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Author Topic: Latin Trolls  (Read 2044 times)

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Latin Trolls
« on: February 02, 2006, 06:55:18 AM »
First of all there are probably 5 times the number of agencies in FSU then there are in Latin America so that isn't the reason.
I would take a guess Soltero, that you may be surprised that the number of trolls are far less then you would imagine. Normally it is the same unhappy guys with a bad tummy ache that tend to resurface and resurface until different names and titles.
I am also a contributer on a financial website and on a travel website and that is usually the case on both those websites. Just recycled disgruntled posters under new assumed handles belching up the same bad kharma.
They just get either ignored or banned and I am sure the same will happen here.

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Latin Trolls
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2006, 08:46:03 AM »
I would tend to agree with you as far as the trolls being limited in number, and many probably the same guy, but the other forums don't have ANY...that I find extremely interesting. I could see if there was at least one in one of the other forums...but there are at least 3 distinct trolls in this one, and none in the others.
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