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Author Topic: Are You a Dragon (Yin) or a Tiger (Yang)?  (Read 1205 times)

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Are You a Dragon (Yin) or a Tiger (Yang)?
« on: March 25, 2011, 02:46:40 PM »
A fellow Martial Arts friend of mine forward this to me.

The Chinese philosophy of Feng Shui is over 3,000 years old, but still carries weight to this day. At the core of the Feng Shui teachings is the belief that everything in the universe is comprised of complementary equals -- the yin representing female qualities and the yang being the male qualities. The Chinese refer to this as the yin-yang theory. We have night, but we also have day. We have work, but we also have play. It is also called the law of the unity of opposites.

Furthermore, if you are able to calculate and discover which personality type you are, (yin or yang) you can enjoy greater success and happiness in everything from your home and family life to your career.

Take this short quiz below to discover whether you are a dragon (yin) or a tiger (yang) and which careers best suit you.

1. Which season do you prefer?
a. Summer
b. Winter

2. What is your favorite time of day?
a. Morning
b. Evening

3. How do you like to spend your free time?
a. Being active
b. Resting and relaxing

4. How would you describe your personality?
a. Aggressive
b. Passive

5. How do you make decisions?
a. Based on logical, linear thoughts
b. Based on hunches and emotions

6. How are your eyes set on your face?
a. Closely together, deeply set and narrow
b. Wide and far apart

7. How would your cheekbones be described?
a. Strong and pronounced
b. Slight

8. How would you describe your workplace demeanor?
a. Serious and organized
b. Careless of time and cluttered

9. How would you describe your thought process?
a. Rational
b. Use holistic thinking

10. Which is your dominant brain?
a. Left-brain: more structured and logical
b. Right-brain: more creative and free

Scoring: Give yourself 10 points for every A response and 5 points for every B response.

If your score is between 70-100, you have more of a yang (masculine) personality.
If your score is between 50-70, you are predominantly a yin (feminine) personality, but have a significant amount of yang traits as well.
If your score is between 0-50, you are a yin personality.

What is your score?  ;D
If we were all forced to wear a warning label, what would yours say?

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Re: Are You a Dragon (Yin) or a Tiger (Yang)?
« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2011, 02:56:27 PM »
Whew, 75, thank God I'm not gay!

I remember reading a James Bond book by Ian Fleming back when I was around 13 ... I think it was The Man With the Golden Gun, but I can't remember for sure.  Anyway, there was a part in the book where it said that if someone couldn't whistle, they were probably gay ... very weird. 

At the time I couldn't whistle, so I spent the rest of the summer trying to figure out how!  ;)
Hablo espanolo mucho bieno!


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