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Author Topic: A Strange Permissiveness  (Read 1991 times)

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A Strange Permissiveness
« on: September 28, 2011, 04:59:34 PM »
Since 2008 some political factions have been trying to get a law passed that allows for  a life sentence to be given to someone convicted of raping a child (I assume that’s a child under fourteen since that’s the age of consent). It’s in the news again today. The Green Party is trying again to get it passed in Congress.  So far there is no such thing as “life with out parole” for any crime in Colombia and that’s the first and maybe only one it’s being considered for.  Of course there is no capital punishment in Colombia. That neither of these punishments exists has always struck me as surprising in this country where truly horrendous violence is “pan del día”. Last week for example it was reported that nine people where kidnapped in Bahía Solano, Chocó. One was released after having his balls were cut off as a warning to others. It was drug trade related.  Today in Cali two brothers were sent to prison  for torturing and killing a girl in the east side barrio of Aguablanca then dismembering her and throwing her remains in a public street. They could be out in seven years. And not to mention the horrible stuff the FARC, paramilitaries and bacrims do all the time.  I bring this up because there is (to me) a strange seemingly incongruous permissiveness that is part of the Colombian psyche and which of course is somewhere in the back of the heads of the girls we meet.
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Re: A Strange Permissiveness
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2011, 10:17:54 PM »
I don't view it as a strange permisiveness at all.  Given the power and influence the drug lords and other criminal organizations have (they make Al Capone look like a piker), they probably wrote the laws and own the sentencing judges, either by buying them outright or through intimidation.  Add in some timely pressure from 'international activists' and various international agencies like the UN (the most corrupt bunch of rent-seekers on the planet) against capital punishment, etc., to give the politicians cover, and there you go, so I don't see it as necessarily a cultural affair at all, although I suppose that once things stay that way that long, it does affect the culture.

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Re: A Strange Permissiveness
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2011, 12:06:15 AM »
It makes ZERO sense for your typical murderer to get 7 years or even 15 years, incredibly light sentence. 
I think the sentence SHOULD be severe for child rapists and if that opens the floodgates to start lengthening the sentences for other violent murders that is a good thing, although there is no guarantee that it will have that affect. 

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Re: A Strange Permissiveness
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2011, 12:06:15 AM »

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Re: A Strange Permissiveness
« Reply #3 on: September 29, 2011, 03:58:55 AM »
Since 2008 some political factions have been trying to get a law passed that allows for  a life sentence to be given to someone convicted of raping a child (I assume that’s a child under fourteen since that’s the age of consent). It’s in the news again today. The Green Party is trying again to get it passed in Congress.  So far there is no such thing as “life with out parole” for any crime in Colombia and that’s the first and maybe only one it’s being considered for.  Of course there is no capital punishment in Colombia. That neither of these punishments exists has always struck me as surprising in this country where truly horrendous violence is “pan del día”. Last week for example it was reported that nine people where kidnapped in Bahía Solano, Chocó. One was released after having his balls were cut off as a warning to others. It was drug trade related.  Today in Cali two brothers were sent to prison  for torturing and killing a girl in the east side barrio of Aguablanca then dismembering her and throwing her remains in a public street. They could be out in seven years. And not to mention the horrible stuff the FARC, paramilitaries and bacrims do all the time.  I bring this up because there is (to me) a strange seemingly incongruous permissiveness that is part of the Colombian psyche and which of course is somewhere in the back of the heads of the girls we meet.
I have noticed over the years that many of my colombian girlfriends like to look at dead people on the internet. I have some how managed to sit though every horror flick ever made with some of them...but I still find it disturbing to find down loaded photos of dismembered bodies on my computer.

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Re: A Strange Permissiveness
« Reply #4 on: September 29, 2011, 06:25:58 AM »

   It doesn't surprise me that some people in Colombia look at dead people on the internet.Life is cheap there and I'm sure many have seen dead bodies up close.

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Re: A Strange Permissiveness
« Reply #5 on: September 29, 2011, 08:25:53 AM »
I have noticed over the years that many of my colombian girlfriends like to look at dead people on the internet. I have some how managed to sit though every horror flick ever made with some of them...but I still find it disturbing to find down loaded photos of dismembered bodies on my computer.

Funny you should mention it. The only horror movies I've seen as an adult have been with Latinas. I thought it was a quirk of the individuals. Wonder if it's a cultural thing ...

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Re: A Strange Permissiveness
« Reply #6 on: September 29, 2011, 08:36:36 AM »
Strange permissiveness is an apt way to describe it. I can only guess that crimes go unpunished here because retaliation against witnesses, judges, lawyers is almost guaranteed.

Here's a story that just played out in a small city near where I live. A 65-year old hotel owner raped his 15 year old employee and threatened to kill her if she told anybody. The authorities made her tell when the baby was born. Blood tests proved the hotel owner is the father.
The age of consent is 14 but there is a provision for rape charges of a minor under 18 if these three conditions are present.
1. If a person has control over another, for example an employee or student
2. If coercion is used such as "If you tell anybody I'll kill you"
3. If the girl becomes pregnant

If these three conditions are proven the sentence is 1 to 5 years.
HOWEVER, without a witness it is impossible to prove coercion and it is impossible to find a witness because nobody wants to get involved and possibly face retaliation.
So, the worst that happens to the rapist is he has to pay child support, about 60,000 per month ($31.50). BUT, he only has to pay the child support if he makes above a certain amount each month, about 400,000.
Conveniently the hotel owner makes just under 400,000 each month, which is utterly ridiculous considering the manner in which he lives, the car he drives, trips he takes, etc.

If you are unhappy change something. Quit your job. Move. Leave your miserable relationship. Stop making excuses. You are in control.

Offline JimD

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Re: A Strange Permissiveness
« Reply #7 on: September 29, 2011, 09:00:17 AM »
Good storey. Very typical.
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Re: A Strange Permissiveness
« Reply #8 on: September 29, 2011, 09:42:21 AM »

  Interesting story Andy.Do you think retaliation would come from hiring someone or do you think the hotel owner is somehow connected?

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Re: A Strange Permissiveness
« Reply #9 on: September 29, 2011, 08:59:17 PM »
From all that I have read about Colombian history, one theme that comes through is that it has always been a violent country. It is not something that occured only in the last 50 years. This has to affect the culture. How many people have told me life is cheap in Colombia?

On the plus side the fertility rate is low. More or less the same as a developed country. You would hope that a low birth rate would eventually increase the value of life in society.


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