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Author Topic: Photos of Pete's Apartment in Cali, Colombia  (Read 4482 times)

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Offline teoblas

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Photos of Pete's Apartment in Cali, Colombia
« on: January 25, 2006, 02:56:58 AM »
Over the last two years many people have rented a room from Pete E or visited his luxury apartment in Cali. Some people have not yet had the pleasure. I uploaded some photos of the apartment Pete E has in Cali to the following site: In the upper right hand corner type in teoblas in order to see the photos of Pete E's apartment.

Pete will likely continue living in the apartment and offer rooms for rent to people that are living or visiting Cali. The price is economical and as an added benefit Pete (and his network of contacts) knows Cali and knows how to get the most out of Cali...

Pete E can be contacted at

Teo Blas

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Thanks Teo
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2006, 02:58:58 AM »
Thanks Teo,

Looks like we will be staying here.I did some looking for other places and it looks like I will be paying about the same unless I really want to step down in quality,which I do not.This is the nicest place I have ever lived,better than the California house I owned that is now worth $800,000.And its furnished.If I moved I would allmost certainly have to buy furniture.So staying here will preserve my liquid cash better.I will be paying for 2 surguries before I get reimbursed for the first one.
AND,I actually enjoy having people stay here.If I don't they are gone.Its for fun as well as profit.It allows me to live in a much better place for the price of a much lessor apartment.
Beatriz says she doesn't mind people staying here,she gets along well with everyone.
My landlord wanted to raise my rent 25% but the law and the existing lease limit raises to a cost of living type index that is about 6% this year.So they are out of luck on that one.They can sell the place,if they do I can be required to leave within 2 months.They mentioned that as a possibility.I will cooperate in showing it if they want to sell,so there is no reason for it to be vacant while they are trying.Looks like we will be in to another years lease by February one.
I should do a web site to advertise the place better for rentals.My occupancy averages less than 50%.



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Photos of Pete's Apartment in Cali, Colombia
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2006, 09:32:43 AM »
My landlord only wanted a 20% increase :)  these people are funny.

Photos of Pete's Apartment in Cali, Colombia
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2006, 09:32:43 AM »

Offline ColombiaExpert

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Re: Thanks Teo
« Reply #3 on: January 25, 2006, 08:11:01 PM »
Quote from: Pete E
My landlord wanted to raise my rent 25% but the law and the existing lease limit raises to a cost of living type index that is about 6% this year.

Essential Colombia Tip-Of-The-Day For The Clueless: Colombians almost always try to ripoff Americans.  (Duh.)
You are an American male.  Act like it.  You are the top of the food chain.

Offline sacajundude

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Photos of Pete's Apartment in Cali, Colombia
« Reply #4 on: January 31, 2006, 04:59:46 AM »
So called "Colombia Expert" wrote:
     Essential Colombia Tip-Of-The-Day For The Clueless: Colombians almost always try to ripoff Americans. (Duh.)

        Wow,thanks for the tip,[snip]!  :idea:  I can imagine no one here knew that... Your expertise is overwhelming... :P


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