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Author Topic: Describing the women of Medellin  (Read 4430 times)

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Describing the women of Medellin
« on: October 04, 2011, 01:27:12 PM »
There is a parable about the 6 blind men who were asked to describe an elephant, here is the parable from Wiki

[/size]A Jain version of the story says that six blind men were asked to determine what an elephant looked like by feeling different parts of the elephant's body. The blind man who feels a leg says the elephant is like a pillar; the one who feels the tail says the elephant is like a rope; the one who feels the trunk says the elephant is like a tree branch; the one who feels the ear says the elephant is like a hand fan; the one who feels the belly says the elephant is like a wall; and the one who feels the tusk says the elephant is like a solid pipe.
[/size]Each of the 6 blind men was in complete disagreement with the others. Such is the case when 6 members of this board describe the women of Medellin. My very limited experience is  based on living there for 3 months and visiting twice after that.
[/size]The city is about 20 miles long and 3 miles wide. Most of the bad reports I read are based on a 4 square block area of Poblado called Park Lleras. There are about 200,000 eligible women in Medellin, between the ages of 20-50. In my estimation only a tiny fraction of them have ever seen a gringo, let alone having been scammed, heart broken or groped by a gringo as some would have you believe. Since I never hung around Park Lleras I can only assume that what others are saying is true even though it seems mighty far fetched; that there are ugly Americans chasing pretty latinas down the street and groping them on the train and generally ruining the reputation of gringos for generations to follow.
[/size]In my own experience of meeting several nice women in Medellin I was the first gringo any of them had ever met in person and they did not know of any gringos living in Medellin.
[/size]I wonder what other members of this forum have experienced when meeting and dating Medellin women?
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Re: Describing the women of Medellin
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2011, 02:13:40 PM »
from my own experience in medellin, about 6 years coming and going i can say  we both have a very difference experience with gringos and paisas in medellin. being an agency owner and knowing quite a few gringos who live there,meeting women ect, i hear it all and seen a lot.  their are always new gringos and foreigners coming and going into the city, so unless your in contact with them through girls, or through friends, or work,  you might not meet them.

good or bad, most seem to stay around poblado area,some in enviagado, sabaneta and bello. but  last trip,  i ran into several gringos around the city, in the cable car up the mountain, horse parade, at restaurants, the metro, some malls bla bla, you get the point.

some are good, some are krap. even a so called  friend of mine who i wont say his name, now has three babies by three different girls in medellin. talk about giving  gringos a bad name, but the girls were trusting him and look what happens, so  i guess it takes two to tango.

before, girls were more open, trusting, honest, looking for a good foreign husband, now, not so much. they see the news, read the papers, get e mails from friends and relatives who dated a gringo, and girls love to gossip so you can imagine when they know a cousin, sister or friend who got knocked up or played by a gringo.  now, i think it s the other way around. they know whats going on.

on another note, i have met some really great women there,( and i probably have met around 500 plus women in med ) but it takes time to meet them. they are leery of foreigners.

just my own experience

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Re: Describing the women of Medellin
« Reply #2 on: October 04, 2011, 02:35:04 PM »
I honestly think the number of "eligible women" is higher than 200,000.  If you count the whole conurbation, it has like 3.5 million I believe.  Even if you count "union libre" as marriage, few women under say 28 are married, very few.

Re: Describing the women of Medellin
« Reply #2 on: October 04, 2011, 02:35:04 PM »

Offline AndyLee

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Re: Describing the women of Medellin
« Reply #3 on: October 04, 2011, 02:45:48 PM »
Thanks for posting Mudd, you probably already knew I had you in mind when i started this thread :) 
You and I have such diametrically opposed views of Medellin it's hard to believe its even the same city. I wonder what really lies between our two extremes?
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Re: Describing the women of Medellin
« Reply #4 on: October 04, 2011, 06:11:09 PM »
Thanks for posting Mudd, you probably already knew I had you in mind when i started this thread   
You and I have such diametrically opposed views of Medellin it's hard to believe its even the same city. I wonder what really lies between our two extremes?

jaja andy, i had a feeling it was  ;)

well, back about 4 years or so ago, i probably would have been more on your side, so to speak about the women in medellin. but over time, being exposed to the games and BS, you get tired of it and of course, you see guys  soooo in love with the city, women and lifestyle that they dont really see whats really going on until its too late.

on that note, i blame a lot of it on the men coming into med and pretty much being DI*KS and users. now of course, not all women are bad and not all men coming in are bad, but take a guy who couldnt get a date in his own city, drop him in medellin and he goes crazy. even worse when its a guy with a bad/ strange  attitude with $$$ and who really doesnt care about the girl, her feelings or the end result of playing her.  eventually, word spreads about gringos,  so it gets a little harder each year to meet a nice girl.

and it also depends on what social circle and friends you keep in medellin. i have a wide circle,  good friends, party friends, boring friends and so called friends i wouldnt bring any normal girl around lol .   everybody and every situation is different, just like our two opinions are different   ;)

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Re: Describing the women of Medellin
« Reply #5 on: October 04, 2011, 08:55:33 PM »
I have had good experiences in Medellin, I spent a lot of time in the Santa Monica and las colores areas of Medellin as well as Laureles and rarely if ever saw another gringo.  I have made wonderful friends in this city and fell in love with it on my first visit. I never really spent much time in Parque Lleras aside from my first two visits when I went to a coffee shop called, Cafe Maka, since closed probably due to the Juan Valdez around the corner.
My ex novia was a wonderful woman and, she never asked me for money, always was on time and was fluent in English on top of all her other attributes!  For many of the people that I met, I was the first gringo that they had ever met and were very curious about me and very proud to show me around their city.
We each have our own experiences in a city and mine may not resemble anyone elses, but I enjoy Medellin very much.
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Re: Describing the women of Medellin
« Reply #6 on: October 04, 2011, 09:41:49 PM »

I spent some time in Medellin and like Dan Las Vegas I had some good times there. It is just like anywhere else it depends on where you go and who you are with. Don't meet women in the red light district, take your time and get to know some people. Do not take every stranger at face value in Colombia. That is a bad thing to do anywhere but it goes double for that country.
« Last Edit: October 04, 2011, 11:29:32 PM by Big_Al »

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Re: Describing the women of Medellin
« Reply #7 on: October 04, 2011, 09:48:00 PM »
Although I do not have a real beef with anyones post on Medellin my view of the city is not quite the same. If one were to hang at Parque Gringo,  I do believe that they would have an entirely different view.  I have NO facts,  but assume that 90% of the Gringo population (men) here would be found in the environs of Poblado/Parque Gringo.  When I do stop by there on a walk,  I do see what Mudd is talking about,  the "Gringo Daters",  moving to Medellin and becoming "Gringo Dater/Players".  Outside of that area, Medellin is not over run by gringos.
I do not go to bars or clubs,  married,  raising a son and more/less the same duties and responsibilities that would come with that anywhere in the world.  The women that I do know are mostly friends and family. They are,  for the most part,  good women that I consider very "normal"  in their lives and actions.  If one were to only meet women in the discos,  bars and restaurants of Poblado you would MOST certainly run into what I would call "Gringo Hunters",  not that that would be all of the women there,  but a serious women who is a player is NOT hunting for a rich gringo boyfriend in El Centro.
Again,  I am going to assume,  that if a guy were to look on the CC,  LAC for women to meet here,  how could you not end up with maybe a dozen.  After weeding out the scammers,  wrong age,  not my type, etc.,  there is still a huge number of single women in Medellin.
Colombia is a country that has a LONG way to go,  but also,  has come a very long way in the last ten years or so.  I do love the people here and it is mostly their love and appreciation of live that sets them apart,  to me anyway.  I would not discourage a guy from going to any region here,  Bog,  Med,  Cali, Barq,  Buca,  Maniz,  Per,  Arm,  Pasto,  all with their own flavor,  upside and downside,  spectacular country none the less.

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Re: Describing the women of Medellin
« Reply #8 on: October 04, 2011, 10:00:55 PM »
well Mudd, Im aobut 488 women behind you!!!!! jejeje.

I had my first dates in Medlelin in the summer of 2010. ive had soemthng like 6 one and outs and the other progressed.  The woman that I have been cloest to is paisa, she lives near Obelisko which is not a gringo area......Il ived in Veledromo very close to the the cycling track and I almost never saw gringos. I walked ot laureles frequemtly and still didnt see them. i didnt see a lotr of them on the netro and i went form Floresta to parque Berrio several  tiems a week for six months.

I ve been in Parque Lleras frequetnly, but never to cruise or try to pick up women. To have dinner alone yes, to take someone to dinner a bit from the hearrt of Parque Lleras, yes.

Since I never met anyoen younger then 31, wiit the excoetionof wome woman, all of the women I met in Medellin were form cupiod. I cant make a lot of iunformed judgments about  oyung paisas, I didnt club, or chase chicas, they were certainly fun to look at......



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