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Author Topic: Trading Dignity for a Wife  (Read 16117 times)

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Offline InnocentVixen

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Re: Trading Dignity for a Wife
« Reply #75 on: May 16, 2012, 01:39:18 PM »

I guess I just try not to let the bad stop me from seeing the good in people in general, the reason I favor men might be those same reasons you mentioned you enjoy spending time with them and also that women have not been that nice to me (teenage years were awful due jealous/competitive women and I wasn't even interested in dating!) but at the same time I respect the women in my family so much that I just can't ignore their good side and my own as well as making me aware of my flaws... which brings me back to appreciating men since for the life of me I don't know how you guys can deal with us!

About specific men, yes there is plenty around that I care for and admire from all ages, my father is one of the most responsible men I know, his father who was very strict but always fair and even though he became a widower at a young age he never re-married, had a girlfriend here and there but always very discrete and never brought a woman home or let them meet the kids, I am convinced he loved his wife until his last breath. Then I have my grandfather on mother's side... haha, so different! more of living in the moment, on his last years his favorite thing to do was to brag about how many grand/great-grand children he had, listening to loud music, admiring women, flirting with them and then get all romantic and proclaiming his love for my grandmother.

I already talked about my 2 best friends, actually the father of one of them would also come to mind, he must be one of the smartest men I know, highly educated though you would probably never guess it until you talk to him, very simple man, I could go on and on, taking into account I have not really dated that much or had a very bad experiences, even if I have had a bit of heartache looking back I still find it easier to trust more in men than women.

For the most part the women I admire are older with grandchildren, I don't know if it's a generation kind of thing or that they became wise with age but sometimes I will come across a young one here and there that makes me think wow, there is a diamond righ there. I think the biggest problem in my country is that they go to extremes, they are either so self-sacrificing that they make themselves martyrs (this does not make them bad women just not very smart IMHO) or they just go through life without really using their heads at all.

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Re: Trading Dignity for a Wife
« Reply #76 on: May 16, 2012, 04:35:24 PM »
I was just speaking to one of two women that I am friends with. Not because they want to be friends with me but because we both want to be friends with each other. I respect them because they are fine humans and do not define themselves by their gender.

We are all human and that is one thing I notice about US women, that they think they belong to some special club because they are women. Kinda like macho gay men. I think its a defense mechanism as I am sure they realize that most young women even though maybe gorgeous (or not) are a pain in the ass because they just cant understand normal thinking. I said most, not all - as IV proves.

Now I do celebrate the difference. But of my two true female friends that will always be my friends no matter who comes into my life, both love to laugh at themselves and understands the hand they have been dealt. They see their womanhood as both a blessing and a curse, just as I see my manhood as both a blessing and a curse. The little manhood especially can be a curse. Yes he knows how to screw things up (all possible puns intended).

Sincerely IV thank you very much for your opinions. I respect them. Like I said before, I like the way both you and BG write what you think.

To me you are honorary members of the boys club!!! aren't you simultaneously thrilled and humbled, happy and at the same time proud?!?!?

Yes we are presenting you an honorary doctorate in Boyology - now go dissect a bullfrog with our blessing so we can admire your skills... If you knew what I was thinking you would just understand how bad I am... Got libido? Oh that's right you are part of the boys club so you get it.... erererer - to the bone bad...... jajajaja

BTW BG never got a reply to my long email...

Did I throw you a curve?

I got fastballs, change ups and even a slider along with a fork ball delivered side arms. I can even pitch submarine style.... Watch out for my knuckle balls, they are really hard to catch and hold.... You do know what happens when you drop a third strike right?

"but we who knew that different truths can coexist thought not that we were lowering ourselves by countenancing another's truth, unpalatable though it might seem."

Offline InnocentVixen

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Re: Trading Dignity for a Wife
« Reply #77 on: May 26, 2012, 02:08:51 PM »
Thanks AC the Doctorate is much appreciated! lol I just secretly hope that does not mean I will be studying men for the rest of my life without having one of my own :O a bit like those always the bridesmaid and never the bride kind of thing.

BG can get really busy with work from time to time so that is probably what happened, I have too much free time on my hands for the most part but will get busy (or just need a break from internet) from time to time.

Re: Trading Dignity for a Wife
« Reply #77 on: May 26, 2012, 02:08:51 PM »


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