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Offline Killer-B

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OK Guys - Break it down for the (LA) newbie...
« on: June 21, 2006, 03:02:31 PM »
Hey all - Am kinda new to posting here - but not new in my "Search" - Been doing the Asian thing starting back in ohhhhh 2002? and then switched horses to the FSU in 2004 - but after reading some things here, as well as talking to some friends that are married to SA (not sure of the "term" ya'll use? - so will just say "south of the equator") anyway, these guys seem pretty pleased with their wives -

I was born in TX and spent most my life there - so I "know" Hispanic or Mexican - I also lived in LA for 4 years, so got a small taste of (American) Latinos and PR's (Can you say "temper" & "attitude"? LOL) - But have only dated 3 Hispanic ladies in Texas (and must confess, it was all pretty good!)

Anyway, I'm having some doubts about this FSU stuff - Not sure if they're big enough to keep me away forever - but thought I'd ask the peanut gallery here for a Cliff Notes version of "what to do" - "where to go" - "who to look for" - and what to stay the hell away from?

Basically, if all 1000 of us were crammed into an elevator, and I asked about your wives/GF and how you all met - What would you tell me?

I know allot of you guys have made many trips "south" - and seems (based on the poll a few days ago) BQ seems to be high on everyone's list.... Despite others' thoughts - Is that a pretty safe "starting point"?

Also, I'm VERY traditonal - and seek the same (the Hispanics I dated in TX were very traditional and family oriented) - And sure, I realize you can't broadstroke an entire country or region, but are there some countries or regions that are more traditional than others? Conversely, what are the "wild places" to avoid?

Finally, I'd like to ask for opinions on where to start - I've looked at some (most actually) of the agencies listed on the front page - Some are good - Some are, well, some are good LOL- But, what method have ya'll used with the most success? Or is it just like the Russian thing - Everyone's experience may or will vary?

In my short time here on GW -  I do wanna mention 2 things that have stood out to me as I kinda look outside the fishbowl, in - And that is

#1) I don't really hear ya'll talking about scams much - And as I'm sure most of you know, over on RWD we dedicate allot of bandwidth to this topic - Of course, I'm sure it exists - and I'll (always) keep my guard up - but I am curious if the propensity for "scamming" is less down there?? (thoughts?)

#2) By me asking this, I do NOT want to start an "age debate" - but this is the 2nd thing I'm noticing here... That as I read, and learn more about each poster, it SEEMS that 10 years is about the MAX age difference(s) between you and your wives/GFs - Again, on the FSU/Russian side of things - 5 years difference would kinda be the minimum and most guys in their 40's are fishing in the "20 something" pond??? - So, my question is, what is considered "acceptable" south of the equator? What should I expect? (I just turned 43 TODAY!) So I'm officially entering midlife crisis LOL -

Ok - Enough blah blah - but look forward to your thoughts!

Thanks -


PS: Oh! One more after thought - My roommate in College was from Venezuala (sp?) and met his sister once and she (both actually) were very dark skinned - Also, as I watch the World Cup this week - They were interviewing an Argentina "BABE" (am sure they got "the best" for TV) but still, she was a hottie man! Wow  -- But she was fair skinned - Then they went to a group from Brazil to interview - and they were all VERY much darker skinned - Can someone clue me in as to what is what in which region? (Not that it really matters -but do tend to gravitate towards those more fair skinned).. thanks!

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RE: OK Guys - Break it down for the (LA) newbie...
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2006, 03:48:25 PM »

On the age difference:

It’s difficult to put a meaningful number to the maximum age difference and it depends a whole lot on your individual ages. As you get older, larger age differences seem to work better than when you were younger.

For a younger woman, I like to use the Half Your Age + 7 rule. It seems to work well for all age groups in most cultures. Try it if you want to set a minimum age when making your initial selections for ladies to contact.

For a 43-year-old guy, (43/2) + 7 = 28.5 ...or rounded to 29


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RE: OK Guys - Break it down for the (LA) newbie...
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2006, 05:55:38 PM »
Quote from: killer-b
But, what method have ya'll used with the most success? Or is it just like the Russian thing - Everyone's experience may or will vary?

In my short time here on GW -  I do wanna mention 2 things that have stood out to me as I kinda look outside the fishbowl, in - And that is

#1) I don't really hear ya'll talking about scams much - And as I'm sure most of you know, over on RWD we dedicate allot of bandwidth to this topic - Of course, I'm sure it exists - and I'll (always) keep my guard up - but I am curious if the propensity for "scamming" is less down there?? (thoughts?)

#2) By me asking this, I do NOT want to start an "age debate" - but this is the 2nd thing I'm noticing here... That as I read, and learn more about each poster, it SEEMS that 10 years is about the MAX age difference(s) between you and your wives/GFs - Again, on the FSU/Russian side of things - 5 years difference would kinda be the minimum and most guys in their 40's are fishing in the "20 something" pond??? - So, my question is, what is considered "acceptable" south of the equator? What should I expect? (I just turned 43 TODAY!) So I'm officially entering midlife crisis LOL -

There's many ways to meet a Latin women and people's opinions here are going to vary widely.  Ditto for age difference.  The one "perceived" difference many have between FSU and LA is that there are fewer scams in LA.  I suspect this may be true, but there's scammers everywhere.

I met my wife through correspondence first, then calls, then a visit, followed by another visit, then a fiancee visa.  That was 10 years ago though, so I'm waaaay out of the loop.  You've had a fair amount of experience with meeting Asian and then FSU women, so I'd suggest using whatever means you found most appealing with Latinas as well.

The age thing has been debated and debated endlessly over the years.  My perception is that most of the divorces seem to be from women who were in their twenties.  That may just be because most men are going for these types.  I never felt much in common with the really young ones, so I married a 34 year-old when I was 37.

You should consider a trip just to get your feet wet.  Cali Colombia would be a good starting point since they have the highest agency presense.  If you're really serious, you should start studying Spanish.  With enough Spanish ability and free time, you can easily get by without even using an agency.  Some still prefer that route out of convenience even when they do know Spanish and have free time.  You can at least be sure the women you meet through an agency are interested in meeting foreign men.

RE: OK Guys - Break it down for the (LA) newbie...
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2006, 05:55:38 PM »

Offline Houndog

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RE: OK Guys - Break it down for the (LA) newbie...
« Reply #3 on: June 21, 2006, 07:43:32 PM »
Frrom the traditional perspectictive Bogota has the highest percentage of fair skinned girls...hope that helps answer that question.  Bogata also has the highest percentage of Colledge Educated Ladies. To explain why takes going back into Colombian History a couple hundred yrs & I don't have time for the full history lesson. If you really want & desire & would be happiest with a light skinned educadted girl I'd stick with China or the FSU.

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RE: OK Guys - Break it down for the (LA) newbie...
« Reply #4 on: June 21, 2006, 08:03:51 PM »
During my search I made numerous trips to both Barranquilla and Cali (and a few to Riohacha and Manizales) and while this is subjective to be sure I found that costenas in general preferred a narrower age gap than the calenas. Marriage to American men roughly twice their age is not uncommon amongst calenas. I personally know of six couples that fit that description.

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RE: OK Guys - Break it down for the (LA) newbie...
« Reply #5 on: June 21, 2006, 11:14:24 PM »
If you're looking for the European look, Medellin or Manizales would be the ideal. My wife has fairer skin then I do (I'm a blond blue-eyed white guy) and you see a lot of her type there, pale skin with jet-black hair. I married my wife when I was 48 and she was 42 but she could have passed for a woman in her late 20s. Even now at 46 no one imagines that she is as old as she is.

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RE: OK Guys - Break it down for the (LA) newbie...
« Reply #6 on: June 22, 2006, 06:46:02 PM »

I started my search in 2002 in Cali Colombia...went there a few times and had a wonderful time...but didn't meet "the one" for me that I would consider marrying.

I also made a couple of trips to Bogota as well. If you go there...I recommend Nelson's agency...Latin Intro. Again...had a great time...but didn't find the one I would consider for marriage. the fall of 2003...someone on this board recomended going to Lima Peru. He had used the agency  and was happy with his experiences there.

I paid for the correspondence package and wrote to about seven different women. I decided to go to Lima during Christmas of 2003 to meet the ladies I had been in contact with.

One of these ladies turned out to be very special. I courted her for over a year making many trips before asking her to marry me in January 2005. She arrived about a year ago and we have been very happy. We finally took our delayed honeymoon to the Mexican Rivera.

I have posted some pics of our cruise together on

membername    Kurt1

Good luck on your search....if I can be of any help to you....feel free to email me at kFremont "at"

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RE: OK Guys - Break it down for the (LA) newbie...
« Reply #7 on: June 22, 2006, 08:21:08 PM »

I edited your e-mail address to camoflage it (replaced @ with "at").  Since this board is totally open, it could easilly be harvested by a bot and put it on spam lists.

Loved the beach photos.  Is that Cabo San Lucas?  We were there in May and loved it.

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RE: OK Guys - Break it down for the (LA) newbie...
« Reply #8 on: June 22, 2006, 09:06:45 PM »
Hey Patrick!!

Thanks for editing my e-mail address.

Yes..the beach pics were Cabo San Lucas. We enjoyed our stay there much more then Mazatlan or Puerto Vallarta.

We would love to back to does however get pretty hot there!!!

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RE: OK Guys - Break it down for the (LA) newbie...
« Reply #9 on: June 22, 2006, 11:08:55 PM »
yo killerB

Addressing your "Scam question".  I found much, less scamming in Colombia than the FSU.  From my experience, they may not dig you in Colombia but they do go in with the intent to dig in your wallet like many do in FSU.  This is based on my experience which is 3 trips to Colombia and 1 to Ukraine.

09/08 saw morena goddess on Jamie's website
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RE:  OK Guys - Break it down for the (LA) newbie...
« Reply #10 on: June 23, 2006, 01:31:29 PM »
Thanks a ton everyone! :P Sorry I've been MIA - HDD crashed - and have been stuffed getting a new PC up and running :(

Either way, Good stuff all the way around - Thanks!...

RAY: Thanks for the birthday wishes! Oh man - I'm starting to feel it! LOL!

As to age, yeah, I hear ya, and didn't wanna start the old battle again - But am also familiar with the 1/2 + 7 formula - Nothing is etched in stone, but think that's a good rule of thumb (loose)....

Guys, bleeding off that same thought, are SA more or less "mature" than American Women - Or even FSU women? (for those of you that have had the chance to compare).

PATRICK: Good to finally "meet" you and appreciate your input as well... As I mentioned in my initial question, yeah, I really don't see much on here about "scams" (vs. RW) - So, just wanted kinda do a gut-check of sorts, to make sure what I was reading, was indeed "real" (or as real as it can get! LOL) -- Either way, my guard is always up - but it would be "nice" to kinda not have to worry about that 24x7 - ya know? - That is part of what is wearing on me in my FSU search - Whose sincere - and whose out for your wallet? Tired of being on gaurd all the time.

Congrats on "10 years" - Wow - And would tend to agree that the (younger) "20 somethings", are no different than any FSU woman, in that they probably don't really know what they "want" in life just yet... But in my search, regardless of culture, I have found there's a HUGE difference between "city" and "village" gals - Hence the questions about "where to start"? - Cuz I really have *NO clue* as to what is what south of the equator.... I'd rather learn from you guys, then take a few trips :)

HOUNDOG: Thanks for honing in on my "traditional" request - I think this is probably gonna have more to do with my search than anything - Of course, those women that "bother" (or can, or make their way) to getting a higher education, speaks volumes about their character to me  (IMHO)... But I don't flat out search for one over the other - but that does help...

As to Bogota - I've got several votes and recommendations going on here about several cities and regions - but at least now I have "starting points" to research.... I don't trust agencies that much - However - Since I am "fresh meat" to these guys/gals, I guess I am gonna have to entrust some agency for "help"... I do know a little Spanish from my Texas days - but need to buff up on it all before making a trip...  Interesting comment about sticking with the FSU or Asians - This was said merely cuz of skin colour? Or you have other reasons? Either way, thanks for the advice :)

KEN: Gonna have to break out the geography maps here LOL - Excuse the stupid question, but who and where (and now "what") are the differences between Costenas and Calenas? As with Asians, RE: Age, I've noticed if you try Japan or more metropolitan cities - 5 years is about MAX for age difference - So, at 43 (groan!) that's like 38 in Asian - and not really what I am searching for... (not that I'm looking for a 20 y.o. either) - but more like 26/27/28 - Is that even doable down there? (and think the answer (if yes) would be only Calena?)

UTOPIACOWBOY: Yes, I kinda have that Euro/Slavic look in my head (and I'm originally from Norway, so, have the same "look" going - dark blonde/brown with blue eyes etc.) - Either way, what you said about your wife and the women in that region is spot on! - However, just like I mentioned to KEN here, I have no clue where, nor do I know anything about Medellin or Manizales??? - I must confess I'm fairly well-traveled, yet feel like a complete idiot when ya'll start throwing out these regions and cities - You'd think I'd at least heard of one of them in passing?!? - Yet I can't say that I have.... So will get cracking in the "research dept."!!!

(PS: KEN & COWBOY) - Can you recommend any agencies in either Calena or Medillin? (Links?)  Thanks!

CHRIS F: Wow dude - Just looked at your picture link -- and read your story -- Pretty cool man! She's a looker for sure - and the smile on your face pretty much says it all! LOL :P  Can I ask what the age difference is between ya'll? - Also, I see you (wisely) "took your time" and made several trips and visits before taking the plunge - Good for you! (can't say all guys are quite as "patient" in the FSU/RW world - Sigh) :? Thanks for the email address - May take you up on that in the future! Can I ask what part of the USA you're living in? Now that she's "here" - does she ever wanna go home (visits, homesick, etc?) Also, what's she doing now that she's married and living here? Just trying to get a sense as to how LW "adjust" to their new lives here (vs. what I know, RW) - Thanks! (Love Cabo BTW!)

FATHERTIME: Ok, I hear ya RE: scammers - So you're saying it's a bit more subtle there? But you only called out Columbia - So, yes, we all agree that "scams" can and do happen "everywhere" - but are you saying Columbia is worse than the others? Not sure if I followed that part?

Well, you guys have given me a great foundation to build on here.... I'm really now more interested in researching these regions/cities mentioned above - and will start cracking now!

Again, many thanks!

Cheers -


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RE: OK Guys - Break it down for the (LA) newbie...
« Reply #11 on: June 23, 2006, 03:01:33 PM »
Not familiar with Medellin but in Cali I would have to recomend AllColombianGirls and the newest in Cali, CaliCharm. ACG for the most twenty-something girls. Another that's still in business is Cali VIP which is operating out of an office in Holguines Trade Center. Latin Best seems to be on the verge of being history. A friend who visted this month said about half the books were gone. Latin-Internet is supposed to be operating out of a midtown hotel and Latin Encounters out of an office at or near the Hotel Intercontinental. These last two were once major players but there hasn't been any word on either of them for quite a while.  

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RE: OK Guys - Break it down..your questions!!..
« Reply #12 on: June 23, 2006, 05:38:09 PM »
Hey Killer B!!!

My wife is 33 and I am 43. We live in Los Angeles  and she has been studying English since she arrived. She had a few months of studying English in Peru before she arrived a year ago.

My wife had one year left to complete her Bachelors Degree in Administration in Peru....she would eventually like to finish that...I figure she will need at least another year minimum of studying English before she can do that.

My wife was very motivated and hardworking in Peru. In Peru...she had worked full time for a Medical Company that provided dialysis equipment to clinics and hospitals. At night..she would go to school for her degree. At 10:00p.m. when her classes was off to the gym for an hour five days a week.

Once she feels she is proficient enough with English...she would like to sell dialysis equipment again and go and finish her degree.

She talks to her family about four times a week and she is not homesick at all. We are planning a trip back to Peru to see her family in December.

Again...good luck on your search and I will be happy to help you in any way I can.....8)
« Last Edit: June 23, 2006, 05:39:51 PM by Chris F »

RE: OK Guys - Break it down..your questions!!..
« Reply #12 on: June 23, 2006, 05:38:09 PM »

Offline utopiacowboy

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RE: OK Guys - Break it down for the (LA) newbie...
« Reply #13 on: June 23, 2006, 06:40:10 PM »
Manizales is well off the gringo trail - it's not one of the larger Colombian cities. I have not been there but I've heard the women are gorgeous and I'd say it's true from the ones that I have met from there. I've been to Medellin five times - it is the second largest city in Colombia. There are guys here who have experience with a Medellin agency called Colombian Sweethearts.

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RE: OK Guys - Break it down for the (LA) newbie...
« Reply #14 on: June 24, 2006, 09:09:57 AM »
Yo killer b, my general point is that there is much more scamming in the FSU than Colombia. Period.  In Colombia before the "Meeting" you have a chance.  That did not seem to be the case in the FSU.

09/08 saw morena goddess on Jamie's website
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RE:  OK Guys - Break it down for the (LA) newbie...
« Reply #15 on: June 24, 2006, 02:45:19 PM »
Quote from: utopiacowboy
Manizales is well off the gringo trail - it's not one of the larger Colombian cities. I have not been there but I've heard the women are gorgeous and I'd say it's true from the ones that I have met from there. I've been to Medellin five times - it is the second largest city in Colombia. There are guys here who have experience with a Medellin agency called Colombian Sweethearts.

Thanks Chris, Cowboy, et al - I've been Googling the hell outta the region - and found pretty much every city and region ya'll recommended... Also with the help of Google "world" map (what a great tool) - Can see now where places like Manizales and BQ, etc. are situated... Pretty cool (lots closer than Russia!)

Ok - Now, in my "Googling" of "Manizales" and "Medellin" and I ran across a very (very) disturbing thread on "another board" -- Now granted, this "board" promotes this kind of activitiy vs. "family values" that I think our board stands for, yet, as I read these posts on some "experiences" in Manizales, my stomach started to turn a bit - I don't usually like to link to other sites - but after 2-3 pages of these "testimonials" (and does address some of the "agencies" there as well) - Am curious to see what ya'll think? Topic is prostitutes in Columbia (or here, was Medellin) and women just wanting "out" and doing anything in order to achieve this...

And before every dogpiles me about prostitution and sex tours - Yes, I am fully aware that they exist - and that every region / country in the world has this problem dating back to the days of Christ! - So, that's not my point - What I'm driving at, is that as mentioned above, I prefer to head off the beaten path, and kinda get away from the mainstream where agencies and tours have worn out their welcomes  - Manizalles seemed to have fit this - Now - I'm not so sure? Thoughts?

Here's the link to the post I ran across whilst searching - and an "exerpt" to kinda give you and idea as to what "they" are saying.... :shock:


King of Sluts
04-20-05, 20:10
Prostitution is the average custom for Colombianas, it is the same in brazil, the girls have ingrained in them that prostitution is a way of life. They have prostittution as a custom, so it makes sense that many of these girls turn to prostitution for a living. I could care less if they are , or not, I would never bring one back to the United States, but I am just making the Americans aware of how these girls really are, because the have had little contact with them. I have personally lived in Panama City, Panama for two years, and have seen how every Colombiana is a prostitute that tries to dig everyone for money.

I am just making you guys aware that when you are with a Colombiana, and especially when they are students, that there is a high probability that they are or were a prostitute in Panama, Costa Rica, St. Marteen and Ecuador. These girls are dangerous and very conniving.

Another post:
04-22-05, 06:59
Well KOS ...

I have to say ... you finally 'fessed up.

Your latest post on 4/21 actually had some truth to it ... I don't agree with all of what you said ... but at least you admit that basically, all women, American, Colombiana, etc are the same ... looking for a better life for themselves.

It's obvious you're as jaded against the Colombiana as I am against the Gringa.

I will admit, and it's obvious, that of course there are sharks, as you put it, in Colombia ... looking for the Visa to the US/Europe ... can you blame them?
I've seen dudes come to Colombia ... meet a chica ... and after a month, they want to get married and go back to the USA with their new chica ... whos's at fault here????
Most of these guys can't even speak more than 20 words of espanol ... and the chica the same with ingless ... almost funny to watch.

I also say ... the sharks in the US are just as bad, if not worse ... they're not looking for the visa ... they're looking for the gold ... half or more of your stuff. You know ... they're very cunning too.

I travel a lot to Venezuela ... I love it there too ... except the president is a bit "nutty" ... i.e. the next Fidel Castro de Venezuela.
Anyway ... the chicas there, are really no different than the Colombiana as far as the green card search goes.

Finally ... let's just say ... all women can be sharks ... no matter where they're from ... the more desperate the country economically speaking, the more desperate the women for help ... obvious.

Personally, I would rather spend my time in Colombia, having fun finding those true Colombianas, with hearts of gold and full of carino.

There are sharks out there ... lots of them ... but really, it's not hard to weed them out ...
They're are plenty of diamonds out there too ...

The really fun part is the hunt and the experiences you have looking ... just don't be in a hurry ... TAKE YOUR TIME and enjoy ...

NEVER rush to get married ... obvious again ... to any chica ... no matter what country she's from!! ... especially a Gringa? ... woops did I say that?


Wow - And that's just the "lead off" post - 2 to 4 pages follow pretty much confirming this?  :?

On a different note, I did go to several of the agency sites mentioned (thanks!) - and signed up with 2 - So we'll see what happens (LAI has already engaged me)... So am knee deep now! LOL

Hey Chris, which agency did you use in Peru???

[edit Sorry - just saw this again] My bad!!

And finally, as I figured out what was where on the Globe, how come very few mention Argentina??

Thanks -


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RE: OK Guys - Break it down for the (LA) newbie...
« Reply #16 on: June 25, 2006, 09:48:11 AM »
Here is the deal on the post above. The poster said that he lived in Panama City for two years. Panama is a notorious destination for Colombiana working girls, so much so that now Panamanian authorities require every Colombian woman entering the country show that she has money for her trip and is not coming to be a prostitute. I venture to say that almost every Colombiana he met in Panama was a prostitute. So what. This is like going to a whorehouse and claiming that every woman you meet is a whore. Well, yeah. If you go to the source (Medellin), you'll find that the paisas are traditional conservative women who make excellent wives. I know. I've got one.
« Last Edit: June 25, 2006, 09:49:20 AM by utopiacowboy »

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RE:  OK Guys - Break it down for the (LA) newbie...
« Reply #17 on: June 25, 2006, 02:31:20 PM »
Quote from: utopiacowboy
Here is the deal on the post above. The poster said that he lived in Panama City for two years. Panama is a notorious destination for Colombiana working girls, so much so that now Panamanian authorities require every Colombian woman entering the country show that she has money for her trip and is not coming to be a prostitute. I venture to say that almost every Colombiana he met in Panama was a prostitute. So what. This is like going to a whorehouse and claiming that every woman you meet is a whore. Well, yeah. If you go to the source (Medellin), you'll find that the paisas are traditional conservative women who make excellent wives. I know. I've got one.

Thanks Cowboy - Wasn't looking to pick a fight - Just seeking clarification, for (as you saw) that was a pretty strong commentary as to the women there (prostitutes) - Kinda scary - But, there's good and bad EVERYwhere in the world - Glad you and your wife are doing well - "Don't shoot the messenger!" LOL - Again, am a newbie to this region of the world -

Many thanks!

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RE: OK Guys - Break it down for the (LA) newbie...
« Reply #18 on: June 25, 2006, 03:41:12 PM »
I had no beef with you, dude. It just goes to show you that one's  perspectives on women can be colored by how and where you are meeting them.


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