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Author Topic: Not really new to the subject.  (Read 17027 times)

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Offline jay5688

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Re: Not really new to the subject.
« Reply #50 on: January 18, 2009, 08:49:01 AM »
Hey Bcc

You finally got her to let everyone know what she can do ,, if you guys only knew what a good translator she is ,,

I always say good healthy competition is the best for the customer,, it separates the businesses that are only in it for the money,

She has all the pieces around her to start a great agency that is very customer oriented , and never have to provide lodging to anyone , Heck there are so many good hotels in BQ that does such a nice job. Why even try to compete with a hotel anyway. The girls are everywhere and the good people personality she has with everyone in BQ is great to witness in person.

I really know if she would start an agency or guide service which is all you really need, she would do great. As a matter of fact I would like to buy into that business ,,ummm shares for sale thats an idea...

When she walks in almost any business in BQ they know her and like her and really do their best to provide great service to her and her client,, the girls also have mucho respect for her,, so I will leave it up to her where she wants to go from here.... take care Jay
First know yourself then, tell her what you want and expect for any goal you have in life. You may be surprised with the results!!!

Offline sean126

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Re: Not really new to the subject.
« Reply #51 on: January 18, 2009, 09:44:49 AM »
As I've said before in my other thread.  Jamie is very was his intention all along to make people assume that it was Findalatina.  I've got to give him credit...he's very good at putting doubt in people's head and directing that doubt to benefit him while he can pretend to be innocent.  That's what makes him a dishonest conniving agency owner who basically exposed himself with his own words on here.  I will definitely be his worst nightmare on this board. 

As far as Findalatina....I've heard extremely excellent things about her and what services she offers.  Since she doesn't want to officially talk about it yet in the open forum, I will respect her privacy.  I predict that if she sticks with it then International Introductions won't look as appealing, not even close.  I've got high hopes for Findalatina.   

Offline william3rd

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Re: Not really new to the subject.
« Reply #52 on: January 18, 2009, 12:28:46 PM »
Sean- you are already everybody else's worst nightmare on this board . . . .so why single out the latest entrant to the Scumbag Agency Owner Hall of Fame?

Freddy Kruger aint got nothing on you- with that sock stuffed mankini. . . .
Wild Bill Livingston, Esq.

Re: Not really new to the subject.
« Reply #52 on: January 18, 2009, 12:28:46 PM »

Offline sean126

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Re: Not really new to the subject.
« Reply #53 on: January 18, 2009, 12:46:24 PM »
Wow..."everybody's" worst nightmare?  I didn't I know I was a nightmare to everyone....just idiots, dishonest people and dishonest agency owners. I'm sure I drive the staff half nutts at times too.

Actually...talking to a few people, This person seems exceptional with a lot of good services at fair prices.  I'm not against agencies.  I'm not even sure if FL considers it an agency.  If the owner doesn't give into greed and dishonesty then I believe they could provide a service that people want.  The "need" would be their opinion. 

As far as I know and from what I know...FL is alright.  I'd send business their way.  If things change...I will let people know that also, like I did and plan to continue to do about another agency owner.

As an attorney, you know it's unfair to lump all into one category in a given profession.  You have good and bad, dishonest and honest in all professions.   :) ;)

"Everybody's worst nightmare"?.....Really? :(     


Offline bcc_1_2

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Re: Not really new to the subject.
« Reply #54 on: January 18, 2009, 04:06:58 PM »
Hey Bcc

You finally got her to let everyone know what she can do ,, if you guys only knew what a good translator she is ,,

I always say good healthy competition is the best for the customer,, it separates the businesses that are only in it for the money,

Yep just for the record I was never out to get FindaLatina. I just knew I was missing something. From reading the thread in the TR forum... Jamie needs some healthy competition. I sure hope FindaLatina provides that.
« Last Edit: January 18, 2009, 07:07:11 PM by bcc_1_2 »
Retiring in Tela, Honduras is 14,600 days (haha)

Offline Maria

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Re: Not really new to the subject.
« Reply #55 on: January 19, 2009, 07:48:32 AM »
Hello Everyone,

I am grateful for your support Sean , bcc William and others...and for Jay's words towads me.

For the record I want to state that I am not out to destroy I.I. or its owner Jamie. But I will defend myself. I have nothing to hide if anyone needs to learn something about me you can PM me or simply google my name, as I am verywhere, facebook, myspace, youtube, and I even have a blog.

If a person doesn't know what he/she wants, he/she generally doesn't want what they got.

Sometimes we substitute the physical connection, or even the occasional emotional connection, for the real relationship we want to be in.

Offline Jamie

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Re: Not really new to the subject.
« Reply #56 on: February 24, 2009, 10:31:40 AM »
The best agency owner blah blah. But  please do not forget something in this country he is a nobody without the people that work for him. The man does not even speak Spanish and never leaves his house and EVERYONE in this city hates him. But we all have known that.
That’s quite a trick I “never” leave my house but everyone in the city hates me. Of course I can understand why you would hate me; I terminated you for stealing and lying. Not being able to practice your deception has made you angry and bitter. You are a liar and a thief who now tries to make a living my being a small parasite to my business. This will dry out soon and you will face the troubles of a single, over 30, uneducated mom with children who has a long list of enemies by your own accord and seem to enjoy adding to the list. Bad deeds have a tendency to come back at you. Your lack of character and loyalty is going to bite back and it is as you deserve.

He can't not handle competition he thought if I state a former employee anyone will fall in that category. That my friend is not being professional.
That’s funny you are not competition and never will be. Like all dishonest, free lance translators your career will be short-lived you know this and it scares you.
Engage the Exotic - Latin Women

Offline Maria

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Re: Not really new to the subject.
« Reply #57 on: February 24, 2009, 11:48:48 AM »
That's quite a trick I “never” leave my house but everyone in the city hates me.
U right I should have never said do go out but only to shop or dance and maybe now for carnivals, but you never participate in any social events, because you dont have any real friends.. You dont even go out with your employees to sign up girls... Even your in-laws dislike you....
Your Neighbors talk horrible things about you.. every where you go, you are singled out as the bitter gringo. Oh was I not the one who would always put in a good word for you in order  for people to rent to you and to trust you.... You would name me every time like the person in Barranquilla who knew you the most. All other agency owners and I can tell you names would tell me " you are the only translator in Barranquilla who speaks so highly of that AHOLE". Not to mention when you had  the apartment in Prado Mar, everyone turned against you because you would benefit from their building yet you never had the courtesy to show up at any of the manager meetings...If people would really like you, you would not despite Colombians the way you do. FACE IT not even your employees like you, once they see who you really are they never come back to work for you and I can give you a long list.  not to mention that you have ran out of candidates ...The last staff you had, involved more messed up people than I have ever seen in my whole life. Everything from a teenage girl to a drugaddict.

Of course I can understand why you would hate me; I terminated you for stealing and lying.
You never terminated me I decided never to go back to your office. You never asked me if the things that were said about me were true you decided to believe a new driver and your dance partner or is it lover?

Not being able to practice your deception has made you angry and bitter.

I will send you a smiling photo of me I doubt my beautiful face looks bitter or angry ... ;)

You are a liar and a thief who now tries to make a living my being a small parasite to my business.

 Now these accusations are false, you have no prove if it... and you are such a Coward you insist on not answering my question because you know I am right...CABRON

This will dry out soon and you will face the troubles of a single, over 30, uneducated mom with children

Same troubles you took advantage of, knowing that I needed the job you kept pushing my workload. You do not comply with any of employment regulations like Health and social security of any of your employees. But of course we accept it because you pay good...Oh and for not being educated.... I do not have to come here and say why I did not finish my collage...But I am proud of my kids and I work hard for them. If I once choose to be a stay home mom and stopped going to school does not make any less of a woman or a business person, Dude wake up some of us did not  need to go to school to become smart.

who has a long list of enemies by your own accord and seem to enjoy adding to the list.
PLEASE START TO NAME THEM and If I got any I have you to thank for it. By trying to make things work and people respect your business some of your employee started to hate me...But guess what they are not really my enemies they are yours.

Bad deeds have a tendency to come back at you.
Bad deeds man....OK I truly see that you ain't got anything to say about me...I am the type of person who accepts and aids anyone in need help. EVEN YOU..Want me to bust out the list...

Your lack of character and loyalty is going to bite back and it is as you deserve.[/i]
Lack of character if that you mean not facing you earlier and telling you what ASS you are OK you are right...But loyalty dude this comes from the man who would trust every single move a made, took every advise I gave,and trusted your well paying clients with, cuz you trusted me with your life didn't you?...DUDE PLEASE!!!

That's funny you are not competition and never will be. Like all dishonest, free lance translators your career will be short-lived you know this and it scares you.


« Last Edit: February 24, 2009, 06:42:27 PM by FindaLatina »
If a person doesn't know what he/she wants, he/she generally doesn't want what they got.

Sometimes we substitute the physical connection, or even the occasional emotional connection, for the real relationship we want to be in.

Offline catz

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Re: Not really new to the subject.
« Reply #58 on: February 24, 2009, 08:26:02 PM »
Jamie & FindaLatina - Take this garbage off the board. It will not be tolerated here.

Offline Maria

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Re: Not really new to the subject.
« Reply #59 on: February 24, 2009, 09:19:51 PM »
......enemies by your own accord and seem to enjoy adding to the list.

Oh I am sure he will...

If a person doesn't know what he/she wants, he/she generally doesn't want what they got.

Sometimes we substitute the physical connection, or even the occasional emotional connection, for the real relationship we want to be in.

Offline JackSprat

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Re: Not really new to the subject.
« Reply #60 on: February 28, 2010, 04:48:29 PM »
Amazing.  She really tells it like it is. 


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