I was a singlefather because my late wife died and not be cause of my opinions Sir king malo. What has the death of my late wife have to do with my opinions. I am very happily remarried to my wonderful and beautiful Peruana.
Why don't you respond to my post above ? Is it because you can't respond to logic ?
P.S. A writer should check for spelling mistakes. Check and see if you can find yours ?" (and proboably still ARE) " .
Since you said in your other post (posted below )that you can't learn anything from us and this website. I ask why are you here since you are the King and know everything ?
singlefather no more
I thought you did not respond to negative post. Now we get the real story, you just do not have time to respond to all the post you get. Good one! I bet you are spending all your time writing a best seller right? Something to do with the single man and Colombian woman maybe?
Anyway with all your claims I have yet to see you really expand on what you did in Colombia, on your Colombian girlfriend. Come on king let us in on your little secret.