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Author Topic: William Bennett's CNN Article  (Read 570 times)

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Offline Brazilophile

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William Bennett's CNN Article
« on: November 03, 2011, 10:34:28 PM »
Usually I find that conservative pundit William Bennett's opinion only worthy of being ignored.  Today he wrote an article in that is very good.  Here is the link.  Men Become the Target of Jokes.

Two excellent paragraphs are

"Many women told me the problems are much worse than I described. They explained to me how they have to lower their standards to find a man. Young women, in particular, complained that men are dragging them down and holding them back. As one woman told me, if 60 is the new 40 for men, then 25 is the new 13.

Most feminists are not celebrating the decline of men and shouting it from the rooftops.  Certainly, the far-left feminist movement has sought to diminish the role of men, but a majority of women want able, competent men of their equal. Strong men make stronger women (and vice versa) and stronger families, and women want that. Many men today aren't sure what they want."

To me, what Bennett describes is such a contrast to the machismo culture in Latin America that I wonder how Mexico can (relatively) peacefully co-exist next to the USA.   I have met Latinas here in the US who are very happy with the type of man Bennett says we have become.  That new American man is very easy to control compared to a (say) Colombian man.

A comment on the article is telling:

"It's funny that with all these hand-wringing articles decrying the decline of men and their absence in the family unit, they never bother to ask a single man why he feels this is.  They certainly should be easy to find given that we're half the population of the earth.

I'm 46 and work with several 20 something young men who have no desire to ever marry and start families.  The reason?  They all saw their fathers raked over the coals in family court and they know better than anybody else that when it comes to family, men have no rights in reality.

If you were really interested in solving these problems, you'd ask some men.  But you don't because we're not allowed to talk about the answers. "               
« Last Edit: November 03, 2011, 10:38:24 PM by Brazilophile »


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