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Author Topic: Barranquilla tours in May or June  (Read 1250 times)

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Barranquilla tours in May or June
« on: January 02, 2011, 06:08:31 AM »
I want to go to Barranquilla in May or June to attend a tour. I spent a month in Barranquilla at Christmas and I like the city. I've met several Colombianas through the Cupid sites but I've never been on a tour. I'm hoping a tour will be a little more productive than trying to meet just one girl at a time the way I've been doing it. It's very expensive and time consuming to travel to meet just one or two girls only to be disappointed. I think it might actually cost more to go do-it-yourself versus the one time charge of a tour agency.
The tours I'm looking at are, and Have any of you had any recent experience with one of these tour companies? Are there other tour companies I should consider in Barranquilla? What is your overall impression of going with a tour company versus going it one-on-one the way I've been doing it?
Just for the record, I'm 62 and looking for women in the 40+ age range.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2011, 06:11:12 AM by AndyLee »
If you are unhappy change something. Quit your job. Move. Leave your miserable relationship. Stop making excuses. You are in control.

Offline william3rd

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Re: Barranquilla tours in May or June
« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2011, 07:36:58 AM »
The first problem with a tour is that it is very similar to going to a bar or just speed dating. The second problem is that you have no prior history on any of the girls are there. And dont expect to get an accurate history from the tour handlers.

Moving specifically to Love me- they have a long history of manufacturing and distributing pornography in Russia and Costa Rica, they have run dual sex/romance tours, run tours to the PI that are contrary to the laws of that country, and probably have the lowest success rates in the process. Of their actual marriages, I believe that perhaps 10% are still married, if that. I am still in contact with several former clients and some of their former employees as well.

 I have no personal information on the other two agencies that you mention. I think Anastasia is operating in South America as well.
Wild Bill Livingston, Esq.

Offline okiemike

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Re: Barranquilla tours in May or June
« Reply #2 on: January 03, 2011, 07:40:43 PM »
Is Loveme the same outfit as "A Foreign Affair"? Im somewhat considering their tour to Medellin in July.

Re: Barranquilla tours in May or June
« Reply #2 on: January 03, 2011, 07:40:43 PM »

Offline william3rd

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Re: Barranquilla tours in May or June
« Reply #3 on: January 03, 2011, 08:18:58 PM »
It is- along with a couple hundred other aliases.
Wild Bill Livingston, Esq.

Offline okiemike

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Re: Barranquilla tours in May or June
« Reply #4 on: January 03, 2011, 08:42:48 PM »
So, you wouldnt recommend doing their tour? I just dont really want to go down  there alone not knowing anybody and not having the slightest idea of where to go to meet women. I will only have a week so I need to hit the ground running as soon as I get there. I know theres alot of lades for hire but thats not really my thing, not saying I wouldnt do it but just looking for something a little more substantial. A few ladies I can keep in touch with and maybe have someone waiting for me the next time i go. Thanks......Mike

Offline william3rd

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Re: Barranquilla tours in May or June
« Reply #5 on: January 03, 2011, 09:24:50 PM »
READ some of the other threads on this agency. I worked with them for a number of years. They just got more and more scummy as the years rolled on. Porn production, porn distribution, etc. etc. Still am friends with one of  their former tour director, a former office manager, and some folks that used to work with them overseas.

When you go to a social, you get the same girls that you can write to from home-except many of those girls dont want to be in a meat market so they dont go. Even worse, in some countries the socials are totally against the culture and custom of the country. And if a social is against the norms of the country, just what kind of women are there? A russian friend of mine told me that only the "broken women" come- broken in morals, broken in emotion, broken in spirit

I remember watching them drag women off the streets in Vinnitsa- not even agency members- just to get some numbers in the room. Lots of hookers in Russia and Ukraine at the socials. Report the girl, no problem, she is back in circulation on the next tour.

They have run dual purpose tours- combined sex and romance but didnt bother to tell the girls of the dual nature. "Just tell them you are serious" said their sales rep.  Running photos of women who were not even members but looked hot. Shell game.

Turned their old office in Phoenix into a porn studio in just hours after moving to new digs.

And all their girls are "good girls" just ask them!!!!!

Success rate of 10% or even less based on my client contacts over the years. You could do just about as well hitting up a street walker.

You are much better served doing the online / letter writing method and then go meet the one. Speed dating with alcohol just doesnt seem to do it.

Up to you whether you go or not.  You will be better served in trying another method.                                   
Wild Bill Livingston, Esq.


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