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Author Topic: how I met my wife  (Read 1877 times)

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Offline Fuzzyone

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how I met my wife
« on: September 23, 2011, 07:19:27 PM »
   I signed up with when I decided I wanted to start meeting Colombian woman. I kept my mind open and decided I would talk with any woman from L.A. Anyways I did a lot of searching on Amigos and kept my eyes wide open. I had some woman writing me from all different countries. I had some that lied about their ages and some that seemed to good to be true. I had one young lady writing me from Falls Mills Virginia that just did not work out very well. I finally decided to cancel my account after several months because I really could not find any woman I wanted to go visit. Well two days before I was finally done with Amigos I had a young lady, now I say young but she was 32 which was around the age I was looking for start writing me. I wrote her for about a month when I finally called her to wish her Happy Birthday. She sent me photos of her and I thought she was very beautiful. She started to bug to to come see her about 3 months after I meet her.

  I finally went to see her about 5 months after I had met her. I was going to stay in a hotel, she told me I could rent a local apartment and save menu. She found me one. When I arrived she met me at the airport with her sister and we went to her home. She lived with her mother, my girl then told me that they had a spare bedroom and I could stay in their home. It worked out great and I need up giving her mother money for the room and food because I felt like a leech. The entire time I stayed with them I found my girl had told me the truth about everything, her life, her family, where she lived. I stayed for about a month and we traveled all around Barranquilla. Something that I saw really surprised me was when it rained, it rained like hell the streets flooded with up to a foot of water. I guess it kept the road clean anyway. I met a lot of the local woman on my own and woman that my girl knew. I use to go to a local internet cafe to use the internet and I will tell you there was one hell of a lot of scammers running around taking gringos for all they could. I will not say all were bad. I met some woman that were very honest and stated they wanted to met a gringo. I met a lot of woman that were very beautiful but I did not lose sight in what I came for and that was my girl. I ended flying home and I felt at the time that my girl and I pretty much were in agreement on our positions of seeing no one else but each other.

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Re: how I met my wife
« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2011, 08:47:43 AM »
Well Fuzzy, I think if somebody reads this they will realize that you stuck with for several months and sorted though quite a few lemons before you finally struck gold.  That provides further evidence that sticking with the plan usually results in success.  I know it is easy for a lot of guys to get sidetracked.

You mentioned that you were close to quitting the account.  Do you remember what your next plan for meeting women was going to be if you did quit the account?

09/08 saw morena goddess on Jamie's website
09/08Began writing/webcamming future wife
10/08Visited BAQ to meet future wife
12/08 Visited a second time and got engaged
01/09 Visa Paperwork done(williamIII)
02/09quickvisit BAQ
08/09Wife arrives
09/09Got married
11/10 son born

Offline whitey

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Re: how I met my wife
« Reply #2 on: September 24, 2011, 09:11:20 AM »
Congrats Fuzzyone!

I met my wife (barranquillera) indirectly through also.  Indirectly, because my best friend met her first and then introduced us. 

How has your wife adjusted to life in the US?  How often do you go back to Barranquilla?
Hablo espanolo mucho bieno!

Re: how I met my wife
« Reply #2 on: September 24, 2011, 09:11:20 AM »

Offline pablito

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Re: how I met my wife
« Reply #3 on: September 24, 2011, 09:29:06 AM »
Hi Fuzzy,

what a great story, and I'm really glad you shared it, because my upcoming trip to Costa Rica is shaping up a bit like your first trip to Colombia, so I was hoping maybe you might have some pointers for me.  As I mentioned in another thread I joined Latin American Cupid, prematurely, and had a number of contacts, but my planning was more wishful thinking than a plan so I gave it up.  There were still a couple of girls I was communicating with via e-mail, including one from Costa Rica.

She first contacted me and sent me her pictures almost a month ago, she was attractive and suitable but at the time nothing really stood out or grabbed my attention, not that I had much to go on. We corresponded a bit, until I was at the point where I'd decided that I was going to be going to Costa Rica for my trip in January.  So I asked her what she wanted to know about me in order for her to decide she wanted to meet, and I asked my questions of her, and that if we both wanted to meet then I would plan to visit. 

Boy did that ever grab her attention, we got down to brass tacks pretty quick, no more 'hi how's it going, what's the weather like' kind of e-mails.  And we both really liked each other's answers. and so I held up to my end of the bargain and arranged for the tickets.  January worked out for her, as she's a primary school teacher and that's their school holiday so she'd be off.  I told her that the only commitment we'd make was to meet, if after that things weren't what we'd hoped for, no hard feelings.  So now we've been chatting often, for a couple of hours at a time or so, had our first video call last week which lasted for a couple of hours, and generally seem pretty simpatico.

I know of the dangers of the one woman visit, and the virtual relationship, but it's really what I'm more comfortable with on a personal level, trying to juggle multiple girls and dates at once just gives me the vapours and would most likely mean me making a fool out of myself repeatedly.  The way I look at it, the worst that can happen is that I find myself wandering around Costa Rica alone for a week and a half, which is not all that bad, especially since I'm a full time single dad to two young ones and this is my first big trip alone since they were born.

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Re: how I met my wife
« Reply #4 on: September 24, 2011, 11:20:24 AM »
Thanks so much for posting your story again here Fuzzyone!!!
If you do not mind me asking, what year di you meet her?  Do the two of you have any children or do you plan to have any?
Thanks again for posting!!!


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