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Author Topic: interesting article on Medellin  (Read 1034 times)

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« Last Edit: December 19, 2018, 01:22:40 PM by mudd »

Offline utopiacowboy

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Re: interesting article on Medellin
« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2018, 10:39:50 AM »
It always amused me that the mayor of Medellin would take credit for the decline in homicides. In reality it was Don Berna forcing all the warring gangs to accept a common allegiance that caused the homicide rate to plummet. Extraditing him to the US was an idiotic move but the whole drug war is just a big show anyway.

Offline robert angel

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Re: interesting article on Medellin
« Reply #2 on: December 19, 2018, 12:14:18 PM »
It always amused me that the mayor of Medellin would take credit for the decline in homicides. In reality it was Don Berna forcing all the warring gangs to accept a common allegiance that caused the homicide rate to plummet. Extraditing him to the US was an idiotic move but the whole drug war is just a big show anyway.

'drug war'? LOL....

Drug related homicides, both here and abroad, as well as overdose deaths, are merely inconsequential side effects to the global drug business. Unless the media makes a big public stink, forcing the govt., including law enforcement, to make a 'lip service' statement,  it's basically 'business as usual.'

For all the supposed jobs available, for all the 'milk and honey' all the food stamps, free or reduced price govt. housing, for all the 'bread and circus largesse' and 'smoke and mirrors' economy, the fact remains that United States still has the largest percentage of any nation on planet earth's population, incarcerated away in the massive prison system.

And our prisons ought to have revolving doors for all the repeat 'visitors' they get.

In some prisons, it's easier to obtain illegal drugs than it is outside on the streets.

Meanwhile, if it weren't for building and administration of prisons, and probation systems, which are typically privatized and contracted 'rewards' to former well connected US govt. workers, the economy would be effected negatively.

If it wasn't for the massive amount of tax and other revenue that Marijuana being legalized for 'recreational use' generates,  you can bet they wouldn't  change a thing.

Colorado for example, with all it's ski resorts, gorgous mountains, state and national parks, towns to visit, ALL of the revenue from those sources COMBINED, doesn't equal the money they're making from their still growing 'Marijuana tourism'.

Legal or illegal, big corporate phameceutical or street, it's all about $$$$$ with drugs. And the govt. makes out on all fronts and rewards players at all levels, here and abroad.

We talk about a new war on legal and illegal opiates, meanwhile, within eye sight of US military bases in Afghanistan, opium poppy farms and narcotics production is breaking new production levels every year since we started occupying the area.

It's the same but different, but like the Kennedy family made their fortune initially off of prohibition and liquor, the Roosevelts off of opium,  govt. 'officials' are already taking measures to get their tentacles into the 'legal' marijuana' industry.

The 'legal' pharmaceutical industry is neck deep in encouraging ever increasing opiate 'pain med' sales and never mind what you see, hear on the 'news' about enraged politicians talking smack about cracking down, about punishing the industry, the pharmaceutical lobby is one of the, if not THE biggest contributor to politician's campaigns and gives them other outrageous 'perks' as well. Luxury trips disguised under different premises, gifts,  high paying zero or little work required jobs for family members and plain, old fashioned outright bribes.

Q.---Where do you think they invest political leader's assetts that are placed into 'blind trusts'? A.---- In large part, they are invested in  DRUG COMPANIES!

No wonder Congress and Senate members who aren't millionaires before taking office, almost always ARE upon leaving.

They are symbiotic parasites here and abroad, supporting the leading drug producers both legal and illegal, the leadership in the nation's as long (as they suit the present status quo) remain in power, and the American population is the victim.

They only arrest cartel people and politicians abroad that are upsetting the way the system works most smoothly for our govt. Leaders in other nations, like Manuel Noriega, can knowingly to the USA, be making fortunes from bringing/allowing illegal drugs into the US, but until they start to not dance as well to our puppet strings, they remain in power for years.

Total hypocrisy......
« Last Edit: December 19, 2018, 04:37:29 PM by robert angel »
Whether you think you can or think you can't--you're right!

Re: interesting article on Medellin
« Reply #2 on: December 19, 2018, 12:14:18 PM »


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