well, talked to one of the guys. the girl put the drug in his drink ( he does not drink any alcohol) when he went to the bathroom. he met this girl on colombian cupid. here is what he fowarded to some guys in medellin. he also lives there. so be careful.
"Recently there has been a rash of incidents involving administration of "burunganda" , "axter" or "escopolamina" in the Parque Lleras area of Medellin. At least nine gringos I know have been victimized by this drug, usually by young women who came onto them in a bar or dance club. This stuff renders one unable to act on volition / it induces a zombie-like state and the predators then usually take everything without any resistance. Sometimes the victims appear to be willing participants, allowing the porteros to let the girls leave and sometimes even helping them carry things out.. Several men took the girls to their homes and were subsequently robbed after they had somehow ingested the drug. I have heard that up to 80% of ER admissions in Medellin on weekends are related to burundanga .This substance is atropine and is derived from Nightshade, Belladona or Brugmansia. This plant was very common in Panama when I was living there in Chiriqui, but I heard almost nothing about it being used by criminals to rob, rape or attack in that country. In Colombia it is also called cacao sabanera or borrachera. It is used extensively by young women and men to commit crimes in Medellin (all of Colombia for that matter). Be extremely wary of leaving a drink unattended in a bar, allowing any stranger to get close to you on the pretext of asking you to read something or sniffing samples on perfume etc on the street. Once administered, it will incapacitate the victim. It is an extremely dangerous drug and is used extensively by groups of two to three persons acting in concert. It will induce coma in large doses and can kill. Two of my friends were hospitalized for a couple of days after they had been victimized. Here is a link -
http://www.biopsych iatry.com/ scopolamine/ borrachero. html. Be careful!"