to...they must live in a very secluded barrio somewhere in Barranquilla...maybe part of some religious cult...but they are WAYYYYYY off base.  Maybe they should get out more.

Sean, I'm not attacking you, since you're just the messenger...but remember, there are many newbies reading this forum, and many here look up to you since you have been successful in your search (I for one admire you), but please, be careful what you post, lest many will believe it as gospel.

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Re: What the people in Baq. say
« Reply #14 on: January 19, 2007, 05:16:19 PM »
How about those 2000+ casa(houses of ill repute) that cali is famous for, They even have the Garage Door houses where the guy drives his car in either with his mistress or takes one from the casa itself, The garage Door closes and the wifeypoo is none the wiser, When my buddy told me about those places, i almost fell out of the chair laughing. Only in Cali, but hey, kinda smart if you really think about it. Lots of marriages saved that way i imagine

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Re: What the people in Baq. say
« Reply #15 on: January 19, 2007, 05:57:36 PM »
Scott, I can’t believe half the girls didn’t respond with, “No se” ( I don’t know)

As for the criticism about generalizations there is nothing wrong with generalizing as long as it is understood that is what you are doing. The girl’s responses were generalizations. Some generalizations are correct and some are not.
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Re: What the people in Baq. say
« Reply #16 on: January 19, 2007, 06:48:20 PM »
How about those 2000+ casa(houses of ill repute) that cali is famous for, They even have the Garage Door houses where the guy drives his car in either with his mistress or takes one from the casa itself, The garage Door closes and the wifeypoo is none the wiser, When my buddy told me about those places, i almost fell out of the chair laughing. Only in Cali, but hey, kinda smart if you really think about it. Lots of marriages saved that way i imagine


Imagine if you knew about those places when you were spending all that time in Cartagena. How many casas do they have there? KB, seriously, your holier than thou act is getting old, especially to those who have been around long enough to know your history and have seen the novels you have written on the P4P site under the same name no less. Not to mention the stuff I have heard just from a guy you hung out with before (besides Papi). I am not trying to bust on you, but come on...

If you are going to re-invent yourself, don't do it by acting like you are a saint when people know better. If you have a grudge against Cali, it's all well and good, but don't act like you're above all that. Good luck with whatever you have going on now, but be real...
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Re: What the people in Baq. say
« Reply #17 on: January 19, 2007, 07:09:46 PM »
You can always count on Soltero to tell it like it is...

KB, those are called "love motels" and all major cities in Colombia have them (not just Cali).  With all of the time you've spent in Colombia I can't believe that a "buddy" told you about them... :o
« Last Edit: January 19, 2007, 07:12:56 PM by P Daddy »

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Re: What the people in Baq. say
« Reply #18 on: January 19, 2007, 07:31:23 PM »
P Daddy...
I take it you didn't whole heartily agree with their opinions nor did it make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside? LOLOLOLOL....I hear you dude.  I would surely hope that any newbie would get what I was saying and see it was just one neighborhoods opinion.  I do my best to try not to mislead anyone and be as clear as possible.  Me, I'm the type that has to see something for myself.  My last girlfriend in Barranquilla....I didn't think she was as truthful and forthcoming as I would have liked.  
As far as the sex and age question....I was surprised at the couple of people who I talked with this about.  Like you, it's been my experience (in the U.S.) that this was not the case.  I can't really speak for Colombia because of my lack of meeting women there when I was single, I would expect it to be about the same as my experience in the U.S....given my overwhelming charm and charisma   8) ;D LOLOL.  Perhaps they were speaking of the typical relationships between local people.  I don't know, but I would think throwing a gringo in the mix with all the potentials in there may change it a bit. Maybe not.   The couple of girls I talked to were definitely not the party girl types, but they didn't strike me as living in La La land either...but still, like you, my opinion of that was different than theirs was.      

I've never taken anything as a personal attack.  That's what the forum is for...different opinions.

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Re: What the people in Baq. say
« Reply #19 on: January 19, 2007, 07:37:29 PM »
Sean are you serious about the under 24 harder to get into bed? I've found the exact opposite. In fact they are more than willing to play. But I am looking for over 25.

Please keep posting here. I know you're taking your time in your relationship. What advice can you give gringos to keep them from getting taken and finding a sincere woman in Colombia.?It seems guys like Sean and Kiltboy have it right buy going after women who have career and life goals . How do you feel about that?

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Re: What the people in Baq. say
« Reply #20 on: January 19, 2007, 07:48:20 PM »
BB....perhaps you misread my personal opinion....I agreed with P Daddy that my opinion would be different than theirs...of course in keeping with the context of being helpful info and not being used in a bad way by the mongers.  This particular thing was the opinion of only two women who brought it up.

As for everything be brutally honest and unbiased I really can't say that I agree or disagree with any of the opinions.  I haven't been any place else besides Barranquilla.  I just gave one of many different opinions and that's all it was. Nothing more.  Actually, I just tried to write a more interesting and thought provoking post for the sake of having something new to discuss here.  I thought it would be an interesting topic.

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Re: What the people in Baq. say
« Reply #21 on: January 19, 2007, 08:01:06 PM »
An Amendment to my previous post.....

I wasn't in Colombia for recreational or non-commital sex.  Given this, coupled with my lack of meeting or dating a significant number of women in Barranquilla, I can't say for sure...but I would think it wouldn't be much different than where I was from.

Also on the day before I left (about a week or so AFTER I had written my article) I spoke to a woman from Cordoba and her opinion was almost the exact opposite of those from Barranquila, concerning the different cities. 
« Last Edit: January 19, 2007, 08:10:50 PM by sean126 »

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Re: What the people in Baq. say
« Reply #22 on: January 19, 2007, 08:33:13 PM »
Soltero, Bravo on the bs factor! Even though KB did a 360 on me...I don't hold a grudge but the bs is hard to swallow. 
Cathouses and love motels are everywhere in colombia...although Cali does seem to have its fair share. At least that is what they tell me ;)

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Re: What the people in Baq. say
« Reply #22 on: January 19, 2007, 08:33:13 PM »

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Re: What the people in Baq. say
« Reply #23 on: January 19, 2007, 09:33:47 PM »
If you have a grudge against Cali,

i think most of the negative things about Cali can be attributed to the affects from the drug cartel on the city and the fact that agencies have been around the longest in that area. I understand why guys get down on Cali and have had my doubts too but I don't think we can really generalize, negative experiences can and do happen in all areas. The grass is not greener, it is what you make of it. But overall, we do get a second chance at love in Latin America
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Re: What the people in Baq. say
« Reply #24 on: January 19, 2007, 10:16:47 PM »
hey it's ok if you guys gang up on me because i truely do not GAF, because i never run into you guys or really care to, but my point was that the post before was saying Medellin had all theses hookers, when in fact, cali is known to have more then anywhere in colombia. You want to try to piss around on that fine, as i said, i do not hang with anybody on this fourm so who cares, not me, the facts are the facts, cali is the HOOOOOOCAPITAL of colombia, ok, nuff said about it,

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