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Author Topic: IATA New Interline Luggage Rules  (Read 3298 times)

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IATA New Interline Luggage Rules
« on: April 04, 2011, 09:33:20 AM »

This mostly involves baggage allowances and charges. If you are traveling on 1 airline it will not affect you (that airline rules will apply)  - this will mostly affect people who are traveling on an interline journey.

This is the new resolution introduced by International Air Transport Association (IATA) for all member airlines in deciding baggage allowance and excess baggage charges for journeys involving multiple carriers. Baggage travel allowances and charges for travel involving more than one carrier will follow the allowances and charges of the "Most Significant Carrier" (MSC) of the journey.

First the IATA divided he regions into 3 Tariff Areas & sub Areas:

IATA Tariff Areas                                                                                          
Area 1: North America, Central and South America, Hawaii         
Sub areas                        
1. USA, Canada, Mexico
2. Caribbean
3. Central America
4. South America

Area 2: Europe, Middle East                                                   
Sub areas                                                                                                                    
1. Europe
2. Middle East
3. Africa

Area 3: Asia, Guam, Southwest Pacific    
Sub areas                            
1.  Japan, Korea
2. Southeast Asia
3. South Asian Subcontinent
4. Southwest Pacific

It is a bit complicated but here are a few examples of the MSC for travel between & within the 3 Tariff Areas::

Most Significant Carrier (MSC):

Example #1:
~The first carrier crossing the IATA Tariff Area (for travel across one Tariff Area).
For travel from Japan to London - Travel between Tariff area 3 to  Tariff area 2:

Sector                              IATA Tariff Area                        Carrier
Japan - Hong Kong     Tariff Area 3 to Tariff Area 3      Qantas
Hong Kong - London    Tariff Area 3 to Tariff Area 2     Cathay Pacific

Cathay is the MSC as they are the first carrier crossing the Tariff Area. (Qantas travel is from area 3 to area 3 -while CX is from area 3 to area 2).

~The first carrier crossing the IATA Sub-area (for travel within a Tariff Area).

Example Sydney to HK - Travel within Tariff Area 3
Sector                            IATA Sub Area                            Carrier
Sydney - Singapore     Southwest Pacific to Southeast Asia    Qantas
Singapore - Hong Kong    Southeast Asia to Southeast Asia    Singapore Airlines.

Qantas is the MSC as they are the first carrier crossing the IATA Sub-area ~ so Qantas luggage rules applies for travel on both airlines.

~The first carrier flying an international sector (for travel within a Sub Area).

Example from NYC to Mexico City - All travel in Area 1 & Sub Area 1.
Sector                        Carrier
NYC - DFW              American Airlines
DFW  - Mexico City    JetBlue.

JetBlue is the MSC as they are the first carrier flying an international sector (AA is domestic) ~ so JetBlue luggage rules applies for travel on both airlines.  

Or from Thailand to HK
Sector                      Carrier
Phuket - Bangkok     Thai Airways
Bangkok - Hong Kong    Dragon Air

Dragon Air is the Most Significant Carrier - they are flying the international sector.

This is a sh***y rule as if the majority of your travel is on carrier X that offers free checked luggage (while carrier Y doesn't) but carrier X is not the MSC then you will have to follow carrier Y luggage rules.

Now, how many airlines will follow the MSC approach. BA is of the airlines that "might" continue to apply their existing rule of first operating carrier.  

If we were all forced to wear a warning label, what would yours say?

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Re: IATA New Interline Luggage Rules
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2011, 06:01:24 PM »
ok my head is spinning like a top  ::) ::) ::)
how does this affect the guys going from the US to the philippines of other Asian countrys??? also will it be different if you are departing the east coast U.S.  VS west coast U.S. ??

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Offline thekfc

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Re: IATA New Interline Luggage Rules
« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2011, 06:19:37 PM »
IATA said that they simplifying things but instead they are making things more complicated.  ::)

This would only affect you if you are traveling between two or more airlines.

If you are traveling to the Philippines from the USA AND are flying on more than one airlines then you would follow the luggage rules for the airline that flies the first international leg (aka the airline that leaves the USA).

A more simplify example:
Flying from New Hampshire to Philippines.
Airline A take you from NH to Detroit
Airline B takes you from Detroit to LA
Airline C takes you from LA to Philippines.

You would follow airline C luggage rules as they are the MSC Carrier - the first airline flying the international Leg.

When you book your ticket, they suppose to tell you which airlines baggage rules you will be following.

That would give flyers more of a reason to stick to one airline or partner/Alliance airlines.
If we were all forced to wear a warning label, what would yours say?

Re: IATA New Interline Luggage Rules
« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2011, 06:19:37 PM »


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