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Author Topic: B2 Visa Question?  (Read 1534 times)

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Offline bcc_1_2

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B2 Visa Question?
« on: February 15, 2013, 09:53:37 PM »
Hey guys... IDK much about the B2 other than it can be pretty challenging for the women (from the countries we visit to get). It seems all anyone wants to do is pick my brain on this stuff (like I'm some sort of expert or something)... and I don't want to call my old immigration attorney on this.
Got a guy talking to a female on an online site I showed him. She has that B2 visa. He was talking about just having her visit him... I nixed that... told him bad idea... get on the plane or stop talking to her.  At least he took that advice.
Anyways advise me on the B2 so I know more than what I just googled on it. It seems if he likes her she can come on that Visa and get at least 6 months to chill with him. That's a lot of time... and takes the pressure off compared to the guys like us that did not have that option. I had to do a K1.
So B2 means 6 months from what I can tell. But I also see there is a way to get that extended at least another 6... or she could fly home and then just fly back for another 6?  Any info you got I'll pass along.
Retiring in Tela, Honduras is 14,600 days (haha)

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Re: B2 Visa Question?
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2013, 12:35:22 AM »

So B2 means 6 months from what I can tell. But I also see there is a way to get that extended at least another 6... or she could fly home and then just fly back for another 6?

That's not exactly how it works.
The visa only gets you on the plane. The immigration officer in the line at your port of entry determines if you get in and how long you can stay on your visit, up to a maximum of six months. It depends mostly on how you answer the questions asked of you when you arrive.
A single female telling them that she is here to visit her boyfriend, fiancee, etc., can sometimes result in her being denied entry and sent back on the next flight.
Also, there is a popular scam going around where she tells you that she has a visitor visa and asks for financial assistance so she can come visit you. It happened to a guy on the Asian forum a while back. Of course 'she' didn't have a visa and only took his money he sent for a plane ticket.

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Re: B2 Visa Question?
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2013, 04:33:27 AM »
I know a mexican guy who's been living here in texas for over 5 years with a tourist visa.  I think he spent about a year living in mexico a couple years ago but when he came back they renewed his visa with no problem.  He got married during the year he spent in mexico and when he came back his wife applied for her tourist visa.  About 6 months later her visa was approved and she came to join him living here in texas.  I think he has to go back to a border crossing or fly back to his hometown to renew it every 6 months.

Maybe from a country other than mexico, that we don't share a border with, it would be more of a hassle getting it renewed.
Dance with the one who brung ya!  :)

Re: B2 Visa Question?
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2013, 04:33:27 AM »

Offline braziliangirl

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Re: B2 Visa Question?
« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2013, 11:04:47 AM »
In Brazil, 95%+ of the applications for a B2 visa are accepted. Before all the Brazil hype thing it was much less, but still almost everyone who could prove enough funds to travel and enough reasons to come back got one. I don't know how it works for another countries in South America.
My first visa was a single entry B2 that lasted for three months, back in 1995. They told it was limited because of the first WTC bombing. No travel to a consulate or embassy for an interview required.
The second one was a five year multiple entry B1/B2 got in 2008. It was the standard tourist visa until last year, then it started being ten year multiple entry. They require a visit to the CASV and another to a consulate or embassy now. If your previous visa expired within 48 months of the new request, you don't need an interview.
All of the times I travelled to the USA I got a 6 month stamp from the immigration officer, even though I my stays were never long than 20 days, weather for work or tourism, and I always told them. Of course, I'm single, and most of the times I was travelling by my self, and it was never a problem. I never told I was going there to visit a boyfriend, though. I have a friend who told that on her embassy interview and got denied. Her sister tried to get a visa a couple of months later and got denied too. They even asked her "are you sure you don't have a boyfriend there?". But I know it varies a lot, some colleagues that has the same job and went to the same meeting as me, only got 2 weeks. So it's really up to your history and what the officer thinks of it.

I have a cousin that stayed the whole 6 months warranted, then came back home, stayed for a month, and when he went back, they only gave him 5 days. So, I'd say you can never rely on the tourist visa to stay for long periods, like the Mexican couple htown told us about.

When I crossed the border to visit IV, I saw their visas are different from the one I have. There is something about asking for another kind of permission to go to states that are not in the border.

So, if you friend's girl happen to be from Brazil, chances are she really has the visa. But she can still just want a free ticket, so your friend better follow your advice, unless he really trusts her and can't leave the country for some reason.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2013, 11:08:24 AM by braziliangirl, Reason: added line breaks »

Offline bcc_1_2

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Re: B2 Visa Question?
« Reply #4 on: February 16, 2013, 02:23:23 PM »
I've seen pictures of this woman in NYC before (clearly not photoshopped LOL) so its legit. I've seen how long those lines are flying back to the USA. The lines for us are short but for them are long. IDK how detailed their questions are.... for me all I had to say was coming back from vacation... or overseas... taking a vacation. Are they really gonna hassle her if she's already got the B2?
Do they just issue it for 6 months or are they going to ask a bunch of detailed questions and try and shorten it? If they are that likely to play 20 questions... I can at least make sure she would be ready for it.
Retiring in Tela, Honduras is 14,600 days (haha)

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Re: B2 Visa Question?
« Reply #5 on: February 16, 2013, 08:58:40 PM »
The questions I get are always the same. "What are you going to do here?" And "How long are you staying?" Other info, like where are you going to stay is in the form you have to fill. They look at a computer screen, probably to confirm some information. Once, on the way to the luggage claim, another officer asked what do I do for a living, and that's all. My friend's mother just traveled to Miami by herself for the first time and doesn't speak a word of English or Spanish and went through.
I think the visa is the hardest part. All she has to do is not mention the American boyfriend when she gets there. Just say tourism... But remember that the 6 months is never a guarantee, especially if she stayed long recently. Plus, if she has been there before, I guess she knows what to do.


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