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Author Topic: Fast AOS Approval  (Read 7257 times)

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Offline bcc_1_2

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Re: Fast AOS Approval
« Reply #25 on: November 25, 2009, 11:52:45 PM »
FT.... 2

bcc... 0

Question for bcc: Why the hell are you so obsessed with Lou Dobbs' penis?? Man, you're weird!

Yes it seems the only thing we have in common is that we can both count to two. I wasn't sure, but you did prove it for me. I don't meet the cliche for going overseas to find a MOB, so in many ways I won't fit in here. I'm actually pretty cool with that.

BTW before you start labeling people weird. Take a look at where you are posting... Planet Love... which your common internet surfer would call a Mail Order Bride forum. To the average person you'd be labeled quite weird and they certainly wouldn't understand you.
« Last Edit: November 26, 2009, 12:00:26 AM by bcc_1_2 »
Retiring in Tela, Honduras is 14,600 days (haha)

Offline michaelb

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Re: Fast AOS Approval
« Reply #26 on: November 26, 2009, 05:04:35 AM »
I don't care about Mr. Dobbs' medical problems, if he even has any. But it seems that people are answering different questions, or maybe better to say the same question but as it applies to distinctly different groups of people.

Group 1:  They wouldn't let me in legally, but I came anyway. Now that I'm here, my compadres and I can commiserate with each other by saying "Yeah, and look how mean the natives treat us."

Group 2: They won't let me in legally, and boy that hacks me off. But if possible, I'll go anyway....when I do, I'll join Group 1, but until then I'll keep saying how mean they are to not let me in.

Group 3: I had to go to a lot of trouble to get permission to come here. It makes me angry that the others came here without going through the same trouble that I did.

Ray (and many other people) are angry about Group 1, and a lot of Spanish language media is targeted at Group 1.

bcc's example is about Group 2.
FT's wife is obviously in Group 3. 

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Re: Fast AOS Approval
« Reply #27 on: November 26, 2009, 09:45:53 AM »
If you are asking me to interpet why the vast majority of them feel that way. The best advice to understand someone else's viewpoints would be to employ empathy. Put yourself in their shoes. Lets say in the United States a family makes 3000 and in Honduras they make 75000 a year. Citizens of Honduras are free to come and go when they like, but only a select few (generally very wealthy) are allowed to go Honduras (with US Citizenship). If you try to get into Honduras without the blessing of Honduras you are labeled an illegal person. Would that possibly make the citizens of the USA, angry, bitter, jealous?

Salutations Bcc,

I must disagree with a part of your reasoning.  You have omitted the fact that in Colombia (and other countries ‘down there’) they also have immigration policies.  It is true that your average Colombian can not remain in the USA, but it is also true as a single man I was not allowed to stay in Colombia indefinitely, without jumping through the Colombian legal system hoops.   My wife was relating something about the Arabs in Barranquilla to the Latins that have immigrated here.  It seems to me that people in S. America also have poor immigrants that are willing to work for pennies while undercutting the native born. Once a person starts thinking of this subject in those terms, they could fully understand how and why a lady who has immigrated here legally might have a problem with all of those who have chosen not to.  
I’d be curious to know more about the Colombian-Arabs, but I was unable to locate any writings of substance on the subject. I was curious if my wife's thoughts were related in fact or fiction.  I do know that Shikira is a Lebanese Colombian and through my years of travel I’ve met other Arabian Colombian ladies that were spectacular looking!  

BTW before you start labeling people weird. Take a look at where you are posting... Planet Love... which your common internet surfer would call a Mail Order Bride forum. To the average person you'd be labeled quite weird and they certainly wouldn't understand you.

Regarding where Ray is posting. It is the same ‘weird’ place where we are all posting.  I don’t know how weird it is though.  I find much of our society at large to be weird and strangely disconnected from what is important.  Do you find most of us weird? What is the ‘cliche’ of your average overseas wife seeker? It seems to me the group is diverse in age, occupation, and skin color.  

EDIT:  I learned a bit more about the Arabs in Colombia.  It is not that they are poor and undercutting physical labor.  It is that they are wealthy and they buy the shops and sell very cheap goods, they are able to undercut the Colombian shops.  Often they are able to obtain false papers to live and do business in Colombia.  This is all according to my Barranquillan wife. 
« Last Edit: November 26, 2009, 11:05:18 AM by fathertime »
09/08 saw morena goddess on Jamie's website
09/08Began writing/webcamming future wife
10/08Visited BAQ to meet future wife
12/08 Visited a second time and got engaged
01/09 Visa Paperwork done(williamIII)
02/09quickvisit BAQ
08/09Wife arrives
09/09Got married
11/10 son born

Re: Fast AOS Approval
« Reply #27 on: November 26, 2009, 09:45:53 AM »

Offline william3rd

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Re: Fast AOS Approval
« Reply #28 on: November 26, 2009, 12:29:54 PM »
since we are talking about the criminal aliens who have invaded our country-

When was the last time that any of them went to a medical doctor for care instead of to an emergency room? Never- cause ya gotta PAY the doctor instead of leeching off the tax payers.

Driver's licenses- oh my, they gotta drive, dont they?. . . forgive them and feel sorry for them for violating our laws because they are just trying to get ahead. ( Have any of you heard about riding  the bus?) Insurance? Forgive them for that, too? Hit and run? Ohhh, they just dont want to get caught because they are trying to get ahead. Let them go. . .wink wink

Dont get me started about criminal activity. . . .  I can talk about that subject for days. I do not see the illegal alien as a benefit because they are usually the dregs of their own country transplanted here to do what they did in their own country-consume the largess of the haves.
« Last Edit: November 26, 2009, 04:02:17 PM by william3rd »
Wild Bill Livingston, Esq.

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Re: Fast AOS Approval
« Reply #29 on: November 26, 2009, 02:17:30 PM »

BTW before you start labeling people weird. Take a look at where you are posting... Planet Love... which your common internet surfer would call a Mail Order Bride forum. To the average person you'd be labeled quite weird and they certainly wouldn't understand you.

Now why should I give a shyt what some ignorant Internet surfer thinks of me for posting here? I am not here to gain approval from morons and idiots who can’t think for themselves.

I wasn’t suggesting that you are weird because of your views, only because you made stupid ignorant comments about some guys genitalia simply because you don’t agree with his politics. How shallow…  ::)

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Re: Fast AOS Approval
« Reply #30 on: November 26, 2009, 02:25:56 PM »

Insurance? Forgive them for that, too? Hit and run? Ohhh, they just dont want to get caught because they are trying to get ahead.

Oh Boy, ain't that the truth!

Just last week some poor stinking little ILLEGAL ALIEN hit my wife's parked car in the parking lot and tried to make a run for it. When she ran out and stopped him, he started his whiny-assed mantra about how he doesn't have a driver's license, doesn't have insurance, please don't call the police...then he took off like the sniveling little coward that these criminals are renowned for.

I'm sick and tired of these stinking ILLEGALS and their leftist facilitators!

Screw the lot of them!!


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