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Author Topic: Just Curious...  (Read 5741 times)

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Offline soltero

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Just Curious...
« on: February 01, 2006, 09:58:46 PM »
This is not an attempt to trash anyone (we all know already who my favorite troll is...), but that person aside, I am curious as to why the Latin forum seems to be the only one attracting trolls. I would have thought there would be an equal number in all. What is it about the search for Latinas that attracts the trolls? Does anyone have any speculations on this and would care to share them?

The Asian forum has had a fake flame just to fill up some space (5 posts of mainly the moderators joking around), The Russian flame room doesn't even have tumbleweeds blowing through it. The Latin forum has a 212 post count at this posting.

Besides the one obvious reason, and because of that reason, my additions, what could it be? There are other trolls and they all seem to float to the Latin Board...Why?
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Offline Bueller

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Just Curious...
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2006, 10:16:41 PM »
I think it just comes with the territory of what attracts men to LW. It's why guys on the Asian board have suggested to me that I might fit in there and with AsianW a little better (and I don't really disagree, my recent blowup at Clay notwithstanding). More of a Zen-like tranquility among both the men and women over there.

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Just Curious...
« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2006, 10:19:36 PM »
Quote from: Bueller
I think it just comes with the territory of what attracts men to LW. It's why guys on the Asian board have suggested to me that I might fit in there and with AsianW a little better (and I don't really disagree, my recent blowup at Clay notwithstanding). More of a Zen-like tranquility among both the men and women over there.

That actually makes sense in a way. Thanks! Any others?
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Just Curious...
« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2006, 10:19:36 PM »

Offline Montrealer

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Just Curious...
« Reply #3 on: February 01, 2006, 10:34:54 PM »
more available women in Latin Amercia


more agencies in Latin America


More customers in Latin America


same ratio of good men to social misfits


more degenerates in total


more trolls
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Offline Bueller

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Just Curious...
« Reply #4 on: February 01, 2006, 11:22:47 PM »
Quote from: Montrealer
more available women in Latin Amercia


more agencies in Latin America


  I don't think there are more agencies, etc. There seems to be a much larger  group of men interested in FSU women because they like tall blondes and such. One of the original forums that dealt with this sort of thing, the Russian Women List, has consistently had five to eight times as many participants as its counterpart, the Latin Women List.

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Just Curious...
« Reply #5 on: February 02, 2006, 03:06:25 AM »
My bad.
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Offline EbonyPrince

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« Reply #6 on: February 02, 2006, 06:57:00 AM »
I am curious as to why the Latin forum seems to be the only one attracting trolls.

That is a very good question.  I would think that at least the asian forum would attract just as many.

I am usually the last one yelling prejudice, but it makes me wonder if there is a little prejudice and jealousy involved.  People still look at LA as a poor, disadvantaged continent, thus their ignorance of thinking that men are going there to take advantage of women to bring them out because they know no better.

I think a lot of Asian countries' economic conditions are improving, thus they aren't looked upon as poor or as disadvantaged as much anymore.  For the most part they have blended into our society.

I have some experience with dating some Eastern European women (and know friends married to Russian women) and they are everybit as sexy (and good people) as LW with nice accents (not all blonde).  Although they have some of the same old-fashioned values as LW, a lot aspire to live the western lifestyle like their Western European counterparts.  I think that because they are white they aren't looked upon as victims as much or as competition.  From my readings, it has mainly been FSU women that have gotten placed in bad situations when arriving here to the states.  I think this is where a lot of the IMBRA stuff began.

I also think that a lot of women are just more threatened by LW due to their beauty and typical culture (even FSUW).  I have dated a few asian women and a lot of white women.  I like getting into conversations about what people think about other cultures and races.  One thing that I have noticed is that these women think that LW are beautiful, hence the competition.  Unlike men I know women hate competition, and I am sure that most of these trolls are women.

LW are used to the man being head of the household, and a lot of men are attracted to that.  Where I live I can see a lot of white, black, and asian women when out, but you don't find a lot of LW if any.  The ones you do find are usually illegals keeping a low profile.  I don't particularly feel that latins try to blend into the culture as much as other ethinicities(although I think most of these are Mexicans in my area).  

So I think the fear of competition and misunderstanding along with a little prejudice brings the freaks (trolls) out at night...

Offline soltero

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Re: Hmmm...
« Reply #7 on: February 02, 2006, 09:10:00 AM »
Quote from: EbonyPrince
People still look at LA as a poor, disadvantaged continent, thus their ignorance of thinking that men are going there to take advantage of women to bring them out because they know no better.

I think you might be on to something with this aspect of your post. It could be that the disgruntled, due to a lack of respect for Latin women, thinking they are "easy marks", and once they find out that their social ineptitude carries over with them and women are women, they become antagonistic when they strike out there as well.

Some believe they can trade up due to the women being more accepting, but not accepting themselves the economic factor, and suddenly buying in to their own hype that they have suddenly become more handsome or younger in appearance by crossing into another country, and being let down so to speak. Interesting theory. I would still think there would be those fringe personalities gravitating to all three. Maybe since the other two destinations are probably older, the socially challenged who travelled there have already been washed out.
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Offline EbonyPrince

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« Reply #8 on: February 02, 2006, 10:24:49 AM »
It could be that the disgruntled, due to a lack of respect for Latin women, thinking they are "easy marks", and once they find out that their social ineptitude carries over with them and women are women, they become antagonistic when they strike out there as well.

I think that you are correct.  Like my boy tells me, "They are all the same".  Women and people are the same all over the world.  We just live in different circumstances under certain cultures.  

If you are an "idiot" people will recognize it (eventually) whether they speak the language or not.  I have seen some fine women with what I consider IMO mediocre looking men.  So looks doesn't usually have anything to do with it.  I think most women all over the world are just looking for a good man that will treat them with respect.  If you don't respect or love yourself, how can you respect and truly love others?  

Some believe they can trade up due to the women being more accepting, but not accepting themselves the economic factor, and suddenly buying in to their own hype that they have suddenly become more handsome or younger in appearance by crossing into another country, and being let down so to speak.

"Material Thangz, baby money can't buy you love".  That's a rude awakening especially if you get played!  A lot of women in the US look for a man with some cash(that is the nature of our society), but most women from other countries (that I have met) don't care about how much money you have.  This is what leads some men to hating the whole culture and people of LA when that part of their game gets shut down.  I don't feel that race makes a person, it is the upbringing, parenting, and influences which does.  You can't correct looks, but you can correct behavior.  I think you also have to stay realistic.  Just because something is nice and shiny, doesn't mean that it is good for you.

I would still think there would be those fringe personalities gravitating to all three. Maybe since the other two destinations are probably older, the socially challenged who travelled there have already been washed out.

I don't know about older, but they are definately farther.  So I think that our proximity to LA is one reason why this forum is much larger.

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Re: Just Curious...
« Reply #9 on: February 02, 2006, 11:52:14 AM »
Quote from: soltero
I am curious as to why the Latin forum seems to be the only one attracting trolls.

You troll where the fish are. Most of the action is on the Latin Forum.

Actually, over the 7-8 years that I have been on P-L, the number of trolls on each of the forums was probably pretty close, if you leave out the super troll Houndog. That guy would actually log in under a bunch of different names and back himself up during a flame war (LOL).

On the Asian Forum, we tend to draw and quarter the trolls that do show up, embarrassing them so badly that they rarely come back for seconds. On the Russian Forum, I think they are scared off by LP.

This forum with its more-lenient registration process is still new. Give it time and I’m sure you will see more trolls on all of the sub-forums, but as long as the Latin Forum has most of the action, that’s where the trolls will be more likely to drop the hook…


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Re: Just Curious...
« Reply #10 on: February 02, 2006, 12:47:23 PM »
Quote from: Ray
You troll where the fish are. Most of the action is on the Latin Forum.

I posted this on WLC also to get the responses there as well from the members that don't post here also. Zack (who does also post here) came up with the same answer. I might be trying to make this more complicated than it is. Thanks for taking the time to respond, Ray.

Quote from: Ray
Actually, over the 7-8 years that I have been on P-L, the number of trolls on each of the forums was probably pretty close, if you leave out the super troll Houndog. That guy would actually log in under a bunch of different names and back himself up during a flame war (LOL).

That is just too funny! LOL! Houndog sounds like he might have been a truly unstable Super Troll! I have heard of him mentioned many times before. The fact that he would make up other accounts just to agree with his posts must have made for some truly gigantic flames.
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Offline EbonyPrince

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« Reply #11 on: February 02, 2006, 02:02:28 PM »
The fact that he would make up other accounts just to agree with his posts must have made for some truly gigantic flames.

Now that is freaky :lol: .  Talking about your Sybils.  I guess I will never understand how people get to be that strange.  I guess too much time on their hands.

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Re: Just Curious...
« Reply #12 on: February 02, 2006, 02:14:43 PM »
Quote from: soltero
Houndog sounds like he might have been a truly unstable Super Troll!

Yep! VERY unstable. He literally used dozens of fake user names, but this was before Patrick put in the registration system, so you could use any nik you could think up whenever you posted. He couldn't ban him unless he banned everyone using AOL.

It sure is peaceful around here without Clay/Phoenix running amok...  :lol:   :shock:  :lol:  :shock:  :lol:

Re: Just Curious...
« Reply #12 on: February 02, 2006, 02:14:43 PM »

Offline soltero

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Re: Just Curious...
« Reply #13 on: February 02, 2006, 02:45:05 PM »
Quote from: Ray
It sure is peaceful around here without Clay/Phoenix running amok...  :lol:   :shock:  :lol:  :shock:  :lol:

True...Clay does make it hop around (in a negative way), but so do fire ants at a picnic!  :lol:
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