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Author Topic: New to the site looking to head somewhere soon for 4-8 weeks  (Read 6416 times)

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Offline Jedimaster

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Re: New to the site looking to head somewhere soon for 4-8 weeks
« Reply #25 on: May 13, 2012, 06:35:23 PM »
So while i am looking for a potential wife, i do realize that some things should not be forced. That being the case my first goal being; going to a country to take paid spanish lessons and improve my fluency...

any suggestions on countries and cities for that? or does it not really matter as i can find a hired tutor anywhere?

I would really like to go somewhere besides guatemala again, but its just so damn affordable (150 dollars a week for 25 hours of 1-1 spanish lessons, 3 cooked meals and a home stay with a local family.)

I don't mind bumping that number from 150 to around 300-400 if it means going to a more desirable (IMO) location.

Honestly, i'm open to wherever. I just want to go have fun, learn the language, be relatively safe, socialize with locals (prob do some volunteer at a local hospital clinic) and make some real genuine connections that may lead to something more serious in the future.
I did a little research on language schools--there are quite a few in Costa Rica, mostly in the San Jose area.  I also saw a couple in Colombia, mainly in Medellin and Bogota.
As far as cost goes, I saw Spanish classes advertised for about $200 a week.  If you want to do a homestay that was about $170 a week, so this would bring your total to $370 a week which is in line with the $300-$400 per week that you mentioned in your post.


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