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Author Topic: über hag lashes out at your right to pursue whomever you wish  (Read 1781 times)

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Offline doombug

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über hag lashes out at your right to pursue whomever you wish
« on: December 12, 2006, 11:29:05 PM »
"Let's not just make it tougher for American men to hook up with 'mail order brides' over the Internet and import them, let's ban the practice altogether.

"In one of the more laudable acts of his tenure in the White House, President Bush earlier this year signed into law the 'International Marriage Broker Regulation Act of 2005' or IMBRA. The law imposes some tough restrictions on men seeking to import wives. Some of the men complain the law presumes all such American men are abusers.

"But I say the mere act (to wit, the bizarre act) of deciding to marry someone from a foreign country who is just about guaranteed to be less well educated and a lot less well off financially, creates such an incurably unhealthy imbalance of power in the union, even horrifically burdensome regulation won't suffice."
[After reading the article, also take note of the reader comments that follow it.]

Nothing earth shattering. Just another example of yet another vocal Western femi-hag denigrating foreign women to the status of "mail order brides" so as to shame Western men into abstention. There must be something about well-off American males pursuing "forlorn" women that really ruffles the feminist brow.

Except, of course, when this idealization involves Julia Roberts being pursued by Richard Gere in Pretty Woman. ;D

Yep, 'cause PW was cute n' funny, ol' Rich was a heartthrob back then, and Julia was the obstinate gringa living their fantasy.

[Evidence: that flick still remains wildly popular among AW viewers. Total lifetime gross worldwide: $463,406,268. Also, see "Cinderella Complex."]

So, again, what really is IMBRA all about? A line from PW:

Magician at party:"No matter what they say, it's all about money. So let's imagine, ladies, that you're a savings and loan officer. Watch - one, two, three; see, you've got it all, and we've got nothing. You've got all four, take a look."

You wised-up ones already recognize this: it comes down to who you want to share your riches with, where, and under what rules. From the readers' comments portion of the link referenced above:

Random annoying femi-hag comment: "The men who are in favor of the foreign wife/slave mail order bride business are usually insecure, pathetic creatures who think that women should just go back to being submissive. Hey,guys, YOU don't define what is feminine, WOMEN do."

"Jack Sanderson's" response to femi-hag: "This is what psychologists call 'Group Reinforced Wishful Thinking.' The men are usually in the top 2% of earnings of all American men, with the best foreign language speaking ability of all American men. Think James Bond more than Joe Sixpack.

"We are talking about lawyers and doctors and guys with MBAs who can travel to Russia for business. They are dating younger doctors and lawyers and businesswomen over there.

"Also: Men do define what feminine is when they are looking to mate.

"Finally: the men who do best dating foreign women also do best dating American women. An American woman with a world-travelling boyfriend or husband needs to hope he's going to stay faithful (and I hope he does).

"Welcome to Social Globalization...where those with weak attributes will find themselves 'out of business.' IMBRA, if it isn't overturned in a few days, will not stop British and Australian websites from picking up the slack from the cowardly American websites that have caved to the law and now offer a poor service."

« Last Edit: December 13, 2006, 12:05:15 AM by doombug »

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Re: über hag lashes out at your right to pursue whomever you wish
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2006, 06:55:49 AM »
I think your comment about globalization is interesting. The woman who made those comments must be living under a rock if she doesn't see more and more interaction between Americans and citizens of other countries. She acts like guys are "importing" women as though they were electronics. In fact most relationships between a US citizen and a foreign citizen arise in the normal flow of life, people studying abroad, people working in another country or visiting. In a sizeable percentage of these marriages, the US citizen is a woman. What's she going to do? Ban those too?

Offline doombug

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Re: über hag lashes out at your right to pursue whomever you wish
« Reply #2 on: December 13, 2006, 11:22:50 PM »
I think your comment about globalization is interesting.

I think you mean "Jack Sanderson's" comment. 

I don't want the whiff of plagiary following me around. ;D

The woman who made those comments must be living under a rock if she doesn't see more and more interaction between Americans and citizens of other countries. 

I think that's what's contributed to this crash in common sense. The average AW on the street has little desire or reason to broaden her own dating horizons to include other countries. And judging by their comments in public and on the Web, they have apparently little imagination of what this might entail anyway. They seem to have become, by default, a captive audience of these vocal feminist activists and their fact-molding, university cohorts. It didn't take much effort to sway Bill O'Reilly; and the House, the Senate, and the Pres. all caved to some of the same sort of graphic testimony one can find in an episode of Jerry Springer. So, it's no stretch that the vast majority of women in America haven't the slightest understanding of how innocent the pursuit of a foreign bride truly is for American males.

What we are undergoing now with this whole assault on our freedom to date whomever reminds me of the McMartin preschool trials. Lots of exaggerated and/or false testimony leading to a broad swathe of accusations and "convictions." (For example: men who seek a foreign bride are intentionally grouped with sex traffickers.) And everyone seems so paralyzed to object to, or question, what is being layed before them that even piecemeal testimony serves to sway a government to turn against its entire populace of male benefactors. 

"I can get a great look at a t-bone steak by shoving my head up a bull's ass, but I'd rather take the butcher's word for it."--Chris Farley

Re: über hag lashes out at your right to pursue whomever you wish
« Reply #2 on: December 13, 2006, 11:22:50 PM »


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