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Author Topic: Need advice about Colombian Cupid  (Read 1591 times)

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Offline Quixote9

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Need advice about Colombian Cupid
« on: April 21, 2009, 08:03:02 PM »
Hey All,

Just started using ColombianCupid. I got the platinum membership because, what the heck, it wasn't that much more and they bump your profile to the top of the list when girls are browsing the guys profiles.  So here are some of my questions for people familiar with the site:

1. Is there anyway I can hide my online status?  I am getting bombarded with women clicking on my profile wanting to chat online, but I have trouble managing more than one chat window at a time, plus it kind of makes me feel like a dick to no give one girl my undivided attension.  I also do not want to be rude and decline women's invites to chat, especially if they are someone I would be really interested in chatting with. 

2. Is there anyway to see who is inviting you to chat before you accept there invitation?  80% of the time when I accept an invitation and their photo + profile pops up I can almost immediately tell they are not my type but I feel rude just saying that.  But then I get stuck in these chats where I feel like I am just wasting both of our time.

3. What the heck do you guys talk about with these girls?  I exhaust my topics of conversation pretty quickly and can't see how you can keep their interest in you for weeks/months until you can see them in person.

4. Do you do video chat, voice chat, messenger? Which should I be using?

5. Emailed alot of attractive ladies, got back far more responses from the girls who look like 10s than the girls who look like 8s.  Makes me think that some of these 10s might just be fake profiles and I am probably wasting my time chatting with some scammer.  Of course it may be that the 10s are younger and just more time online responding to more guys. Any advice on how to spot a phony other than waiting a week or month until they start asking for money or something of the wall? 

6. Should I be focusing on girls all in the same city?  I can't visit 10 different cities, seems like I am leading some of these girls on if I say I am coming to Colombia but don't mention I'll be in Barranquilla (for example) and they live in Medellin.

I know a lot of guys swear by Colombian cupid, and I can see why based on the amount of attension I get, but I could really use some advice on how to best utalize it, not waste anyone's time including my own, and be honest and upfront with the women I meet there.

Thanks in advance for any advice :)
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Offline texassingledad

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Re: Need advice about Colombian Cupid
« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2009, 09:14:07 PM »
Hi Quixote9,
   I have the platinum on Colombian Cupid also. Yes it is good but it can also be bad. There is a way to turn it off but I can not walk you thru it. I found it by accident and have seen it a couple of times. I believe it is in the edit your profile section. Here you can turn it off completely or make it show that you are busy while you are on-line. I have done that one a few times. You have to go back and change it when you are done.

   There is no way that I know of to turn the chat box off once you start chatting, just already have yourself set to busy and then you go and pick who to chat with. Because if I remember right when you are set in that mode they can not try to chat with you. What I have been doing now is sending them an email letting them know that I am interested and would like to IM with them on hotmail. Also hotmail has this thing called tbot that will translate instantly what each of you type into the other persons language that you have preselected. This is great for me because I know minimal Spanish yet.

    What I have found is that ALOT of the girls on there are scammers or looking for green cards IMHO. I'm sure they all are not but a majority of them are. Or if they are not they have sent too many Red Flags for me to continue. One girl was "In love" with me and ready to get married ASAP. This was only after a few hours of talking. None ever asked for money but that may be due to me stopping the communication quickly after Red Flags start popping up. One girls sent me nude pictures of her sunbathing. While they did not offend me I was bothered by the fact we had only been chatting for a week. How many other guys had she sent that picture to? Another girl got VERY possessive after the fist day I talked to her. Wanted to know how many other women I had talked to and why was I still talking to other women? I had her and didn't need anyone else.

   I , like you, am concentrating on the Barranquilla area. Was planning on making my first trip there in August. But I have been chatting with 2 woman that seem great. I want to go sooner now to see if there is anything between us and have a chance of a future. Because I would hate to chat for months and then get down there and find there is not a spark between us and I have wasted all that time. Then if there is a spart will keep corresponding and then go down again in late August or mid September and further build what we have and just take it from there. 

   I am no way an expert on any of this. This is just my observations I have made in the short period of time doing this. Good luck to you and if I can ever help just let me know. Or I may be asking your opinion sometime.


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Re: Need advice about Colombian Cupid
« Reply #2 on: April 21, 2009, 09:20:36 PM »
well, i hope you didn't pay more then a 1 month membership, because their service sucks, i have never seen such a slow and buggy website. sometimes it doesn't even work.

their is a place in there that you can hide your profile but i forget where its at, its in your settings i  think

no way to see the photo of the girl who is asking to chat with you
nobody uses the video chat
don't fall in love with the photos,  what you are seeing is " the best" photo they have, 70% that i met looked worse in person
what city? well, you need to pick a city that you want to travel to, and then concentrate on girls in that city,  but does not hurt to talk to other girls in other cities.

cupid is a good place to start.

their is  a new website called  but it is in the beta version and is not being released for another month, but it fixes all the problems that cupid has, and it has  instant  English/Spanish chat, no copy and paste

hope this helps

Re: Need advice about Colombian Cupid
« Reply #2 on: April 21, 2009, 09:20:36 PM »

Offline utopiacowboy

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Re: Need advice about Colombian Cupid
« Reply #3 on: April 21, 2009, 09:49:17 PM »
The 70% may look worse in person but then there's that other 30%. My wife looked better in the web cam than in photos and better in person than on the web cam. And I was hooked after just seeing her photos....good post, Texassingledad! You may not be an expert (who is really?) but you've got your head screwed on, that's for sure.

Offline civilizedchaos

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Re: Need advice about Colombian Cupid
« Reply #4 on: April 24, 2009, 03:31:51 PM »
I used LatinAmericanCupid off and on for over a year. Before my recent trip to Cali I had been chatting with someone who appeared to be everything I was looking for. Several webcam conversations and all good.

When I finally met her, wow, what a disappointment. Zero chemistry and severe PMS (Princess Mentality Syndrome). Plus I realized the photo she had posted must have been at least five yrs. old.

My conclusion: when you're online you see maybe 20% of the real person. So much can be faked and webcam quality is [snip]ty enough to hide major flaws. Of the half dozen girls I met and dated on my trip she was the worst. When I got back I cancelled my online profile. If you want to meet chicas just buy your ticket and go. In person you'll know right away if there's any chemistry. . .



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